Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes - Movie

Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes – Movie

Skepticism was high when Twentieth Century Fox announced that it was rebooting the legendary sci-fi film franchise The Planet Of The Apes for a second time but 2011’s Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes quickly erased all doubt and captured the hearts and minds of millions of filmgoers and a 482 million dollar box office haul. Fresh off of that magnificent success a sequel was announced and now Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes is gearing up to begin filming. Casting calls for a number of roles in this blockbuster follow up featuring some of the finest talent in Hollywood will be held soon and actors of all ages can submit themselves now for consideration for all available parts.

Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes will pick off where the incredible Rise left off – with the increasingly intelligent apes continuing to plague society under the leadership of Cesar. Will a small band of determined yet undermanned scientists be able to thwart their takeover of San Francisco and beyond? Moviegoers the world over are getting ever closer to finding out and aspiring actors are getting closer for the opportunity to be a part of the movie magic. Dawn will see J.J. Abrams protege Matt Reeves (Cloverfield, Let Me In, The Pallbearer) taking over director duties with a cast that so far includes the immense talents of Andy Serkis (The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, The Adventures of Tintin), Academy Award Nominee Gary Oldman (The Dark Knight Rises, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix), Keri Russell (The Americans, Mission: Impossible III, Felicity), Judy Greer (Arrested Development, The Descendants, Two and a Half Men) and Jason Clarke (Zero Dark Thirty, The Great Gatsby, Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps). That’s an awful lot of star and there are still several supporting, day player and extras roles up for grabs. To apply for consideration for this a part in this tentpole sequel you can send emails here info@bathersoncasting.com. More casting call news and information will be posted as it is released so stay tuned for every update and be sure to leave a comment in the space below and tell us why you want to be cast in Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes.

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646 Casting Responses

  1. Tiara

    I believe I should be in this movie because I’m pleasing to look at, and can adapt and change to fit any character I need to be. Acting has been my dream since I was little and it would be really gnarly if I could make that happen. I’m from michigan, african american, and willing to do whatever it takes to where I want to be. Oh, and I’m a girl.

  2. Jazmine Nguyen

    Name: Jazmine Marie Nguyen
    Height: 5’4
    Ethnicity: Hispanic/Asian
    Age: 14
    Hair: Dark Brown
    Eyes: Brown

    My name is Jazmine Nguyen I am 14 years old. I’m from Dallas Texas. I’m am very interested to be apart in this movie. Acting has always been a passion of mine. I have had about 2 years of expierence in acting at school. I take my acting very serious. I commit to the things I do. I can be an outgoing young lady at times but when it comes to the buisness I take it serious. If any reason to contact me, contact me at jazmine.n93@gmail.com or (214)723-9440
    Thank you for taking the time to review this!

  3. Taylor Ruffo

    Hi, my name is Taylor. I am a successful singer and actress. It would be fantastic for me to become a part of this movie:
    Age: 14
    Weight: 130
    Height: 5’3″
    Gender: female
    Hair: brown/auburn
    Eyes: brown
    Language: English
    Ethnicity: caucasian

  4. Jasmine A.

    Hi, my name is Jasmine. I’m 15 years old. I’m a sophomore. I have a 3.5 GPA; A and B student. I would like to audition for a character in this movie because it will be something different, that i would like to try out. I would be very grateful if I had the opportunity to audition for a role in this movie.
    When i graduate high school I want to go to college and become a surgeon, but I’m afraid i wont have enough money to pay for school. I don’t think scholarships will be enough to pay for my education.
    Having an opportunity like this would be awesome!
    I have auditioned before when i was in elementary school, but unfortunately i was a shy girl. I froze when i had to read my lines. But now I’m confident and i know that i will do a great job. Because now I’m out going and funny. I’m in honors choir in my high school. I couldn’t ask for a better vocal teacher. I also play cello. I’m a geek!

  5. noura

    hey im noura im 13 years i look a littlebit older i have black hair and brown eyes i would love to act in this movie

  6. Mariah G

    Hi my name is Mariah.
    Age: 12
    Height: 5’2
    Hair: Dark Brown
    Eyes: Brown

    It has been my dream to be in a movie or tv show but I would like to be in this movie.
    I have great and amazing acting and adventure experience.
    You don’t have to choose me but I know I won’t fail you. I would be a great actor.
    I have so much to say but I was hoping to talk in person.
    Thank You
    If you read this

  7. Caris Fox

    I have been an actress for as long as I can remember. I LOVE to act, and work very hard at becoming better everyday. I have time on my hands, so I would be available whenever needed. I am very committed and work hard at whatever I put my mind to do. I would like to be in this movie because I enjoyed the first one. If you did end up picking me you wouldn’t regret it. 😉 Thank you.

