Killer Karaoke - TruTV

Killer Karaoke – TruTV

TruTV has taken one of the world’s favorite pastimes to an unbelievable new level and now the search is on for an all new batch of contestants for Killer Karaoke. Casting calls for brave and talented aspiring singers to compete on the wildest singing competition show on television are happening soon and submissions are being accepted now for the show that has turned karaoke on it’s head and changed reality TV forever.

Killer Karaoke is part American Idol, part Wipeout, part Fear Factor and ALL fun! Hosted by Mark McGrath, the uber charismatic TV presenter and lead singer of the multi-platinum rock band Sugar Ray, this one of a kind talent show takes six contestants and challenges them to sing their favorite songs while enduring some of the most outrageous physical challenges ever put on television for the right to the Killer Karaoke title and huge cash prizes. Round by round these up and coming singers must perform while being dipped in cold water filled with snakes, bitten by guard dogs and electrically shocked  There truly are no rules when it comes to Killer Karaoke except one – no matter what happens the contestants can never stop singing  This is the chance for performers of all ages to compete in front of millions of viewers on the most incredible singing game show of all time. Auditions for new fearless musical participants are happening soon and submissions are being accepted today. To apply for all new episodes of TruTV’s latest monster hit you can head here or here  We will post all casting updates as they become available so stay tuned and be sure to leave a comment in the space provided telling us why you should be the next person chosen for Killer Karaoke.

Do you love to sing? Do you consider yourself fearless? Now is your chance to show the world you have what it takes to sing your way to the craziest singing championship in history. Apply today to become the next winner of Killer Karaoke.

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301 Casting Responses

  1. Ashley Young

    Name: Ashley Young
    Gender: Female
    Age: 20
    Height: 5′ 0″
    Weight: 125lb
    Hair Color: Brown
    Eye Color: Blue Hazel
    Location: Monroe GA

    Hello My name is Ashley, I am a mother of three, and music has been what clears the dust from my soul from the time I was a child. I learned how to read by singing karaoke, I have always used music to cope with any problem I have come to face. I am ready to face the audience and judges to let my story be spoken to help lighten spirits and bring joy and music to the world. Please, consider me. Thank you

  2. Bugsianta Williams

    Hi, my name is Bugsianta Williams everyone calls me hidji. I think you should consider me for this show because singing is my passion it’s something I love to do. At one point I thought I wouldn’t be able to sing anymore due to my last open heart surgery but I pushed myself and now that I have the second chance I am willing to do whatever it takes to make my dream come true.

  3. Bre'Shey Johnson

    Hi, My name is Breshey and I am 21 and just love this show watched every episode and I always wanted to be on the show to show my talent of singing

  4. Makiyah English

    I love singing it’s my passion , and I’m a dare devil HELLO! This is the best combo for me everr! I’m 15 years old and I’m a very athletic teenager I play basketBall and Lacrosse two pretty physical sports. I have been singing since I can remember and I’m not a shy person at all ! I think I would be absolutely perfect for this contest it seems like a lot of fun !

  5. jim

    i have been singing in in night clubs bars for io years i sing queensrrqe heavy metal singer very loud screamer used to sing with a band in colorado called rising phoneix

  6. Melannie Colon

    Im 23 and I am not the best singer in the world but I love lyrics and Karaoke and I love a challenge. I can handle anything you guys throw at me.

  7. Syerra mckethern

    Haaaay ! I’m syerra, I LOVE LOVE absolutely LOVE this show. I watch every episode, it’s hilarious ! It would so make my life if I could participate on your show, I love singing but I sound like a dying whale. & I get scared easily, but I love being scared ! Lol a lot of people say I’m really corkie but, that’s just me. Please pick me, I really want to go on this show, please! Make my life.

  8. joseph smith

    A show like this surely is looking for great singers with great personality, full of life, and filled with fun. I am also serious about my LOVE for music and singing! I have a very positive outlook for my music career and have the drive and dedication that can only force me to succeed. I am ready! I just hope the world is ready for me!

    Thank You
    JoJo/ Atlanta, Ga

    My Youtube: ayeyojojo

  9. kimberly woodfolk aka k.woods

    i believe you guys should consider me just off the strength of me being really AMAZING! i would not disappoint at all. i have been singing since i have been able to talk. i honestly feel like God put me on this earth to do one thing and thats SING! i have experience ranging from background vocals in movies as well as being featured on artists albums. i just want MY big break. im always in someone elses spotlight and i feel like its my time to shine. PLEASE GIVE ME THIS OPPORTUNITY NOT JUST FOR ME BUT FOR EVERYONE WHO IS DEPRIVED OF HEARING ME TOUCH THEIR HEARTS. THANK YOU!

