Serena Starring Jennifer LawrenceHot on the heels of her tremendous performance in the worldwide phenomenon Hunger Games, Oscar nominated actress Jennifer Lawrence is hard at work on what could be her next smash hit film. Lawrence will star in Serena with The Hangover star Bradley Cooper this spring. Casting calls are going on now for roles of all sizes. Are you ready to act alongside Katniss Everdeen?Based on the highly acclaimed novel by Ron Rash, Serena is a reworking of one of William Shakespeare’s most beloved stories Macbeth. Set in 1929, the film will follow married couple George and Serena Pemberton (Cooper and Lawrence) as they travel to North Carolina to make their fortune in the timber industry. Serena’s drive and ambition make her a very valuable partner for George and proves to reinforce the passionate relationship between the two. Things soon take a turn for the worse as Serena learns that she cannot have children and she slowly begins a descent into madness that threatens to destroy everything that she and George have worked for. This is a wonderfully complex project that will allow Jennifer Lawrence to truly spread her acting wings. Casting callas and auditions are being organized now for roles of all sizes in this much anticipated follow up to The Hunger Games. Leave a comment below if you are interested in this new project and stay tuned for every exciting Serena update.Jennifer Lawrence is fast becoming the most well known and talented actresses in the world and every project that she takes is now a must see event. Serena will be one of the most anticipated movie of the year and instant awards bait. This is your opportunity to be a part of the excitement and fun of a huge feature film starring some of the most talented people in Hollywood as a cast member of Serena.
SamirSamir Khakhar Mobile # : (586) 995-1266Acted in Films, T. V. shows and theatre in Mumbai India over period of 35 Yrs. Some of them are mentioned as follows. TV SHOWS 1. Nukkad – Character: Drunkard [Khopdi] 2. Bandini – Character: Nanaji 3.Sanskarlakshmi – Character: ChandrakantFILMS. 1.Pushpak [silent film] – Character:. alcoholic businessman 2.Guru – Chacter: Friend 3.Insaf Apne Lahuse – Character: road side entertainer 4. Parinda – Charcter: Iqbal Langda. STAGE PLAY 1. Everything in Garden by Edward Albee: Character. Main Lead 2. Offer –Character: Unscroupalous Father who wants his inncocent daughter to be heroin 3. Khoonnas : Character : blackmailing goon. These are some of the works out of many. Age: 62 yrs. Height: 5’ 6” Wt. :240 lbs Hair color: Black Eye color: Black. Citizen : usa Ethnicity: Asian/Indian 0 Reply September 25, 2014
Dawn V. BranchHello,My name is Dawn and I am 40 years of age. However, many people would say I actually look 25 years old. I live in Detroit, MI and would really enjoy being apart of this project. I know you may be wondering why haven’t I taken a chance at trying to branch into the industry at a much younger age. Truth is I had a family to raise an now that my youngest is in his last year of high school I’m ready to do things I enjoyed doing before I started my family. It would be my pleasure to work alongside such talented individuals. Any role would do to start my new journey. I firmly believe I am capable of doing this project if given a chance.color: African American weight: 178 height: 5’2 age: 40 hair color: black eye color: brownDawn 0 Reply September 18, 2014
Ruhsaan JonesHi I’m Ruhsaan I am a big fan of X-Men and Jennifer Lawrence . I’ve read the comics,seen the movies, collected t-shirts,the hats,everything and played the video games. Ms. Lawrence just plays her roles so well,I just have so much to say about her ; it’s like she’s done this all her life,so experience,just good period. I’m from Morgan Hill,Ca close by San Jose,Ca. My dream is to be a actor/model and a writer for plays,movies,and t.v shows. Thank you for your time. Male Age:17 Height:5’10 Weight:145 Hair color: black,almost brown Eye color: dark brown Ethnicity:Black,Irish,and Cherokee Indian 0 Reply September 14, 2014
Aubrey CalappHello, My name is Aubrey Calapp, I am fourteen years old and have about six years of acting, singing, and dancing experience, mostly musicals and theater. I am taking dance classes through the acting academy I attend and am currently cast in an independent film. I have loved preforming arts my whole life and enjoy building up to a career in the arts. I live in northern California and would love to audition for any part in your production. If you are interested I will be happy to send you a resume and head shot via e-mail. Ethnicity: Irish, Welsh, Italian. Height: 5′ 2 Weight: 100 lbs. Skin: Olive/White Hair: Dirty Blonde, Waist-length Eyes: Hazel (Blue/Green/Brown) Thank You, Aubrey Calapp 0 Reply September 3, 2014
William EllisMy name is William Ellis I am from Baton rouge just moved here to Tyler, Texas. I have done a independent film called Tempted. People always stop me anywhere and everywhere they tell me you do movies you do radio. they always say that I have the voice and looks. but mainly my voice.I would love to be in the production, And again thank you. 0 Reply September 2, 2014
Shane ReevesMy name is Shane Reeves I am a 19 year old Caucasian male, I’m 6 feet tall and currently 190 pounds. I’ve just recently started acting and have only had the chance to be in 2 plays and those are the only ones I have auditioned for. I believe I possess some degree of talent for acting and I get great enjoyment out of it I can sing and to a degree dance with help I really enjoy serious types of roles and some that are a bit non conventional type of characters yet I always am open to explore different genres of acting. I am also a huge fan of history and recently became quite interested in the new project of Serena especially the time period. It looks to be a very interesting tale and I would love to be apart of it. I hope to hear back thank you very much. 0 Reply August 19, 2014
LaurenI’m Lauren.Basic Info.: I am 5ft 5, have just below the shoulder-length, dark brown hair, I have bluey-green eyes and a sparkle in my eyes which tells you I’m ready for anything.Hobbies: sport. acting, singing, dancing. mathExtra: after personal experiences I became very shy and would never talk. I used to do many plays and performances and would constantly get told to carry on and to keep it up! Then people happened which stopped me from anything! I thought sport was my calling but it hasn’t taken off yet even though it’s still a strong passion. I decided that if I hid away forever, no-body would see the talent I got told I had and I hope an opportunity like this will bring back my confidence and return me to where I belong! 0 Reply August 16, 2014