    Race: African American
    Height: 5’7
    Hair color: Black
    Eye color: Brown
    Age: 13

  8. Jessica Carter

    Hello! I would love to be a part of your production! I believe I would be a good fit for you because I am extremely varda tile in roles. I am extremely flexible and I love trying new things! I am 17 years old and have acted throughout my life. Being involved in many plays and musicals I have learned to be open minded and go with the flow! Please insider me for a role in this production and you will not be let down!
    Hair: dark brown/red
    Eyes: dark brown/green
    Height: 5’3
    Thank you for your time!
    Jessica Carter

  9. adam madani

    I should be in this movie because I am handsome and I’ve all ways wanted to be an actor plus I’ve been to different acting camps

  10. Janee Harper

    Hi my name is Janee Harper im 12 . 13 in to two month
    I have been acting fo about a year now and i would love to
    Be apart of a movie like this i love the first movie Rise of the
    Planet of apes

    Age :12 (almost 13)
    Height :5’4
    Eye color : Dark brown
    Hair color :Dark Brown
    Ethnicity :African American

    Thank you Hopefully I will have the chance to audition
    For you.

  11. Norma Taylor

    I would love to be an extra for the movie because I have some prior acting experience and I am obsessed with all the Planet of The Apes movies from back in the 70’s and the Mark Wahlburg one that they released in 2001. I would be honored to even be just a small part of one of the new movies. I live 20 minutes away from San Francisco and I have lived in the Bay Area my whole life, I can totally be an extra if you need more people!

  12. Xanthe Pemberton-Briggs

    Heeey! My name is Xanthe Pemberton Briggs and I am from the UK. I am a 16 year old female with a height of 5’3. I have blonde curly hair and green eyes. I an of white/black caribbean descendant but I have pale skin. I am professionally trained in Performing Arts, Musical Theatre and Drama which means I can Act, Dance and Sing to a professional standard. Although I haven’t had any television experience as of yet, I have done over 20 professional and school theatre performances including Hairspray, We Will Rock You, Two, High School Musical, Alice in Wonderland and James Bond Licence To Thrill at the Royal Albert Hall in London. I also was a part of the TheatreTrain Birthday Tribute at The O2 Arena. I am currently rehearsing Les Miserables. I think that what I can bring to This movie is something new and exiting and even with my English accent I could fit a character well and make her relatable as I know that’s what a successful character is. I can also do an American accent pretty well it just needs perfecting which I am open to doing. I would love to be a part of this film and even though I am only from a small town in England I have always been told to dream big! I really hope I will be given the chance to show you what I can do and hope that this could be the big break I have always dreamt of. I am a happy, bubbly, funny, versatile team player and I have always been complimented on my energetic and quirky personality and ability to adapt to whatever is thrown my way. I hope to hear from you!

    Thank you and good luck!

    Xanthe Pemberton-Briggs.

  13. Tom

    hi i am tom ebel i am 13 years old and i live in germany.
    i am the best young actor. hollywood needs new actors in the future. i am the best.
    i can fly to LA when i have a job . thanks

  14. Cherish Heard

    I am a fourteen year old outgoing girl that loves traveling to all sorts of places. I am used to being social and i always meet new people because of my being a professional tennis player, and my  dad having been an Olympic wrestler and traveling the world. I am fit and sporty. I currently have a 4.0 gpa in all of my terms in academics, and I have acting experience. I’m also used to performing in front of a crowd whether it’s in acting, singing, or sports. I’m a 5’2″ beautiful, confident chick ready for action and acting 😉

  15. Crystal Perez

    Hello my full name is Crystal Eilleen Perez

    Age: 18 ( though I’m always told I look younger)

    Height: 5’0

    Weight: 116

    Nationality: mixed Hispanic

    Eye: brown

    Hair: brown wavy/curly

    I would love to be apart of this movie knowing I fell completely in love with the first and I will dedicate my time in it so it comes out the brilliant movie I know it will. I do have a professional background with acting classes as well as school. I’m entering my last year of high school but will honored to be aprt of this well deserving sequal.

    Acting is a passion I have scents I was a young girl and will be great to be given the chance to peruse my dream. I have been told countless time that I can act and I take ever bit of critisium to heart inorder to make my self better. Thank you for taking the time out to read this and if you need any information or questions please feel free to email me.