  10. Aly Marquez

    The show is so great! I watch it all the time 🙂 I love singing and I think I’d be a good addition to the show. I’m 18, live in LA, and am always up for a chance to karaoke it out.

  11. Danielle Barclay

    Hi my name is Danielle Barclay ive been a singer since the age of 2 singing with my mother across town growing up ive been in choir,show choir,honor choir , teen church choir , adult church choir, and church honor choir. i have sung for many different venues ranging from quiet get togethers to rock concerts. i music range is anywhere from a tenor to a soprano .my genres are pop R&B soul, rock . my musical influences are Mariah Carey ,Whitney Huston , Adel, Janet/Micheal Jackson ,Kristina perri, Katy Perry,Amy Winehouse , Aretha Franklin (old skool) check me out at…
    hope to here back from you soon.

    Danielle M. Barclay

  12. Chelsea Mann

    As a music lover, I have always taken karaoke seriously. Since I’m able to adopt a diverse range of vocal styles, it’s always fun to see heads turn my way when I begin singing exactly like the original artist. My website is

  13. Sandra

    Hi, my name is Sandra Ali
    I would like to be a contestant on Killarney karaoke because my friends and family think that I’m a good singer. Here is some information about me:
    Gender: Female
    Age: 9
    Date of Birth: August 20 2004
    Eye colour: Brown
    Hair colour: Dark brown
    Experience: I have been in 2 class plays, one as the lead role and another as just a supporting character
    Siblings: I have a 7 year old sister and 17 year old brother
    Likes: Reading,swimming
    Talents: singing,acting
    Personality traits: talkative,bookworm
    Please contact me by my email if you need a photo or if I got the part.
    Hope to hear from you soon,

    Sandra Ali

  14. Isabella

    I love music it’s my get away in rough situations. When I sing I feel unstoppable. I haven’t had a chance to do much singing for actual people, except when I was in my school play called Captain Louie Jr. If I had this chance to sing i would greatly appreciate it. There are great singers in my school and there I feel like I don’t have some of the same opportunities as everyone else. My voice isn’t heard.

  15. Candy Stanley

    I’m candy. I’m 16 and I’m not the best singer but I love to do it for fun. I think going in this show would help me open up.

  16. Qaadir Abdullah

    I love the show and I think I’ll be an excellent addition to the show and Im very entertaining an outgoing, love to have fun! 🙂

  17. D'Khari Lyons

    The reason why I would be best because I watch every single season since it went on air I’m a good singer & I like doing crazy things lol yes I know I sound crazy & very energize & I loveeeeee moneyyyyyyy lol I would have the crowd dying laughing at me cause I’m goofy but I will win ! I will not take no for a answer & I love thisshow & i don’t have much too say but I’d rather prove it than talk yaknooo soo please let me show what I got

  18. Jimmie Bush

    My name is Jimmie and i am 23 I will let my music speak for it’s self. go to soundcloud and type in Jimmie5. Thx.

  19. Elissa Maes

    I am an excellent singer but also very afraid of many things, including sharks, alligators, clowns, snakes, spiders, rats and mice, ferrets, raccoons, squirrels, insects, heights, and balls of hair (ewww!!). I think it would be very entertaining to have me try not to freak out while belting out some great tunes! I would probably still rock the song out! I’m sassy and fierce so that will show when I am cringing and singing!

  20. Felicia


  21. Antonio alicea

    I’m a huge fan of jackass and steve-o. I can’t sing and I’m sure my reactions would be the best

  22. karimah Diaz

    im karimah and we all know that filipinos lololove karaoke, and i am one of then.. i love karaoke so count me in! i even memorized the numbers listed in karaoke machines lol!!

  23. dan gleason

    i think i would be good for this show cuz i can definetly deal with the snake n spiders n all the creepy crawlers like fear factor and never crack. but if you had a bunch of fat bitches come and grind on me like you do the girl with big dudes i would just crumble and disinegrate!

  24. Tiffany Fowler

    I’m a karaoke junkie! I think being on this show would be so much fun!!! I love making people laugh and I’m terrified of a bunch of the things yll have on the show. So I believe you could have a good time watching me make a fool of myself!!!(:

  25. sabrina

    i would love to be a contestant on this show because I am all about having fun and making sure the crowd is having a good laugh. i would NOT forget to sing and persevere under the pressure of the challenges. i show good sportsmanship and I;m about having a good time. i really want to do this , I would bring a great , fun energy to the show ! PICK ME !!!