jeremiah rodriguezHi I’m Jeremiah Rodriguez and I’ve wanted to be a actor since I was younger, I never did acting classes but there are famous actors and actresses that never took acting classes. But I would love to be in this movie not only because it would be awesome being in a movie with Jennifer Lawrence but to do something in life and maybe do more movies.AGE: 15 yrs old Ethnicity: Hispanic Height: 5’4 Eye color: brown Hair color: brown Body type: slim 0 Reply August 7, 2014
Laura BeckroegeI love the Hunger Games and I have always wanted to be an actress. My friends and I are constantly making movies. Our film company is Evilgeniusfilm company. It can be found on Facebook. On youtube our movies are on the page Jadeica Isabel. I am 13 ( although I have heard anywhere from 13-30. ) I’m 5’8. My eyes are blue. My hair is dark blonde but I currently have a weird red orange dirty blonde kinda thing going on. I am reliable and hard-working. I have heard that I am good at getting into character and I never quit. Thanks for your consideration ! 0 Reply July 30, 2014
Briah Ann KruegerHello Ladies & Gents!I am a very determined eighteen-year-old young lady who is ready to make a mark on camera. I have been involved in choir for eight years, and have been in productions through Theater Arts since the age of seven. Being on stage, or being given a character to portray is what I do best. Some people have Math or Science, some people can rock a Football field or Basketball court, but as for me; I have always felt my confidence soaring on the stage or on camera. If I or my friends and family had to describe me in a single phrase, I believe they would say I am an old soul in a young body. I am in LOVE with everything from Frank Sinatra to The Beatles. I am also a writer of poetry and have had my poems published in four different books.I am 5’3, and weigh about 115 lbs. I have brown hair and brown eyes, and I have a few freckles. I do not wear makeup except for foundation, I do not like to wear other products.I am a small town Wisconsin gal, but my heart-filled dreams are too big for this little place. I look forward to hearing back from you, and I thank you so much for your time and consideration. 0 Reply July 11, 2014
kETIAHey, My name is Ketia Josey. I am interested in ANY role for this movie. I am 24 but i must say i do look 18years of age. I am slender build, 5’10 125. I can speak well in multiple accents, including Shakespearean. I also have taken acting classes, worked with 21 century entertainment, participated in a few plays, so I guess you could say the stage is my HOME. I really interested in becoming a part of the acting/modeling/entertainment world. I WOULD TO BE CONSIDERED FOR THIS MOVIE!!! 0 Reply July 9, 2014
SamanthaHello, I am a University student working my way through school in the DC area who loved acting on stage when in secondary school and wants to return to that passion, but this time in the form of film. Gender: Female Age: 20 Hair: dirty blonde, medium length, straight Eyes: hazel Height: 5’3” Other: alto singing voice, athletic 0 Reply July 7, 2014
Luka KotnikHi ! I’m Luka Kotnik and I’m 13 years old. I’m very interested in this and I love to stand infront of the cameras. I love Jennifer Lawrence. I also dance and I was a world champion last year. If you think if I could be good for this you can contact me on my email or facebookAge : 13 Hair : blond Hight : 147cm Gender : male eyes : blue 0 Reply July 4, 2014
aleigha youngHello lovelys, I’m Aleigha and I would love to be in this movie. even though I don’t know much about it, it seems good. I don’t have much acting practice and such but I was in the school musical friends. age: 13 height: 5’9 hair: blonde, medium length, looks good straight and curly ethnicity: Caucasian eyes: blue/ gray/ green/ they change color talents: singing, acting, dancing, modeling, volleyball, soccer, softball, basketball, majorette, piano, flute, being myself. skin tone: slightly tan but working on it.I would love to be in this movie. and I can’t wait to hear back if y’all pick me! 0 Reply June 30, 2014
Daniel E. MenaHi, my name is Daniel E. Mena i am interested in participating in this beautiful creative movie.i am 14 years of age. my height: 5’9″, i weigh,168 pounds waist size is 33, inseam,30, jacket size medium neck size,16 shoe size 8 1/2I want to be in this incredible piece of art i will love to come out in this movie because i love Jennifer Lawrence she is an amazing actress and will be flattered to act a scene with her, . Thank You 0 Reply June 26, 2014
Christal StokesHi there! My name is Christal Stokes (my real name is Christina but I go by Christal) and I would love to be in this new series. Before I explain why i’ll give some information about myself.Age: 16 almost 17 years old. Birthday: August 11th 1997. Appearance: I have long blonde hair and green eyes. I am around 5’2 and have a curvy build. My acting/singing experiences: Nothing ever big like commericals or movies but I do have a lot of acting and singing experience. I have been singing and acting for my churches since the 3rd grade. Every year my church puts on these live action dramas called Summer Explosion and Hell Night, and every year about 2000-3000 people come. (Check out Countryside Christian Center if you dont believe me) and every year I’ve been apart of it, whether if its voice-overs, lead roles, extras, or stunt doubles for some of the video scenes they’ve done.I cant give you the perfect actress background with a ton of experience, but the one thing I can give youis dedication.Acting has been my life for as long as I can remember. Its pretty much a part of me. When I play a character I don’t just “act” them, I transform into them. I take my characters to heart, and transform myself into them, when i’m on stage or recording, its no longer Christal standing there, its whatever character I am.I’ve always wanted to be a part of ABC and their shows and movies, but until now I’ve never had the financial ability to do so. Now since I have my own job to support myself, I can finally chase my dream while still having money coming in to lean on. I left public high school this year to do virtual school while I chased my acting dream. I hope I finally have a chance to show you guys that I am what you’re looking for, and that I will not let you down.This production would be a great way to open up many doors for me and to allow me to share what i’ve always wanted to do with the world, it would be such an honor to be even considered for this information: phone number 7274229627I hope you guys consider me, thank you 🙂 0 Reply June 22, 2014