  16. Nora Lee Vazquez

    Name: Nora Lee
    Birthday: August 4, 1995
    Eye color: dark brown
    Race: Hispanic
    Height: 5’6
    Hometown: Laredo, TX
    Abilities: memorizing scripts, extra, acting

    Having a opportunity to become part of the cast would be a honor. Acting is my passion and memorizing scripts from tv shows/movies is my hobby. I’m entering college this year but I would love to have a opportunity to show you what I got. “You never know what you got till you try.” Email me if interested or if u want more info. Thanks again:)

  17. Edgar

    I’m not going to brag about why I should be picked but rather say i’m probably one of the least experience film actors here. I can’t guarantee that I won’t mess up, but what I will offer is super hard work each and everyday of the production of the film, as well as 110% of my commitment. I’ve had dreams ever since I was little that one day I would be apart of a great film and I believe this movie is that great film that I’ve long to be apart of. If you pick me there won’t be a day I don’t stop thanking you guys for choosing me. I hope you at least had the time to read this and consider me. You guys are Awesome and I hope you have an Awesome day as well!

  18. Sean Barker

    I should be on the movie because for as long as i remember EVERYONE has called me hollywood!!!! They say i should move to Cali its a no brainer. I am super photogenic and a natural at fitting in.
    if you want a pic

    if I could only show you the different looks

  19. Lismar Lebron

    At the moment my family and I are trying to find a house. We are currently living with a friend. I am 11 years old and have to go every summer to my dads house because I live with my mom but my mom and dad are divorced. My dad works in the military and I don’t see him a lot, he’s never really been there for me. As I said before were looking to rent or own a house because I have 2 dogs. A small mutt and a German Shephard, most places don’t take GS’s and so we don’t have many choices. I have had Kaiser the GS ever since I can remember and he’s kinda like my BBBFF big brother best friend forever and I’m not going to give him up that easy! Besides that there really isn’t anything. I love to act model and sing. I’ve taken some classes for modeling and acting recently at John’s Casablanca and sing for choir and honor choir at my school. I think with my confidence, pation, and talent and my go getting personality I can be as good as Taylor Swift or Selena Gomez. I’m generally not shy and learn quickly! Thanks for having me in Ace Your Audition and I hope to work with you! TTYS!

    Age: 11
    Height: 5’0
    Grade: 6th
    Grades: A’s and I am in LEAP/GT
    Accent: British (Choose able)
    Eye Color: Brown
    Hair Color: Dark Brown
    Hair Style: Curly (Style able)
    Schedule: Flexible
    Talents: Acting, Modeling, Singing
    Activities: Soccer, Gymnastics, Choir, Band (Flute)
    Full Name: Lismar Natasha Lebron Rodriguez Colomba Mesa Rivera Ortez Isabelle Gonzalez
    Professional Name: Lismar (Lilo) Lebron

  20. Dustin Farrington

    Hair: Brown. Eyes: blue. Body type: athletic and muscular

    Hello my name is Dustin Farrington I’m 19 years old and I’m going through Hollywood performing arts academy right now for acting and modeling I’m 6″2 185lbs and very athletic. I’m an upcoming star I haven’t done any work yet but that’s why I’m applying right now I will give you my portfolio and everything. I have a big event coming up its a showcase on August 17th all the producers and directors and top agents will be there and I hope I will get sign I was coached by the best super models and actors so hopefully you guys give me a chance. My coaches said I will not have a problem getting signed.

    Thank you for your time and consideration

    Dustin Farrington

  21. DaVarea Wright

    I want to be a part of this movie because I love monkeys, I grew up watching the movie series, and I have always dreamt of me being with monkeys and giving them orders or taking care of them.

  22. Christian Berry

    Age 13 african American 115 pounds height 4:10 Male and I love acting Ive done school plays but i really want do movies and tv acting

  23. Leticia Cortes

    Hi my name is Leticia Cortes. I am an Afro-Colombiana. I love the arts. I sing, write, act and dance. I just recently turned 24 and will be graduating from college in December. I’m interested in being considered for this series. I love everything ABC. It would be a great honor to work with you guys. Looking forward to hearing additional information regarding the series.


    Leticia Cortes

  24. Haley Patton

    Name: Haley Patton
    Gender: Female
    Age: 15
    Race: White
    Height: 5’4
    Weight: 105
    Eyes: Green
    Hair: Dark Brown/Black

    I’ve had a passion for acting since I was little. Ever since i can remember, i’ve been watching movies and remembering the words to them. Then i started acting in school plays and doing drama clubs, and camps, so i’m experienced. Thank you for your consideration. 🙂

  25. Esmeralda Davila

    Age- 16
    Gender –female
    Weight – 135
    Height – 5’2
    Hair – brown
    Eyes – brown
    Ethnicity- Hispanic
    Since i was little i loved to act. I would love to be in this movie because I’ve always wanted to be an actor and this is a great way to get started! Im constantly told be an actor because of my personality . i love to make people laugh and make them happy. It is my dream to be a actor and i hope i get to be part of this production.