  26. Dmitri Basenko

    I would love to show the people that singing can make any fear and any challenge alot easier. It just might take louder singing to accomplish that, depending on the situation! I, personally am a metalhead, and I’ve been to many moshpits… I think I can take what you got, Steve-O! Bring it on!

  27. sheena Albury

    I know i would be AWESOME because i can.get the crowd involved and keep them entertained regardless of any situation I’m in. I LIVE for Thursdays when I’m able to sing my heart out with all the wrong keys of Barry Whites “Practice what you preach”. Win or LOSE it all about the FUN AND DON’T STOP SINGING!!!

  28. Karen Thomas

    Because Im Awesome Steve…… Im really good at singing and again…. Im Awesome!!!!

  29. Sarah

    My boyfriend just said to me…babe you would be SO good on this show as we were watching.. I LOVE to sing and I stay cool under pressure! Bring it on!!

  30. Ashley Williams

    I would love to be on this show because for one I LOVE to sing and I’m a lot of fun. I’m easy going and I love the show. I’m willing to go all out and do what it takes to win.

  31. Sue Somes

    I think it would be so exciting to be on this show. I have been singing since I was a child. I have participated (and won a few) in several karaoke contests, including going to Laughlin, NV as a finalist in a national karaoke contest. I sing at home, at work, at the gym, I guess it’s in my blood. Time to add some new challenges to it with the trials on your show. My friends all tell me I should go on “The Voice” or ‘ American Idol” but I think I will leave that to the younger generation. I’m 47 but can still turn a lot of heads! I would really love the opportunity to give this a go.

  32. Felicia Allen

    I would be a great contestant,very outspoken very friendly and crazy I know alot of music most people say i have a jukebox in my head because i know so many different songs from the great oldies until today I have dreamed of becoming a contestant.I would have the crowd cracking up many viewers and friends would agree choose me…

  33. Jessica

    I will rock that house with my karaoke skills like no other! …lol my name is Jess im 30 from Massachusetts and if your looking for someone to get that crowd going and pumped I am the girl for you. Ready to get that show tons of viewers then you gotta get me on there! So ill be waiting to hear soon when ill be on 😉

  34. Benjamin Crisp

    I have been a KJ/DJ for 15 years. I love playing to a crowd and am very energetic. I love to sing and have been doing so since I was a todler. I can’t say that the obsticals on your show aren’t nerve racking and I am sure being presented with them would prove difficult to perform but it looks like a blast and I would love to be a part of it. Lets all celebrate and have a good time!

  35. Carina garcia

    Ive senn this show I loved it and would love to be on I im13 years olds

  36. carla

    Hi I’m Carla and my friend here is Wynette. Singing is our passion. And when we sing we sing from the heart. We love what we do so please give us a try and let us sing for the world. God put us here to sing…praises..

  37. Scott Dyer

    Not only do I love karaoke but I’m not afraid of anything no matter what ur show would throw at me I’m gonna make it through I can do anything for a little bit especially while doing something I love and from what I heard I’m good at so please give me a shot and u will not be dissapointed

  38. Jacayla Toson

    Hey TruTV want a daring, cute, and fun-loving gal with a beautiful voice? Well, look no further, your lady’s right here! I absolutely, positively loooove karaoke. I normally go at one of the bars in my area, like every week. It ends very late, but I go anyway because I enjoy singing karaoke so much. I have a nice voice with a personality to match. Most of my friends and family are always talking about how I should be on tv. I think killer karaoke will provide me with just the opportunity to participate in the ultimate karaoke competition, it would be a dream, and I think my students would get a kick out of watching crazy things happen to me.

  39. stepen ginden

    steveie g here callin out all karaoke freaks to try out im goin to get down there some day and when i do im goin to put my singing to the test .Have been singing for a long time but have not hit the big time yet. I know i would do a great job one of my speciltys is blackbetty by ramjam band can you do it well i can . Whoa blackbetty bama lam o blacklbetty bama lam soon .

  40. Ben Lewis

    Killer Karaoke is my destiny.

    My name is Ben, and I live in Brooklyn. Karaoke sustains me. It is my lifeblood. At the moment, I attend several karaoke nights a week. Every time, the audience responds to my work dramatically, dynamically, enthusiastically. I don’t just dabble in karaoke. I am karaoke. I sing karaoke, therefore I am.