Cheyenne LehmanHi, im cheyenne isabel lehman. I Have always wanted to be an actress, but everywhere i go there is a scam and i know for sure that disney is real so im trying at this. Plus my hight would let me play ay one at thses ages because i can play a tall 10 or 11 year old, a perfect 13 or 13 year old, or a slightly small 14 year old. I dont think a 15 year old would work but it might, plus il be 11 in october so ill be even taller!.Name: CheyenneBirthady: 10/17/2003Age: 10Hight: 5ftweight: 103.4 IbsTraits: (Im taking a quiz for these answers bit i will seperat the real answers and the quiz) Qiuz: 1. Smart 2. Creative 3. Shy 4. Genius 5. Underestimated 6. Nice 7. Loving 8. Hopeless romantic 😉 9. Sweet 10. Nervous 11. Lonely 12. Nerdy – not always a bad thing 😉 13. Careful 14. Intelligent 15. Strong – emotionally 16. Ambitious 17. Generous 18. Loving 19. Determined 20. Talented 21. Awkward 22. Cute 23. Under-rated 24. Annoying – not always a bad thing either 25. Ignored Me: 1. stubborn 2. childish 3. sympathetic 3. I know it sound like i am but im the oppisate of cocky, arrogant or proud. 4. Cheeky 5. forgiving 6. prankster 7. loyel 8. lovable (As ive been told) 9. aware. 10. not very trusting AT FIRSTlooks: Dark barown hair with blond highlights, it also has a slight curl wave to it. I also have bangs. My face is oval shape.Sickness: none, also no alergiesSkin: white yet slightly tanStyle: Im ok with wearing anything but my style it eather relaxed or milatary.If you need more info then email me, I hope u pick me, bye! 0 Reply June 21, 2014
Daniel E. MenaHi, my name is Daniel E. Mena i am interested in participating in this beautiful creative movie. my number is 510-731-8740, my email is i am 14 years of age. my height: 5’9″, i weigh,168 pounds waist size is 33, inseam,30, jacket size medium neck size,16 shoe size 8 1/2I want to be in this incredible piece of art, because i love acting. acting for me is life. i have seen all of the movies of Jenifer Lawrence’s movies and will love to come out in this one, another reason why i will love to come out in this movie is because i love Jennifer Lawrence she is an amazing actress and will be flattered to act a scene with her, please call 510-731-8740. Thank You 0 Reply June 18, 2014
yazminI’d love to be apart of serena and meet all the Hollywood actors like jennifer lawrence. I love jennifer I look up to her because she’s her self and she wouldn’t change for any role. I love the fact that she never wants to go on a diet for a role and she’ll say to the director that they can f*ck them self if they say you need to loose weight. I’m 14 years old, I have blonde hair and really blue eyes and i’m about 5 ft 5/6 I think also I’m sporty I’m a good dancer, I go to dance classes every Thursday with a company called udc. There I do street dance and comptempery plus I’m flexible. I’m a fast runner and in the highest group in p.e. i think I’ve got what it takes to become an actress even tho I’ve never been to a acting school but I’ve auditioned for a part of grease at school and I’ve got a lead role. So please make me apart of this film it would mean everything to me. I I really want to be an actress and this could help my career. I’d be the happiest girl in the world so please pick me. 0 Reply June 9, 2014
Camille RountreeI’m Camille Rountree I think this would be a great experience and a lot of fun! Age: 15 Weight: 124 Height: 5″9 Blonde 0 Reply June 6, 2014
Christina MillerHi my name is Christina Miller, Hair:light brown eyes:green-blue weight:80 pounds height:5′-5’1 age:13 I live in California and have a dream of acting. I love to dance act and sing. My dream is to be the next debby ryan or jennifer Lawrence. I an the class clown and have to personality of a happy wild fun and mostly excited young girl. I can pass as various ages. I think you wouldn’t regret having me. I would LOVE an email back for any show or character. Im hard working and dedicated. Infact, my school play auditions aren’t until a year and I practice everyday. Thank you for your consideration. 0 Reply May 13, 2014
Caitlin vanderraaijhi my name is caitlin and i am a huge fan of Jennifer Lawrence and the movie Serena sounds like a really cool film , i have allways wanted to be an actress since i was 5 and i think now is my chance . i would like to take part in this movie i am female, 5.4ft/163 cm and i weight about 40-50 , i am 12 years old and i have been doing drama/acting classes since i was little and last year i played in a show in front of the whole community and different schools and we sold that on dvd and my family have many experiences as well , i think that this would be a great oppurtunity for my dream to come true. i have blond/brown hair color and changing color eyes (blue, green and brown) my skin color is white , i know that im most likely to not get this role but its still worth a try you would make me one of the happiest people alive if i get the rolethank you please keep in touch ~caitlin vanderraaij 0 Reply April 30, 2014
Elai KehlerHello, my name is Elai Kehler I’m 12 years old and I’m a student at Magnolia Science Academy. I enjoy playing sports, reading books and taking theater classes. I’m a huge fan of the Hunger games movies and I would love to be a part of the next one. I feel that this movie can give me the opportunity, to pursued a career in acting.My name: Elai Kehler Age:12 Hair color: Black Eye color: Brown Height: 5’6″ Ethnicity: Mixed (Puerto Rican/ American) Grade: 6th 0 Reply April 29, 2014
jenny wuhi my name is jenny wu i am from Sydney Australia i am a dancer, gymnast and actor. age: 13 weight: 49kg height: 149 cm race: asian eye: brown hair: long, dark, straight shoe: 7 aus or 6 aus some people think that i am mixedi love Jennifer Lawrence 0 Reply April 25, 2014
Kristin MckimMy name is kristin mckim and i have been off and on in the drama club through middle school and high school, i was in one play and had many speaking roles but wasnt a main character. I have been in all the drama classes my school offered and didnmany video projects; always as the main character. I graduated early and am working full time. It would be a great honor to have even the smallest of roles. When i read a book or watch a movie i get into them a little too much. Feeling exactly what the characters feel. Height: 5’4 Ethicity: white Hair : brown Eyes: blue Age: 17; turning 18 in July.Please consider me! -kristin:) 0 Reply April 14, 2014