  26. Christian Berry

    Age 13 african American 115 pounds height 4:10 Male and I love Ive been schols but i really want do movies and tv acting

  27. Joshua Hampton

    Name: Joshua Hampton. Age: 13. Gender: Male. Hair: black. Eye: brown. Thank you I really would love to be in this movie.

  28. Bilel Chourabi

    I’m bilel chourabi and I want to be an actor verry much, I’m 16 years old ,I’m white person, with black hair and green eyes, my weight is 69 kg , I’m 1.61m tall also, I speak english, french and arabic with their accents too.
    I hope that you take your time and try me and I’ll never disappoint you,
    hope you contact me,

  29. munvvar islam ansari

    myself munvvar i am from india.i am 20 year old
    hieght = 5′-10″
    hair = black
    eye = black
    language = hindi and English
    simple boy because the best city is simplycity.
    my phone number..:-

  30. Wesley Ray Solis

    Eyes: Brown
    Hair: Black
    Height: 6’1
    Weight: 165lb

    I don’t look back at explosions

  31. Amanda Jackson

    My name is Amanda Jackson, I am 19 years old and I live in Elgin, Texas. I am 4’11’, I weigh 150, I love being curvy. I’ve been acting since I was about 13 and It has always been one of my passions. Ever since I was about 8, I’ve always said I was going to act and its been a passion of mine. Now that I am older, I can put my self out there more and take my self to all the auditions so I don’t have to drag my mom with me and for her to have her stop her life just for me. I put it off for me to be able to have a childhood and to get more experience under my belt. I wanted to have all the experiences of a normal teenage girl with prom, relationships and etc. But now, I am ready to do this. I am emotionally ready for all the things that will come with this business. This opportunity would be amazing for me!

    About me: I am going to Austin Community College here in my town and I want to be an 11th grade English teacher. I just graduated High School, class of 2013. I would love to be a teacher but deep down, my passion is to entertain. I would like to finish college and get my bachelor in English and minor in theatre and I hope to transfer to TAMUCC, Texas A&M University at Corpus Christi or ETBU, East Texas Baptist University. I work at a pizza place called Little Caesars and I am the Assistant Manager there. I am a leader, I take charge and I go full force into everything I do. I do not give up and when times get tough, it just gives me an opportunity to push my self even more and to prove to myself that I can do anything and everything.

    If you guys call/email, I would not disappoint. I promise! This opportunity is exactly what I need. I am not in it for fame, I am in it to live my dream and for others to live my dream with me! I can relocate if you need me to. Thank you so much for reading this, it means a lot and please email me at m.jackson9418@yahoo.com or call me at 512.925.6487.

    Thank you guys so much! 🙂

  32. Michael Hicks

    Sex: Male
    Age: 34
    Height: 5’4″
    Weight: 180 lbs. of muscle
    Ethnicity: Panamanian and Black
    Eyes: Brown
    Hair: Black
    Skin: Light Brown

    I should be chosen because I’m disciplined and well versed in Planet of the Apes old and new. I’m an Army man that puts my heart in to all that I do.

  33. Deborah Ofoha

    Hi. I’m an 18 years old college student and I live in arlington texas with my entire family, I work as a game day staff for the stadium people at the cowboys stadium arlington , I am an African American and my skin color is light , I have dark brown eyes and long brown hair . I am 5’5 and 160 lb in weight , I do not have any tattoo’s or body piercing except for one on both sides of my ear . I grew up in Africa and schooled in africa , also while in africa at the age of 12 I did a billboard commercial for a drink called vita malt and I was also a member of d drama club and I am also a song writer , I do not smoke and also do not drink but if I’m being asked to due to a role I would . I speak fluent English and some languages from some african tribes such as yoruba

  34. Emily Jarratt

    Gender: Female
    Age: 19
    Ethnicity: Caucasian
    Height: 5′ 8″
    Hair Color: Blonde
    Weight: 170
    Eye Color: Blue

    I have experience, I am passionate about acting, I am dedicated and strive to do everything to the best of my ability.