    Trust me. You want me on your show. I can tolerate any obstacle you throw at me, and I can sing my heart out while I’m doing it. Plus, I have long luscious hair.

    I am Ben. I am karaoke.

  41. Dorcas

    Hello!!!.my name is Dorcas I’m 34, I would love to be a contestant
    I love crazy and daring things.Doing all that while singing yea baby I’m down This Would be so awesome I have 4 kiddos they.. would be so shocked if there mother was on a T V show singing. You never kno..

  42. Dorcas

    Hello!!!.my name For Dorcas I’m 34, I would love to be a contestant
    I love crazy and daring things.Doing all that while singing yea baby I’m down This Would be so awesome I have 4 kiddos they.. would be so shocked if there mother was on a T V show singing. You never kno..

  43. Clara Dwyer

    Hello my name is Clara I’m 20 years young I have a fear of looking like a idot infront of a large body of people there for every fiber in my being will try very hard to succeed plus I love to sing I’ll be honest I’m just a regular avarge woman who works on s cupcake shop in fairly confident I can win this show in that case if your looking for someone who will mess up alot in not your girl

  44. Jose Cervantes

    Horrible voice but love to sing!!!!!
    Saw the show and thats where i belong!!

  45. antonio

    hi my name is tony im 14 years old about to be 15 in july i love to sing ive won many talent shows and im a very chanlengable person i wold love to be in this show and i think ill be able to pass all the challenges while singing i mean if i can scrub my ut and wash my body in the shower while singing why not this hahah lol but foreals i can do it email
    weight 150lbs
    hight 5’8
    very athletic

  46. Joshua hood

    Omg I would love to be on killer karoke
    I’ve done American idol!! Give me the mic,and
    Other shows,would love to do one more show!
    I think I can do it …

  47. Billy

    i would love to be on killer karaoke because i believe i can get through all of your challenges while singing! i love being spontaneous and having fun!

  48. Megan Marchand

    I used to be queen of kareoke back home. Old Bill ran kareoke at 3 local bars and he would always place his song directory on my table because he was sure I could get the party started with my rendition of Save a Horse Ride a Cowboy by Big n Rich.
    Im also pretty fearless. Not much scares me at all. I can deal with slime, sweat and creepy crawlies, I love singing enough make it to the end. It would be interesting to see if the producers can find something that can make me break.

  49. Sonya Knapinsky

    I would love to be considered for Killer Karaoke. I love to sing karaoke… The cheesier the song the better. I have been told I am a walking jukebox of song lyrics and overall music knowledge. I am down to be mildly tortured while singing my favorite songs. I’ve had a crush on Mark McGrath since 1997 and would love to meet him! Thanks for considering me!

  50. Dominique Hockett

    I love!!!!!! to sing!!!! it’s my favorite thing to do. it’s part of who I am. I enjoy doing athletic obstacles. I know that I have the vocals, guts, and physical attributes for the task at hand. I know I will wow the audience. I know you’ll love me . it will be your best choice yet

  51. victoria sarlo

    I would be the best choice to go on killer karaoke because I’m a blast! I am never afraid to be my goofy outgoing self in front of anyone and I love entertaining people and making them laugh. I’ve also been singing for a decent amount of time and would like to finally show off what I got! I’d be really excited if you picked me

  52. Rebecca Raisman

    I love to sing karaoke and entertain people. Whenever there is karaoke I’m there and I’ve been in karaoke contests and I loved it. I love to try new things and this would be so much fun.

  53. Vincent

    Singing is not my life. Astonishing people is my life and yes sometimes I use singing to facilitate that astonishment. What I’m saying is I want on that show. I once sang the entirety of The Rocky Horror Show (all characters) while being hunted by some dude who thought we were living out The Most Dangerous Game. Yes I clearly survived and no there was no cash prize but it did inspire me to learn the “Hip-Hop Heimlich” which is like a weird dance-based self-applied first aid move that ejects bullets from your chest cavity/cranium. Fiddy invented it.

  54. Sandy Carson

    Hi, I would be great on this show just being myself, a kind hearted, talented singer who loves to make people laugh. I have been a wedding singer, funeral singer, karaoke singer, sung on worship teams at church and in a choir for ten years. I am a grandmother of 15, expecting my first great grand child in September, BUT, I do not look like a grandma of that many, I still look good for my young age of 58! I will send photos to verify!