EsterEyes: Light Brown. Hair: Brown wavy. serves to interpret people: 13-17. Hi my name is Ester, I am Brazilian, and never acted in movies, playing only, hope you’re not looking, just for the beauty of the people, but also for his talent for looking at this view, I may be qualified I’m 14 and I love to act. I am willing to participate in hearings by skype or some marked location. I currently live in Rio de Janeiro, but I’m willing to leave. I’m just waiting for an opportunity. I’ll be waiting for a reply, Thanks! 0 Reply April 5, 2014
TrafenaName: Trafena Laws Born: 20/06/1997 Gender: female Hair colour: blonde Eye colour: blue Height: 5ft9 Build: medium Over the years I have developed an open and willing personality and I have a smart head on my shoulders; keen to learn more. I have participated in many group activities from a young age, proving I can participate well in a social atmosphere, although I also work well as an individual. I have many different sporting skills, I have participated in sports such as tennis, rugby, cricket, archery, karate and I have also competed at a high level in football and horse riding. I have many qualities what could help me to succeed in any aspect of work I do. I have an innate talent and I pride myself in the commitment i take in everything I do. I have good physical skills which I can use to my advantage in many different aspects. I also have many other qualities and skills which include: speaking skills, accountability, a positive attitude, self presentation and time managing skills. my dream is to be in films and I will achieve this with my determination. Although I live in england I am willing to travel the world! 0 Reply March 9, 2014
Melanie MetzgerHi my name is Melanie and I was born on the 4th of July so I truly am a firecracker! I was raised near Nashville, Tennessee so I have an American accent and can really turn on the southern charm if I need to. I recently moved to Vancouver, BC in August of 2013 with my mother. I am 14 years old and have been in dance since I was three years old & cheer since I was five. I was also in (MTCC) Middle Tennessee Children’s Choir for one year and loved it. I am still cheering & also in dance at my current school along with jazz band and I play the alto saxophone. Now that I am in high school this year I enrolled in acting class & loved it. I have always had the itch to act and I know it takes dedication and a huge commitment. I love to sing & dance and being in a role with my favorite actress Jennifer Lawrence would be a dream come true for me! She seems so down to earth and the kind of actress I would strive to be like. (Plus we came from the same area of the USA. I have been to the Six Flags in Louisville, KY many times before they closed it.) I intend on continuing on with dance and am wanting to add acting classes & piano outside of school. I cant thank you enough for your time and consideration. It would be an incredible honor to be on set with Jennifer Lawrence and learn from one of the best! I am passionate about everything I do and would pour every ounce of my energy into this role. Thanks again for considering me!!! 🙂 -Melanie Metzger- 0 Reply March 5, 2014
Laiani CottoHello, my name is Laiani Cotto. I am 17 years old. I was born and raised in Brazil. I moved here when I was 9 years old. I am 5’3, 120 lbs, and have long brown curly hair. I love acting. Please consider me for an audition. Thank you. 0 Reply March 2, 2014
taylar williamsMy name is Taylar Williams. I’m 12 years old with light brown eyes and dirty blonde hair. I’m around 4’11 around 80-9 pounds please please please consider me. 0 Reply March 2, 2014
AndreaI’ve seen a movie similar to this one, at least I think it’s similar…. Hi! My name is Andrea, I’m 18, live in Ohio, and have dreamed of acting for as long as I can remember! I believe I am very talented, one of my really special talents is that I can fake accents. Southern, Irish, British, Australian, and Scottish. Acting, to me, isn’t about the attention. I see it that I get to live a completely different life other than my own. I took classes in high school and performed in the school productions. I do a lot of acting in my spare time as well. My family and friend mention that I am acting different from myself after I had watched a good movie or show, because I become my favorite character. I know I do it and I love to do it because its so much fun! I know this is long but thank you for reading this, I hope you help me in following my dream of being on screen! 0 Reply February 27, 2014
leticia parselsI. Would love to try for a part in this movie.. I am 5″4″ average build black hair green eyes. I can make anything I say beliveable. No real acting expirence but had to tell storiesjust to get the things I needed. I am poor but got what my boys and I needed to get by. Panhandelingis no good way to get things you nneed but sometimes its all you have. In my opinion telling someone you don’t know your car broke down and you got it fixed but had to rent a motel room while. It was getting fixed and the shop pretty much took everything you had to get it out is a act. That’s what I did for a very long time.. I was good at it and probably still am. Haven’t done that in so long. Consider me please. 0 Reply February 27, 2014
ZenaHey I’m zena, 12 years old turning 13 in April and female. I’ve always wanted to start an acting career but I guess I’m not so lucky. I want to have a chance to take part in this movie I’m confident and very very talented. Travel isn’t a problem. It would mean the world to me. I don’t mind a small role. I hope you understand how much i would love this. I wish I can get an email from a agency or casting company. Please please please consider me and contact me by email Thank you very much 0 Reply February 27, 2014
Michelle MurfinHi, my name is Michelle and I would absolutely LOVE to be in this movie, if at all possible. Jennifer Lawrence happens to be the one who inspired me to try to become an actress so being in a movie with her would be beyond anything I ever could have dreamed of. I took a drama class at my school the past 2 years and I fell in love with acting. My family says I’ve always been a drama queen and now I’m finally putting those skills to use! I’m 5’6″ and I’m 13 (I will be 14 in July). I have long, dirty blond hair and green eyes. I know I probably won’t even be able to get an audition, but I think it’s worth it to at least try. Thank you so much for taking to time to read this and hopefully consider an audition. Thanks again, Michelle 0 Reply February 22, 2014