    The Adventures of “Big Reeves” Nirwin Wallaby student project 2012
    Saturday Night Fever (SNL Parody) Christine Biig (Kristen Wiig) Independent Student project- Jake McDavid 2011
    Music Videos:
    High School Musical Computer Geek student project 2009
    Cinderella Cinderella 2011
    Fiddler on the Roof Golde University of Mary Hardin-Baylor 2009
    Oliver Twist Marketwoman Ysgol Croesgoch 2004
    Aladdin Townsperson Mathry Players 2000
    Senior Portraits/Postergirl

  35. Heather Grinkley

    weight: 136
    sex: female
    Ethnicity: African American
    Hair color : black
    I am very athletic, as a track and field athlete,if a scene requires running ,I have no problem with that. I have acted in plays at my college that I currently go to and I have done drama club in middle school. Please consider me as a part in this movie. I love the movie “Planet of the apes” and would love to be apart of this one 🙂

  36. Dareious

    athletic build
    170 lbs
    brown skin
    short hair

  37. Diana Dostyar

    Hi My name is Diana and I love acting becouse you get to be a whole other person when you act. I’ve always wanted to be on tv I always wanted to accomplish somthing myself. Through life I’ve always had my parents believe in me and do things for me too but this is my chance to prove to everybody I can do things on my own and I can accomplish them.
    brown hair Brown eyes
    13 years of age
    Speak Russian and English
    Live in Canada for 5 years
    1″60 height
    Please contact me at dianadost@gmail.com
    Thanks For reading

  38. Lluvesi benitez

    My name is Lluvesi , Im 15 , I’ve been In a flim festival and won an award . Ever since I love acting , I just did an audition and would love to try out for another . Im in a modeling company & my father is an actress and a model , it would be a pleasure if you contacted me , thank you (:

  39. Ivan Bradshaw

    Hello, I am Ivan Bradshaw. I am 12 turning 13 in September. I currently only know English. I have been interested in Acting ever since I was 6 years old. My family and friends say that I am fun to work with in school plays and in general. I will take anything from being an extra on a TV Show to the Main character. Like I said, it has been my dream to act since I have been 6 years old. My height is 5′ 1 and my weight is 91 pounds. I was born in San Diego but live in Denver. I can travel anywhere no problem. I have light-browned skin with dark-brown eyes. My hair is black and I am a male. It would be an honor to work on Nikelodeon, Disney channel and Movies. I hope you consider to read this letter.

    -Ivan Bradshaw

  40. Rose

    5’7″ 125 lbs 22 years. I have brown hair and a slight build. I’d love to be a part of this project and help in any way. I’d even do grip/tech if necessary. I don’t even mind doing it for free. I’d love to have the opportunity to be involved. I just moved here so I’m currently unemployed and thus am available any day at any time. Please don’t hesitate to contact me. I can come down to the shoot and if you decide you don’t like me or can’t use me, no harm’s done. Hope this thread is being watched! Thanks.

  41. Luis Perez

    I’ve been in a couple short independent films couple extra work and now currently working couple short films and an independent film. I also hit the gym 5 days a week and have been doing it for a while. Email me and I can email you my pictures and resume thank you.

  42. elsie robindon

    I’m elsie robinson from inkster michigan mother of three ,im another year older born july 26,1960 my children, meonshay robinson 28 yrs old, edward butler 26, and, aka (paris)jonathon butler 25 meonshay 5″6 I’m 5’5 edward 5’7 , paris 5’8 meonshay waist 34′ bust 42′ edward 40 inch waist edwa
    edward shoe size 8 1/2 shay 6 me 7 1/2 ,paris 9 1/2 we speak english and we are fast l,

  43. elsie robindon

    hell my name is elsie i have a burning desire for me and my children shay paris and edward star in one of your production it is ny dream to become and actress and also my children we just need a helping hand its always a charge to get connections please concider us 3136245629 im a michigan resident.

  44. Gisela Padilla

    hello there again and again. i am 19 yeard old and want to put myself out there in this business because i know how hard it takes to be a great actress and hard work and also have fun along the way. i have been acting since 2008 in high school musicals and attended Brabizon school of acting in Los Angeles. it would be my pleasure to be part of a wonderful cast and be building relation with the community of actors and directors and producers etc. i promise i wont disappoint you. hope to hear from you soon. thank you.

  45. Rosaura Quintero

    Hi my name is Rosaura Quintero and my dream is to become a well known actor.I can do comedies,action,horror,and so much more.
    I am 14 years old,weigh 87 pounds,and I am 4’10.
    I am very athletic I do Cross Country/Track,and have been playing soccer for 8 years.
    I am very outgoing and not shy at all.I can get along with almost everyone and I do take acting very serious.I am hispanic, I speak English and Spanish fluently.I am going into the 9th grade I am very intelligent and do not let anyone bring me down. I have brown eyes and dark brown hair.I am very energetic,but can also play the role of a shy girl.I memorize lines very quickly and I can act on the dot.I also sing and many say I’m really good.I would appreciate it if I got a part in the movie.God Bless You and thank you so much for your time.