    Thank you,
    Sandy Carson

  55. Eleah Burman

    Fear is not a factor. Miley can stick her tongue out and be naked as much as she pleases, but I sing karaoke in front of twenty year olds all the time with my favorite preteen pop music that I love like One Direction, Little Mix, Austin Mahone, and Justin Bieber. If a kid I babysit listens to it, there is about a 100% chance I am singing it louder than the guy on the subway asking for money next to me. I do not fear him getting mad at me. I also do not fear the mothers at One Direction concerts when I also stand on the seats because I cannot see over their children’s heads when they are standing on the floor seats. Heals do not solve everything. Guard dogs, electric shocks, whatever…. bring it. I concur worse in the city day in and day out with tons of personality to spare and tons of love of music. I love to sing. I’ve got the package, the musical package and I want to share it with America.

  56. joe ambrosio

    i like being on tv shows. i like the gym

  57. Christian cook

    I would make a great contestant for killer karaoke! I love to sing and entertain, I’ve been singing since I was two years old. I love all kinds of music, I’m very energetic, I love to have a good time and this show really does look like fun. And I know I can win the crowd over and take home the grand prize!!

  58. Christian cook

    This is my real email!

  59. Christian cook

    I’m the best constestant choice for killer karaoke because I’m a great singer, very energetic, love having a good time, and I LOVE to sing karaoke!!!!! I know for a fact I can bring home that ten grand!! Give me a chance and I guarentee I can contribute to an already great show!

  60. Caitlyn Overstreet

    I’d be a great contestant because I love singing I associate my singing with pain so this would be perfect. When I had my lip pierced I sang Sublime the whole time. If I can make it threw giving birth without any medication I can DEFINITELY do whatever you guys throw at me!! Im in need of money for a house to move into. My daughter and fiance and I are stuck in his mothers house due to me getting kicked out of my grandmoms and my baby’s unexpected arrival Im willing to push threw anything to try and get something!
    Ill go at this game like a fat kid goes down a slide…. Full speed!
    choose me!! 🙂

  61. Lorin Writesel

    I have been singing karaoke since I was 6 because my mother would take all of us out with her when she went. I love to sing and come from a musical family. I like a very wide range of music as well. I am a 29 yr old stay at home mother from newport tn. I would love to be on the show no matter what happens it looks like fun! 🙂

  62. Don Hess

    My buddy I have know for years sings very well, he sings at numerous bars and well know in the area of myrtle beach sc, he is covered with tattoos has a Mohawk funny as hell, please let me know.
    Thank you
    Marcus White

  63. Kaylatime

    Kaylatime Valderrama

    17 years old
    117 lbs
    Long dark brown/red hair
    Girly figure
    Large dark brown eyes
    12 years experience playing piano
    10 years experience singing
    8 years experience acting
    Cyber-schooled to focus on future

    Would love to be a part of any available productions as any available position. Flexible schedule, hard worker. Dedicated. Please consider.


  64. Brandt Osborn

    Wassssupppp, i have enjoyed singing karaoke for as long as i can remember. I am from New York City; but am relocating to Hollywood, CA. in the spring. People have told me that i have a great knowledge of song lyrics and a pretty good singing voice. I tried out for American Idol in 2005, and was told that my voice was strong; but they had had had my image. As far as the “killer” part of killer karaoke goes, i am fearless. I don’t mind if parts of certain anatomy’s are dumped on my head while singing . I think i would Enjoy IT!!!!!

  65. Emily

    I love singing at the top of my lungs, and I don’t care if it sounds good or bad! I usually find myself singing this way while riding a dirtbike! You have presented a challenge and I say “Challenge Excepted!”

  66. Chuck Danas

    I have been singing since I was child. But didn’t have the confidence to sing in front of people until after having corrective hip surgery in my late 30’s due to a Truck accident when I was just 3 years old. Now at 44, I have my own band that I front. We are a local cover band. Before I sang with bands, I used to go to Karaoke nights all the time. People tell me that I have a powerful voice and that I should be singing professionally. Any opportunity to sing for someone is a chance to fulfill my life long dream. I am happily married with a 7 year old daughter, a professional photographer and I love my life. But having the chance to sing in front of new people is something I ALWAYS make time for. Please let me know if I can try out for your’show. Thanks.

  67. joe ambrosio

    its my wish being on tv

  68. Maddisen Brooke

    My name is Maddisen Brooke. I an 10 years old from Long Beach,Ca. I LOVE to sing. It is my passion and would absolutely LOVE the chance to share my God-given talent with the world.