Priscilla HernandezHello, my name is Priscilla. This show is definetly one of my favorites. Im 17 years old, i have many passions, one of them happen to be acting. Give me any role & i will be able to do it. Even if it’s considered a big role, thats fine i love a challenge. I always play around with my friends and family – i pretend to be other people .. it has always fascinated me of playing a role and being someone else, even if its for a short period of time. i believe you can be anything you want & the best way to do that is by ACTING. You can literally be anything.. from a teacher all the way to the president of the United States. 0 Reply February 21, 2014
Tabitha Hedgecoe155cm tallAge 11Brown eyesBlond mid long hairEnglishHello I am Tabitha Hedgecoe, I know you should Pick me because, I am very determined to get where I want to be and to succeed in life. If I were to give you my CV you would see I’ve done a lot of acting, and have a lot of experience. I am not a sheep and go along with the crowd, I make my own decisions. I love fashion and interior design and have a good eye for things like that. On many occasions I have been acting, singing and dancing at Sylvia young theatre school, in London but have jet not been on TV, so I am trying out for things. If you give me a chance , I’ll show you all my best skills and be stable and directable on set. Thank you ! 0 Reply February 19, 2014
hazel kamuriwoHi, my name is Hazel and I am 14 years old. To be honest, being part of this movie would be the most incredible thing that will ever happen to me. Even a small role would make me the happiest girl ever and I will be very proud of myself. Acting has always been something that I enjoyed, Besides the fact that I love being on stage, I discover more about myself and watch as I continue to become more confident. Thats the best thing about it all. Acting is about putting your self in a role, it’s like experiencing another life and putting your self in someone elses shoes. I know that everything good comes from hard work and when it comes to acting I never stop untill its perfect. I’m just that kind of person who doesnt say it’s ok or it’s better everything has to be perfect. I do drama at school and i know quite alot. I am not shy of the camera. When i act i never notice the camera and im always like “did you video that? Acting in this would mean everything to me. <3<3 0 Reply February 17, 2014
Emily RineAge- 14 Gender- Female Hair- Blonde Eyes- Blue Height- 5’0 Weight- 100 Ethnicity – AmericanMy name is Emily Rine. I am 14 years old. I take acting and dance classes at The Academy for Dance and Theatre Arts. I love to sing, dance, and of course act. I always receive parts in all of the local plays. I was in my first play at the age of 8. I am good with accents/dialects. Acting is something that I take very seriously. I hope to become a successful film actress. I am hoping that this role could lead to the beginning of my career. Meryl Streep is someone that I look up to for acting. I would love to be considered. Thanks! 0 Reply February 8, 2014
CandeshaHello my name is Candesha Arrington. I would love to work along side Jennifer Lawrence.. I’ve been watching her since to movie “Winter’s Bone” and she was amazing!! So if you would consider me I would really appreciate it!! I’m not a resident in California, because I live in Mississippi and I’m new to this kind of stuff but I’m willing to give it my all!!! Thanks and have a blessed day!! 0 Reply January 31, 2014
Megan SyerHello! My name is Megan Syer. I am 13 years old (some people tell me I look like I’m 14 or 15). I am 5’7″. I have brown hair and blue eyes with a gold ring and I weigh 120 pounds. I live in Michigan. I really would appreciate it if you let me be a part of this production. I have been in several different theater performances and did dance for four years.Thank you so much for taking the time and reading this. I know you must be busy.Thanks Again! ~Megan 0 Reply January 27, 2014
Nicole CoveyouHello! My name is Nicole Coveyou, I am 14 years old, and 5’11”. I have dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. I am kinda pale right now do to lack of sun but I do tan very easily. I also live in Michigan. Since I am tall for my age I can also play an older role if needed. It would be an honor if you considered me. Please take some time to read this over. Thankyou! 0 Reply January 27, 2014
ChynaI’m Chyna(China) Venegas I’m 13 years old about to turn 14 in may I live in California I’m about 5 foot 3 I’m NOT professinal but I’m a great actress and a dancer. I can NOT sing for the life of me I sound like a dieing walruses. I would give a 100%…. Well I would try to…and would love to work on this movie. So email me if you want!! 0 Reply January 26, 2014
StephanieBirthdate: 03/13/1995 From: Los Angeles, California Height: 5 “3′ Nationality: Salvadoran and Spaniard Skin: white Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown – naturally curly Just like everyone else I am a struggling actresses who is trying to catch a break. I’ve always loved directing and acting and that is what encouraged me to be apart of my news channel at my old high school for two years. I was an anchor for one year and I became an amateur filmmaker my senior year which was a success! My first year I won 2nd place for my movie as well as 3rd place for my music video. My senior year, my movie won 2nd place and my music video won 1st place and the Best in Show award. With those successes, I was featured in the San Gabriel newspaper! I am witty and quirky and an all around hilarious girl. I am loud and spontaneous and can get a group laughing in seconds. I am aggressive, attentive, emotional, and serious when I need to be. I am a fast learner and have experience with directors and being in front of a camera and I am well aware of the long hours and the multiple takes each shot will need. Acting seems like the best route for me because at this point in my life this is what I am destined to pursue. Feel free to email me at: or find me on facebook: Stephanie Melara 0 Reply January 22, 2014
jamie fernandezIm almost 16. 5″2 106 pounds dark brown hair light mexican Brown eyes I would more than happy if i got contacted. Thank you 🙂 0 Reply January 1, 2014
morganhello im morgan id be honard to be in this movie!hair color: medium ,brown eyes: one dark green one brown size: about 4ft9 partly skinny age:eleven i would love to be an actress and appear in movies! 0 Reply December 31, 2013