  46. Jesus Angel Flores

    DOB: 4/25/96 (17)
    Hair Color: Dark Brown/Black
    Eye Color: Brown
    Height: 5’6
    Weight: 140 lbs
    Ethnicity: Latino/Hispanic
    Location: Houston, TX

    All my life i have admired films, and television shows. I know i will one day reach my goal of being a successful, so as you read this it is easy for me to say that all i need is a chance to prove myself, to show off my talent. I have been to many open casting calls, all of them telling me i was great but obligating me to fly around the country at my own expense which i was never able to do. I have not, and will not give up. I am asking for a chance. I’m tired of following the media movement, im ready to be the media movement. Hopefully the wrong impression is not given by the tone i give off in this message, i just feel more comfortable portraying my confidence to hopefully win the trust of knowing i am serious. Thank you for your time. I hope this summed up my explanation of why i should possibly be considered for a part in this feature film. Thank you. Jesus.

  47. Faith Richards

    I am an American citizen, although I have previously lived in Nottingham, England for 5 years, which means I can put on a British accent and a strong American accent If it was required. I enjoy acting, singing and modelling. Although, my main passion is for acting. I used to attend a weekly drama school called The Television Workshops which helped me improve my confidence and experience in front of cameras and live audiences. I’m 16 in August, 5’7, 120lb, slim figure, Caucasian,long dark blonde hair, blue eyes and a dress size USA 2. I am willing to attend auditions or do video submissions. I would love to be blessed with the opportunity to participate in this production. If you would like more information, including pictures, videos and my resume email me at xx-faith-xx@live.com. Thank you so much for your time and consideration.


  48. Foster Milburn

    Hair- Dark Blonde
    Experience with barbazon acting school
    Intermediate actor
    5 foot and 4 inches
    You can contact me at 9722130539

  49. Kalyn Perez

    Hello my name is Kalyn Lucille Perez and I love acting it would mean the world to me to be in this movie because it seems like a very fun, sci-fi action movie that many people will enjoy and I would live to be apart of it here is some information about me so maybe you would want to contact me about being a part of this movie.
    Age: 11 (but I look a lot older)
    Height: 5’7
    Hair Color: Brown with light highlights
    Eye color: Brown
    E-mail: kalynperez@yahoo.com

    Skills and abilitys:

    Why I love acting:
    I love having to memorize lines and be a new person, to be like another person it’s like a fun challenge.
    Ethnicity: My mom is Italian and my Dad is Hispanic.
    Please contact me it would mean so much to me to be in this movie I know I’m young but I do look a lot older and I feel confident about acting and I can see myself and a famous actress. I can’t even tell you how much I want this. Although I am young I’m ready to take on an acting career I’m ready to take on the fake but I don’t love acting because of the game I love doing acting but I just love it! Please please contact me for a part in this movie I’m ready for the hard work please e-mail me so we can set up a face to face audition!! Thank You, -Kalyn

  50. Paulina B.

    I believe in my self that I have what it takes to make it as a performer.
    Having the opportunity to be a part of this movie would be literally a dream come true. After watching the movie LesMis it just reassured me that acting and bringing a character to life is what I want to do for the rest of my life. This is a huge compromise but I know I am ready to make the sacrifices that I need to make in order for me to have a successful career. This crazy dream of mine is on my mind 24/7 I never stop believing that one day I will be given the opportunity to realize my american dream. Thank you so much for your consideration and I have hope that I will hear from you.

    Performer Profile

    Gender: Female
    Height: 5 feet 7 in
    Weight: 112 lbs
    Age Range: 17 – 21 (actual age 20)
    Physique: Slim
    Hair Color: Dark Brown
    Hair Length: lenght to shoulders
    Eyes: Brown

  51. angel hernandez

    Hello my name is angel Hernandez I think I should be considered cause I seen every Planet of the Apes its my favorite movie and I would love to be a part of the new movie I play any part I just want to be an extra in the new movie please consider any part of the movie

  52. Talal Alomar

    What’s up. I’m Talal. I have a medium build, am 13 years old, and about 5 feet tall. I look a little older with long hair though. It has always been my dream to be in a big movie and Planet of the Apes was a great movie. I’m really in to exercising and have nice muscles, so I wouldn’t have trouble in the physical parts. I’m also a great speaker. In 6th grade I had to create a speech as Ares the Greek God. I was so good that my teacher gave me a 103% on that project. I feel I would be a great addition to your great movie making team.