  69. Jeff Hinson

    Hi, my name is Jeff Hinson, I’m 28 from muskegon, mi. I absolutely love kareoke and do it at least three nights a week. I also enjoy doing bizarre and insane crap. This show is perfect for me. I would love a chance to be a contestant.

  70. Charlotte Bentz

    I am 140 pounds of hot karaoke fire!! Search no more – they said one day I’d come! Whether I’m rocking out to, “I love Rock-N-Roll” by Joan Jett, “I believe in a thing called love” by the Darkness or showing off my spot-on Alicia Bridges impression of “I love the Night Life”, I know how to get people up on their feet. I will charm the pants off your audience and judging by the rest of the show, that’s just what you’re looking for! So, I’m asking you to select me, a 32 year old mother of three, who is an Iraq War veteran and who is also pretty easy on the eyes, and watch me take on whatever you throw at me! But, you shouldn’t throw things; it’s not polite.

  71. David Coker

    Ello. David here again. Just wanted to let ya know that I submitted a request to be a part of Killer Karaoke. I am not sure if Missouri is a state that you take people from. If not no worries. I am more than willing to pay the expenses to get the and be a part of this. Rock on and hope to see ya soon.

  72. David Coker

    Hello TruTV/Killer Karaoke. David here. Just wanted to let ya know that I think I can be a good part of the show. Ok. That sounded a bit cheesy. Lol. Seriously though, ever since the first episode I so saw myself as a contestant. Let me say I am so the karaoke junkie. And I like abuse. Lol. Ok, maybe not the abuse but I think that you get my point. 😉 It would truly be an honor to take part in the phenomenon which we have come to know as Killer Karaoke. Win or lose you offer the best of all worlds. Fear, humiliation, maybe a little pain and most of all Karaoke. Whether I can get in or not… Keep up the great job. KILLER KARAOKE ROCKS!!! \m/ 🙂 \m/

  73. stephen ginden

    well i”ve seen the show before and i can tell you that i have done kereeoke for 10 years and have all @ the kitchen sink throwed at me i think i would be a perfect fool for the show . Ya snakes ” spiders vomet dog poop hell my wifes done worse .PS i do a hell of a version of black betty i mean kick ass so in closeing i say that im ready to get pounded slapped dumped on and everything else tell mark i said whats up.

  74. Denise Hill

    Hi my name is Denise Hill-I’m 44 and I love to sing, my friends used to pimp my vocal skills out at open mics in NYC to get us free drinks-Hi Lynette Hi Julie!!
    I’m fun loving, spunky-queen of the quips, a NYS Court Officer Sergeant by profession and I have 3 kids who would be totally embarrased by having their crazy Mom perform on TV but I would relish the opportunity.

  75. Mary Ann Chatman

    I would be life of the party singing on killer karaoke. When Im out singing Karaoke people are always saying Woman you sound like country singer and whats crazy people at work when Im singing at the Christmas party say Wow why aren’t you In Nashville or auditioning for this that. My song That I wrote called Tearless is top ten on Reverbation and my song Im almost18 Now Mama Its Time For Your Dream has 28,000 views and rising, I got message from Xfactor that said the two songs have passion and feeling. Oh my god can you believe that.!!! I feel if I had my chance be on killer karaoke I could show people how I sound like country rock singer and how much I can make you laugh with my Pirate girl act. I am also very funny and can show you funny jingles that would be great for commercials. You will laugh to you cry most or type in Tearless by Mary Ann Chatman. I feel teens and young people will buy two songs if I can get help from you in these other areas after show is what Im trying to do also and also I can entertain people on killer karaoke. My voice will sound great but same time I will be making them laugh so much they will actually miss me when Im gone and request me back because they will ay they never laughed that much. If you have someone funny like me on show your ratings will go way up. People will tune in just see what funny song or jingle Im going do next. I will be life of that show and just keep singing no matter what challenge is. Please call me if I can be on show 20th at 336-423-9171 or 336-580-8093. My two songs might sell million copies if you help me. Im just diamond in rough but I look like country star is wha teveryone says. I went to Americas Got Talent January 29th here in Greensboro NC and they even said I look like country singer Kristen Chenoweth and not waste songwriting talent. Both songs on Reverbnation ITunes Rhapsody Spotify. type in Tearless single word or long title Tearless -Young Girl Gone Wild and Im almost 18. teens will buy it please call me help me promote it. Thanks Mary Ann Chatman 336-423-9171 or 336-580-8093.