Gabriel NolanHello! My name is Gabriel (pronounced Gabrielle) Nolan, I’m 14 years old, and I’m in 8th grade. I love acting, and I would love to work with Jennifer Lawrence! I am a huge fan, and it has been my life-long dream to be an actress. I memorize lines easily, and I’ve been in church and school plays since kindergarten.Full Name: Gabriel Nicole Nolan Age + Birthday: 14; December 14, 1999 Height: 5’2 Weight: 78 lbs. Hair Color: Dark Brown Hair (usually mistaken for Black) Eye Color: Hazel/Brown Body Type: Thin Skin Type: Pale/White Additional Features: Glasses Nationality: Korean-American Grades: A’s and B’s Facts: I can read, write, and speak Korean almost as well as English. I play four instruments: the violin, the piano, the guitar, and the recorder. I have lived in Korea for most of my life, and I am currently living in Korea now. I am left-handed. I work really well with kids and animals. Hobbies: Violin, Piano, Guitar, Recorder, Writing, Reading, ElectronicsI really hope to work with you, and I hope you choose me. I have been wanting to be an actress for a long time, no matter what anyone said. 0 Reply December 30, 2013
Arianna JoplynFrom Oklahoma City Oklahoma Female Wt: 165 lbs Ht: 5’8” Hair:Dark Brown Eye: Dark Brown DOB: June 23rd 1998(Age 15) Can play 13-17 CaucasianTHEATRE: Acting 2011/THE FAMILY MAN/PATSY(ROGER) CAHILL/THE STAGE DOOR THEATER 2011/CHEAPER BY THE DOZEN/FRANK GILBERT JR/THE STAGE DOOR THEATER 2013/TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD/MS. STEPHANIE/HARDING FINE ARTSDialects(Irish, English, Cockney, Southern, French, others as needed) Ballroom dancing Languages-English, Some Spanish, Some French 0 Reply December 27, 2013
Joshua ArnoldyMy name is Joshua Arnoldy. I have always been interested in actingand have taken every chance I’ve had to act for the community. I love acting and Jennifer Lawtence is an actress I look up to a lot. My personal information is below.Age: 16 Gender: Male Race: Caucasion Height: 6.3 Hair: Brown 0 Reply December 24, 2013
Alin MaritinezHeight: 5′.0″ Weight: 104 lbs Hair: very long dark brown Eyes: dark brown Body: small / fit / healthyCasting Agents, I am a college student seeking a professional acting career. I am extreamely passionate in the art of acting. I have been acting since I can remember, school plays, at home, I have even worked with IPOP. I believe that I can do it and if given the chance I will gladly demonstrate. Acting is reacting and I will not give up until given the chance to perform. I am a very hard worker and a good person all around. I help out in my community as much as I can. Personal and professional references are available as well as a portfolio. I can also sing, dance, and model (catalog). I am a team player and a good coworker. I am in love with life and everything in it. I will bring life, excitement and character to a given roll. Please email me if interested to you and God bless. Alin Martines 0 Reply December 22, 2013
Erica WojtylkoMy name is of course Erica Wojtylko, I’m 19 years old, white Ht: 5’3″ or 5’4″ Wt: 106Ibs (toned body) Hair: short brown(pixie cut I guess) Eyes: hazel or gray(green or blue sometimes). I wear either Glasses or contacts it doesn’t matter to me(your the boss looking for the right person). I just graduated high school back in May of 2013 and I’m a BMW employee in South Carolina. And yes, I actually build the x5′s and x6′s. I have experience with film and theatre production. Being that I volunteered at a theatre working and building sets for musicals and plays for a few months then I was hired on as an intern student. I’ve also stage managed and help direct some of them. I’ve had several different job experiences within the past 6 years or so. Everything from car mechanic, car dealer, waitress and cook. I’m a well rounded type of girl that is very artistic in a lot of ways. I’m not terrified of getting dirty, doing strange or new things or even acting like or feeling like a fool. I’ve taken two multimedia production classes while in high school. Which involved filming, editing, acting, and script writing. I love to draw and play sports for fun, outgoing, open minded, unique, adventurous, team player, love water, stunts, quick learner, heart of gold, enjoy working at any time and being outside and learning. I’m originally from West Palm Beach, FL but, I am now in Spartanburg,SC. I have the tendency to surprise people and over come a lot of things. I’m looking to better myself and to prove to family and friends that I am someone and not a no one.There is so much more to me than meets the eyes or what you read, sorry for the long message~ Sincerely Yours Truly, Erica Wojtylko 0 Reply December 11, 2013
Kaitlyn PittmanHi, my name is Kaitlyn. I am from a very small town in Michigan, and acting is my passion. It has been a dream of mine to be an actress for as long as I can remember. Every chance I get I’m performing. Local plays or any performances, I’m there. Always. I’ve been constantly searching for a role to play in a good movie, but usually all the good ones don’t have characters that I would for well with, and maybe this could be my lucky shot. My once in a lifetime chance. Just maybe. If there are any roles that I qualify for, please consider me. I won’t let you down.Age – 15 Race – Caucasian Weight – 100 lbs. Hair color – Dark blonde/light brown Eye color – Hazel 0 Reply December 9, 2013
Tia Livingstonreally would love to be in this movie.. I am an absolutely dedicated into acting and I love imaging and I am very serious when It comes to acting. I love being happy and fun. I am very mature, outspoken, outspoken and athletic. I have always wanted to be an actress when I was younger and I started from crying in 5th grade to get a kid in trouble. Age:15 Height:5’9″ Race: Mixed Sex: female Hair colour: auburn Eye colour: brown Body type: athletic (slender and muscular) 0 Reply December 8, 2013
tamika smithHello,I would appreciate the opportunity to audition and/or be an extra in “Serena” with Jennifer Lawrence. We are both Kentuckians and i am at the beginning stages of my acting career. I have been an extra in two different projects so far, Mind Games – an ABC tv series and I Am Produce – a feature film. I am an african american female, 38 years old, 5’4 156 lbs light complexion, long brown hair, brown eyes.Thank you and look forward to getting more information about this.Tamika Smith 0 Reply December 6, 2013