  53. Elisa Orta

    Gender: Female
    Age: 15
    Height: 5’3
    Weight: 140 athletic
    Hair/Eye color: Brown
    Ethnicity: Hispanic/white
    I am 110% devoted when it comes to acting. I will pour my heart and soul out into the character I play and I can memorize long lines. I have a great personality and I swear if you gave me a chance, I would not disappoint you. Everyone is always telling me how I should become an actor, and this could be my chance to finally get my talent noticed. I live in Fredericksburg, Texas but I am definitely willing to travel for an audition. Acting is my one and only dream. I’ve loved it ever since I was a kid. And it’s the only thing I want to do, I have no ‘Plan B’. Please consider me for any part because I know I can play any character and be great at it. 🙂

  54. Elisa Orta

    Hi, my name Is Elisa. Im 15, female. I would love to have a part in this movie because acting is my dream and this could be my big break and chance to finally get my talent noticed. I know I can do this, EVERYONE always tells me how good I am at acting and how I should become an actress. This is my dream. My only dream. If you consider me for a part I will not disappoint you. Ever since I was little me and my sister would make small movies and everyone noticed my talent. I live in Fredericksburg, Texas but I am willing to travel for auditions.
    Height: 5’3 Weight:140. Eye color: Brown Hair color:Brown Ethnicity: Hispanic/white . I speak English and a little Spanish. Please consider me for any part. I am very ambitious and very serious about acting. Its what i live for and i want to get discovered. I swear I won’t disappoint you 🙂


  55. sammy alomar

    I am an 8-1/2 -year-old boy interested in acting and would love the opportunity to experience, learn and work on the set of The Planet of the Apes or others. Please E-mail me back for additional details.

  56. Justin

    it would be an amazing experience for me. I’m 18 years old and I am in the army reserves. I love planet of the apes movies and I would except any roll.

  57. Derrise Simmons

    Hi,My name is Derrise Aviance simmons(Ava)
    I am in 8th grade,13years old(can play anywhere from 12-15)
    I love to sing,dance,draw& act!I want to be an actress because…For me there is nothing like standing centre stage after a show taking a bow and hearing the applause, hearing the laughter’s in class as you are doing a comedy scene and the chance to be someone different, to step out of reality and into someone else’s shoes for that short while is a rush. What drives you, or makes you want to be an actor/actress? I am only 13 but i know this is what i want to do in life!One day i hope to be as good as my idols Aaliyah,and Jennifer Lopez!
    I am mixed.I have five siblings.I live in Columbia ,South carolina.
    Hair color-black
    Eye color-brown
    Im friendly,caring,weird,goofy&funny!
    I’m an a/b student
    Dress size :1-3
    Has nose piercing!

  58. Kiarah Hernandez

    Hello! I’m Kiarah, a teenage girl from Los Angeles. I feel like I have the potential to take on whatever acting job I’d be given to do. I have such a passion for acting and would so greatly appreciate if you would take my comment towards consideration. Thank you so much and feel free to email me anytime.

  59. Matt

    Aspiring Actor
    27 Years Old
    170 lbs
    Blue Eyes
    Brown Hair (Medium Length)
    Fully tattooed (no face tattoos)

  60. Sabrina ramos

    Hi! I’m sabrina! I’m a 16 year girl. I have been in multiple acting camps and classes. I can memorize scripts very easily and I’m very flexible to work with. I am better at more serious roles than comedy. I think I could be someone you would like to work with

  61. Brandon Michael

    I’m 29 5′ 10″ 170 slim athletic, brown hair, brown eyes. English German. I’m a nurse in a Detroit hospital. Haven’t really acted since high school, which basically doesn’t count. I’d love to have a small part in movies. The kind of guy people recognize but can’t remember from where. A small part would be great for me. I know I could be great with a little repetition but that’s for you to decide.

    Thank you for reading.
    Brandon Michael

  62. Kimberly Sepulveda

    Hello, my name is Kimberly Denise Sepulveda but they call me Kiki I’m Hispanic brown long hair and dark brown eyes I’m 5’4 and 17 years old I was born and raised in Weslaco Texas, I love to act and dance I’ve actually been doing both since I was five years old. I know I’m a small town girl but I have huge dreams and I’m not afraid of going for them I’ve always wanted to be in show business I would put on shows for my family and friends because its a passion I cannot ignore. and working along side with Nick Jonas would be an honor I think he’s a great actor, singer and he’s just the best, see I have a really special person up in heaven who I want to prove to that I can go for what I love to do so if you would just give me a chance I can show you I have a lot of talent you won’t regret it thank you for taking the time to see my short story.
    Sincerely, Kimberly (Kiki)

  63. Sari Walton

    Name: Sari Walton
    Hair:Brown, Curly
    Height: 5’2″
    Weight: around 110 lbs.
    Location: Emmaus, Pa
    I am Half African-American and Half Spanish
    Very athletic and a hard worker, put effort in everything I do
    I don’t have any acting experience but am a hard worker and willing to do what it takes to be in this movie. If you need Me for any role I’m there!

  64. Taylor Horn

    hello my name is taylor horn and ive always had a passion for acting. im a very driven person and i will stop at nothing to make my dreams of becoming an actress come true. but im not just doing this for me , im doing this for my family as well, i no longer want to see my mom or dad or anyone else in my family struggle, i want them to be proud of me and be happy with knowing that they no longer have to struggle. ive been taken care of all this time but now it is my turn to take care of them. im great at what i do and im also a hard worker and ive got what it takes for this movie. if you give me the opportunity you wont regret it!

  65. Nicole Fendorak

    Hi my name is Nicole Fendorak, I am fifteen years
    Old and I’ve started acting the summer before seventh
    Grade at a thespian workshop. Unfortunately my highschool
    Does not offer the performing arts program,this makes me
    Saddened because I want to pursue an acting career.

  66. Amanda Versailles

    I am a 33 year old mother with 2 children I like to act but never took it farther than drama in 10 th grade I would definitely like to act again and I’m up for any challenge you give me I am a fast learner and like to learn hands on and verbally

  67. Logan Gerathy

    Hi my name i Logan Gerathy. Im 11 years old male i have good looks im nice ,funny and have always wanted to be an actor my entire life. Did i mention i was good looking. (Jocking) Im 4ft 10in .Im also very intellegent.

  68. Sean iverson

    I should be in this

  69. Sahlina Jenkins

    My name is Sahlina Jenkins,
    age: 21.
    ethnicity:African american / mix
    Height: 5’8

    I loved the original planet of the apes and the new planet of the apes. I thought it was well put together my whole family enjoyed it. I love to act! I would love to be apart of the Rise of the Planet of the apes Cast! I guarantee you wont be dissapointed!

  70. drea

    Ceasar needs a strong fiesty no nonsense ape girlfriend who can run with the boys, that girl is me. I loved the first film and i’m sure i will love the second even more. This film needs a little something extra and that’s me your little something extra.

  71. Amari Fears

    My name is Amari Fears. I am fourteen years-old. I would love to be apart of this uplifting experience because acting is my dream . I’ve taken classes and even featured in a lot of plays. Yes, I am a girl. But anyways, I’m very easy to work with. Whatever challenge you have for me just know that I can do it. I also do a little modeling. I was just picked to model prom dresses and I got great feedback from the audience. If you pick me for this movie I would most definitely go hard for the role. But if I’m not chosen, congratulations and good luck to whoever is picked.

  72. DaShantanaya Lee

    hello. my name is dashan tanaya and I am 17. I would love the opportunity to be apart of this film no matter how small the role. I am a fast learner, fun to be around, I take direction well, and given an opportunity like this, I would be sure to work to my full abilities. besides, I love to act, its been my passion for every, and I wouldn’t screw up such an mazing experience given the chance.
    age: 17
    name :dashantanaya
    gender: female
    height: 5’5
    eye color: brown
    hair color: brown
    length: shoulder length
    body type: athletic build
    small waist.
    ethnicity: mixed.black & white

  73. amer

    Hi, my name is Amer. Every time, I turn on my laptop, get to this page, my replies are gone. Whenever, I send a new reply, all my replies come up. I don’t get it. Anyways, I would like to say, I already send you an e-mail, so please consider me. Thank you.

  74. Rodrigo Hernandez

    Hi My name is Rodrigo aka (rigo) I have always being interested in acting, I have being in couple of movies as a extra and loved it, but i would love to be more the that and thanks to you if i get the chance, it would be a dream come true, I loved the planet of the apes and would like to have a role in the next coming movie thanks.

  75. Amer

    Hi, my name is Amer. I am 22 1/2 years old. Here’s a little thing about me. I can fit into any kind of role and I work really hard for that role. I was picked by OneSource Talent, but my parents said it might be a fraud, so they didn’t take me to Virginia. I would like to audition for any role in this movie. It would be a great pleasure for me to work with such amazing actors. I believe I have talent and I want to showcase that to people. Even the smallest of role will keep me happy. I don’t want my talent to go to waste. I am a hard worker and a good listener. Please consider me for a role. I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.