Maureen CoyleMy name is Maureen Coyle, I am 21 years old and I am the person to give this chance to. In those 21 years I have seen, done and gone through the life experiences of about 50 people combined. Challenges have made up most of my life. There is literally a pattern of stains on my linear time-graph, but those stains always, always make me wiser. At about 19 or 20, that wisdom really grabbed ahold of me and forced me into the darkest part of my soul. I had to go there to get to where I am today. There is a passion inside of me that is so new and exciting and powerful and it is leading me to all the right places. So, my objective is to be able to focus all that I have on a career I will love. I’m sure there are countless numbers of comments just like this one that are read and soon after forgotten, but I don’t ever want to be forgotten. I refuse to be pushed into the shadows, when I know that I have a light within me that is meant to be seen. This light is my passion. I have a gusto for life’s experiences that allows me to take every opportunity and make something beautiful and worthwhile out of it. It gives me drive, motivation, perseverance and the ability to know myself well enough to have the confidence for a movie like this. I am already comfortable behind the camera, but have no fear of jumping into new situations. I take direction well, am a team player and am a very fast learner. I take pride in my work ethic and am not your typical 21 year old. Sure, I have fun, but my responsibilities come first and that’s how I have come so far. This opportunity would open up so many doors that I would be able to hop, skip and jump into. Why forget my name, this e-mail, when I know I could be valuable asset to this team? I know actions speak louder than words, so please let me prove myself in person and come out from behind this screen. My email is or and my number is 612-968-6970. I hope to hear from you (whoever you are) soon. 0 Reply November 20, 2013
Elizabeth RodriguezHi my names Elizabeth Rodriguez and i love Shakes spears i am so glad someone is making this into a movie and Jennifer Lawrence will be staring in it so you know it will be a hit. I want to say that i would love to be in the production i have always dreamed on being know for my ability to give characters my own twist to them to make them feel more real to me and get the audience attention. I am 15 years old 5 foot 6 in. i play the violin and the cello and i do Gymnastics. Thank you so much. 0 Reply November 10, 2013
Callie McLaughlinHi I’m Callie, I would do anything to get any part. I take acting seriously and want to pursue it as a career. I’m very creative, and I’m in a couple theatre classes. I have auditioned for the xfactor too so I know what auditions are like. I am athletic, artistic, and creative. I love acting and will take any character or part. eyes: blue grey hair: Brown with a little bit of blonde at the bottom height: 5’4 age:17 weight:130 0 Reply November 4, 2013
Chunhong YoungHello everyone!I am a 16 years old girl from China.My name is Chunhong Young.When I was a little girl,I have already fell in love with the Disney cartoons,it was cute and interesting.When I was 10 years old,I played a part in my school play.And I was considered as the best actress.And my hobby is reading and seeing the movies.Actually my favourite actress is Vivien Leigh.She is awesome!My dream is to be an actress.And I am really good at dancing.Especially the Chinese dance.I believe that I will never disappoint you.Because I sure that I am a beautiful girl.I have black hair and grey eyes. I promise I will be the hardest and firmest girl!Can I send you a video of Chinese dance?And introduce myself in this video?Please just give me a chance and let me prove it.I will do my best.please.It is so important to me and I don’t know how to describe it.Thanks a lot. Chunhong Young 0 Reply October 29, 2013
KaylinMy name is Kaylin, I’m 15 years old. Height: 5’6ish Hair Color: Dark brown Skin: white Weight: 150 Eyes: Blue/GreenI love acting, It’s fun and a great way to enjoy life to It’s fullest. Please contact me for more info like pictures, etc. 0 Reply October 26, 2013
Ryan Jordan ReedCurrent Number: 770-351-2899Age: 19Current Residence: Buchead (Atlanta)Name: Ryan Jordan ReedEthnicity: Barbados/ Costa RicanRace: IslanderHeight: 6ft 1inWeight: 189 lbsHair Type: curleyHair color: Dark BlackEye Color: brownish/GreySkin Tone: Redish TanBody Type: AthleticCurrent Occupation: Model/ActorBackround: I both model & act and currently just finished a role in a short fim called “Behind the Chair” which has me starring as a man by the name of Troy Davis who is a cocky and smooth street drug dealer/ pimp who is known for being very calm but underline crazy. 0 Reply October 22, 2013
ShirleyHi my names Shirley. I’m a curly headed mixed race sixteen year old with. I’ve always dreamed to be an actress, especially on The Disney Channel. I’ve had experience acting (i.e. school performances) but nothing as major as this and have been singing since forever. I’m currently modelling, but I can dance sing and act. I’ve always love the concept of The Hunger Games, and was obsessed with the first film I would be so honored to be play a part in it. I would like to audition, one because I think I could bring so much to the team enthusiasm, fresh talent and more importantly a person who can take direction and secondly opportunities like this don’t come round often and all I want is a chance. Everyone has to start from somewhere. Please contact me via email; Kind Regards Shirley 0 Reply October 15, 2013
Rachel HeywoodMy name is Rachel 30 years old from New Zealand, Christchurch. Would love an audition for a part in Hunger Games.Sincerely, Rachelheight: 174cm eyes: blue grey Hair: dark blonde, curly weight: 65kg skin: white/pale 0 Reply October 2, 2013
Deena wHow do I get you to choose me from so many applications without a photo or audition? ………You must believe that I am a committed, hardworking, strong, and passionate actress as well as musician. I have been active in acting for my entire life and have acted, sang, and danced in more than 50 shows in my lifetime!. I was raised not to seek dreams of acting but to focus in my education and I have persued my dreams in education and become very successful as a trauma nurse and a doctor of naturopathy. Once I achieved these successes I thought the desire to persue my “professional” acting career would go away. I was blessed enough to have a committed acting teacher who gave his life to the thestre and convinced me that I should give all i can to my art and never give up! In fact this amazing teacher, actor, theatre king……fell to his death while adjusting thenlights for one of the shows in was in. I was a horrible and tragic end to an amazing performer, BUT, his commitment and encouragement has made me ready and more committed now than ever to dive into This show. You do not have to ask me twice to get the job done.No role is too great or too small for me to accept and give it my all! If you want someone who will show up, do fantastic, and work well and hard with others then I AM YOU CHOICE!Jennifer is a prime example of someone who came into films and blew everyone away on her first try! well I am ready to do the same… her side….completely!This show seems like it has weaved into such an amazing story line that I would love to be a part of it as an experienced actress. I come alive in front of a camera and in stage and believe I can bring that to this production! Drama drama drama is what I love and I can and will be an amazing asset to Jennifer in this exciting tale.I could pass as a sister to Jennifer Lawrence!I am 5’5′, have green eyes, athletic build, 140 weight, have long blonde/brown hairI look forward to hearing from you to have the opportunity to audition and be a part of this show!Deena Wrieden 0 Reply September 18, 2013
KendallMy name is Kendall, I’m 18. I’m a natural strawberry blond with elbow length hair, (although that comes with pale as the moon skin, sorry.) I’m 5’7, skinny but not very athletic just sort of skinny (relatively?)I can’t really dance, but I will try to anyway. I’m an avid reader and an ever more avid dreamer.I’ve had a pretty negative life (but hasn’t’ everyone?) but I am happy to say that I use that in a positive way by utilizing that in my writing, my painting and acting.I’ve always had a secret wish to be an actress, but I never really indulged that wish beyond school plays. I’ve decided just to go for it. No one is going to give me an opportunity so I’m just going to take my chances. 0 Reply September 12, 2013
Nick PrelajHi there my name is nick I am a professional. Actor I have been taking acting classes for over two years I speak Albanian: Italian :and some Macedonian ( Hair brown) (eyes brown) (gender white)(height 6’4) 0 Reply September 12, 2013
LisaHello! My name is Lisa and I am 15years old from Norway! My height is 157cm On my freetime I sing, and train Karate.Playing in a movie with Jennifer must be a dream come true! I would be so grateful if you choose me and I truly hope you contact me because you will not regret!I have not so much experience with acting.. But I have performed a lot in school with singing and some small acts. But I always wanted to try acting and I am a fast learner and excited for new things!!! And I want to reach my goal by working hard for what I want. I always want to become an actor to show all the people who bullied me in school, that I am worth something, and by that I mean working hard to reach my goals. 0 Reply September 8, 2013
RominaMy name is Romina I love to sing act and dance and so much more! 🙂 I am ten years old, short brown hair and brown eyes. I have experience and I live California! 0 Reply September 7, 2013
Fedhi BenattouHelloI’m Fedhi Benattou , 26 years old , I’m a student to the University and I’m a Fashion/swimwear model , I LOVE SO MUCH ACTING TOO !!! Modeling/acting are not a hobby for me but two REAL GOALS IN MY LIFE !!! I’m a pleasant an understanding person , I like to meet new people . I saw the first HUNGER GAMES movie and I can tell that I lovedit very much !!! VERY GOOD STORY !!!! I would be HONORED to be apart of this amazing movie .My stats: Age : 26 Height : 180 cm Poids : 71 kg Chest: 93 cm Waist : 81 cm Hips : 93 cm inseam : 84 cm hair : very long dark brown and curly eyes : naturally brown but I often wear color lens.My skills : I’m a Karateka , a gymnast , a tennis player , a basket ball player , a swimmer , a runner .Don’t hesitate to contact me for some others informations .Fondly ,Fedhi B . 0 Reply September 4, 2013
Poppy MillsGood afternoon!My name is Poppy Mills and I am a 16 year old singer and actress from the United Kingdom. I have a strong British accent but I can act with a general American accent. My playing age is 15-20. I was wondering if you had any auditions for your upcoming film that I would possibly suit? Height- 5’6 Hair- Dark brown Eyes- HazelAll the best, Poppy Mills 0 Reply September 2, 2013
Mayte MoralesMy name is Mayte Morales. i always want to be an actress. hair: dark brown eye: dark brown ethncity: hispanic age:18 height 5’0 i am willing to work hard and do extra time. i am willing to sacrifice my life for acting. i I love Jennifer Lawrence from hunger games i would love to work with her and befriend with her. She will love me. I am hoping i can make it to be part of the movie 0 Reply August 28, 2013
Mayte MoralesMy name is Mayte Morales. i always want to be an actress. hair: dark brown eye: dark brown ethncity: hispanic age:18 height 5’0 i am willing to work hard and do extra time. i am willing to sacrifice my life for acting. i I love Jennifer Lawrence from hunger games i would love to work with her and befriend with her. She will love me. I am hoping i can make it to be part of the movie.i would hear to hear from you 🙂 0 Reply August 27, 2013
Mayte MoralesMy name is Mayte Morales. i always want to be an actress. hair: dark brown eye: dark brown ethncity: hispanic age:18 height 5’0 i am willing to work hard and do extra time. i am willing to sacrifice my life for acting. i I love Jennifer Lawrence from hunger games i would love to work with her and befriend with her. She will love me. I am hoping i can make it to be part of the movie. 🙂 contact me through email: 0 Reply August 27, 2013
Julia Kwiecieni think you should pick me because ive always been watching victorious and ive always wanted to be one of them,ive tried everywhere from Disney Channel to HBO but no one’s giving me the chance to chance my life. Ever since i was small i always wanted to be seen,it never mattered where just how. im really hoping to get a chance from you guys. About me.. Age:13-14 height:156cm weight:47kg hair:brown/blonde (ombre) eyes:bluey green talents/hobbys:singing,acting,dancing,showing that im myself. hope to hear from you soon.(ASAP) thx julia 0 Reply August 26, 2013
Meagan VeldmanHi! My name is Meagan Veldman I m 16 years old and live in small town Michigan. Performing has been a passion of mine for as long as I can remember and “Serena” sounds like an amazing movie that I would love to be part of. Historical films, books, anything really are my favorite because you really have to take the time to research and learn how people were back then. It would defiantly be a challenge, and I love a challenge. I may not have the experience that others have but I am very determined and ambitious. I put my heart and soul into everything I do including characters I play; I don’t just play a character I become them. It would be such an incredible honor to work on this film; thank you for your time and consideration.~Meagan xx 0 Reply August 24, 2013
Evelyn SotoDate of Birth: 08.08.00 Hair Color: Dark Brown Eye Color: Brown Height: 5.3I am 13 and I would love to become an actress an appeare in movies (-: 0 Reply August 21, 2013