You Are Here - Movie Casting Call

You Are Here – Movie Casting Call

Up and coming actors of all ages you can stop looking – the casting opportunity of the new year is here and it is amazing. The most exciting comedy project in years is set to shoot soon and it has one of the most exciting groups of talents ever brought together including the magnificent comedy giant Zach Galifianakis, are you ready to join the magic? You Are Here will be rolling in front of cameras shortly and now the search has begun for talented aspiring performers to audition for a number of fantastic supporting roles. You can submit yourself today for this fabulous sure to be hit comedy film.

You Are Here is written and directed by the maestro of the multi Emmy Award Winning series Mad Men Matt Weiner and tells the story of two best friends form childhood who set out on a trip back to their hometown to collect a large inheritance after one of them loses her estranged father. This will be Mr. Weiner debut feature film and he has set himself up for greatness by casting an incredible cast that so far includes Galifianakis (The Hangover I,II&III, Due Date, The Campaign), Amy Poehler (Parks And Recreation, Saturday Night Live, Mean Girls), Owen Wilson (Bottle Rocket, Wedding Crashers,  Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian) and Melissa Rauch (I Love You, Man, The Big Bang Theory, True Blood). There are still several more excellent supporting roles still to be filled and submissions for upcoming casting calls are being accepted now. You can apply for every fantastic open part by sending emails here Audition updates for this production will be posted as soon as they become available so stay tuned for more information and leave a comment below and tell us why you want to be a part of what could be the comedy event of the new year, You Are Here.

An award winning writer-director and one of the most talented casts ever brought together including superstar Zach Galifianakis – it simply does not get any better than this! Apply today for your chance at comedy stardom in the all new feature film project You Are Here.

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361 Casting Responses

  1. Jean oneli Blaise

    hey my name is Jean Oneli Blaise i am from the carribbean i think you guys need a new fresh face and talent i have been in carriebean movies from st.maarten so i have a experience in acting i am trying to step up in the entertaining buisiness especially in movies if you consider giving me a chance to audution i promis u i wont waiste your time you wont be dissapointed.

    AGE: 21
    HEIGHT: 5’10
    ETHNIC: black caribbean

  2. Samantha Walter

    Name: Samantha Walter
    Age: 17
    Height: 6’2″
    Weight: 250
    Eyes: Pale Blue
    Hair: Chocolate Brown
    You should choose me because there is nothing I love more than acting. I am on the sixth play of my high school career (two each year) but I want more than just small acting parts on a small stage. Don’t get me wrong, I love my play family, but I want nothing more in my life than to act with some of the most amazing actors of our time and maybe even become one of them myself. If I could get cast in a movie with actors like these, even as an extra, it would start out my career. I’m not one of those people that says, “Oh! If I don’t make it, I’ll just have to quit!” I persevere. I work hard for what I want. I know I’m really tall and ,well, not skinny, but I have heart and I have passion. That’s why we’re all here, isn’t it? This burning passion for what we love. So please, just take me into consideration. I won’t let you down.

  3. Ashleyann Resto-Lopez


    Name’s Ashleyann. 20 years old. Lots of experience in theater and film. I’m 5’2 and I’ve been told I’m pretty awesome. Seeing as most of your cast will most likely be awesome, I think putting me in it would make me a good fit.

    Will supply resume and answer any further question at my email.

    Ashleyann Resto-Lopez

  4. Scott Gerlomes

    Hello my name is Scott Gerlomes
    I am from California
    I am an undergraduate student at the University of Kansas
    I am a Film and Media Studies Major
    I am an Acting Minor
    I am 6 feet 2 inches
    I am white
    Brown hair
    Brown eyes

  5. Willie Sandoval

    My name is Willie Sandoval a Hispanic 22 year old about to be 23 I am 5.9″ and 240 lbs
    Take good direction and would love this opportunity to work with zach mylife always known to be the funny guy but have tooken acting classes and can act any role really need this breAk would help me and my family a lot

  6. Enrique

    hi.. Im latino 34 years old.. 5’7 ..170 lbs .experience in theater and short films. I was a cop for 12 years /swat team and now am a boxing/mma coach. alot of real life experience.
    a bit of a vin diesel look.

  7. Kennedy Frazer Jr

    My name is kennedy im 21 years old but look 16, guess u can say i found the fountain of youth ‘literally”.I think i would be a great actor in this movie i am very positive and can adapt to any enviornment or situation and even though im from the caribbean i think my acent would add a little more humour to this movie in whatever role im given

  8. krish

    i am Krishna 23 years male from India, i wanted to be a part of your family.i am confident that i can do any kind of role and i have good experience in Indian drama ,i can speak in English american t and Indian accent but i am poor at writing i might not be able to express my talents by writing but u can check my skill by any means online

    age 23
    height 5’8″
    weight 78kg

  9. Cassie Dugger

    Cassie L. Dugger
    State: Tennessee
    Age: 19
    Ages Able To Portray: 16-23
    Height: 5 ft. 2
    Weight: 110
    Hair color: Blonde
    Eye color: Blue-Green
    Body type: Slim/Average

    Work Experience
    Employer: Life With Hope (a Web Series)
    State: Tennessee
    Position/Part: Kate
    Start Date: June 2012
    End Date: October 2012

    High School
    Start date: August 2007
    End Date: May 2011
    Graduated: High School Diploma

    College: Chattanooga State Community College
    Start Date: August 2012
    End Date: May 2014
    Graduated: Currently enrolled as full-time student

    Special Skills
    • Acting
    • Modeling
    • Writing
    • Public Speaking
    • Dancing
    • Tumbling/Gymnastics
    • Communication
    • Volleyball
    • Cheerleading (I was a cheerleader for my high school)
    • Typing
    • Organizing
    • Power point
    • Essays

    About Me

    I’m short, smaller framed, blonde and funny. I’m a bit spunky and I have an edgy side. I love to have new experiences and I am not afraid to try new things. I have a positive outlook on life in order to keep an open mind. I am easy to work with and can adapt to any kind of personality. I don’t judge others and accept people as they are. I am very comfortable in my own skin and very sure about who I am. If I played a role in a movie closest to my personality, I’d most likely play the goof, the bombshell, the villain or the girl next door. I am confident, but not arrogant or cocky. On Life With Hope, I played a young drug addicted teen named Kate. I’ve recently really discovered who I am and I am who I’ve always wanted to be. I am very serious about my schooling and acting career and 2013 will be the year for many accomplishments. I am ready to go the distance trying to make it as a successful actress. I am prepared for the many, many challenges that await.t await.

  10. Naima Osman

    Hi. My name is Naima Osman. I am 14 yrs old, going on 15 in a couple of months. I have been actong since I was 5, from things like improv games to auditioning to plays to auditioning for professional agencies. I have been in two scouting agency. One of wich I won a contract to sign with them, and the other to go to nationals. I am originally born in Kenya,Africa but was raised in Washington. I now live in SD. I come from an African backround and have a slight accent. I love acting and auditioning for anything. I am willing to play any role you consider. I also love singing and learning about new cultures and languages, and I love meeting new people and trying different thongs. I am confident in what I do. I really hope you consider me. Thank you for your time.
    Weight- 130
    Hair- Black
    Eyes- dark brown
    Thank you!

  11. Alex

    Im Alex ,
    Bond Hair
    Green Eyes
    And extremely funny! ahhaha
    Thanks for your consideration!

  12. Courtney Downing

    I am 20, going to be 21 in July. I have always wanted to persue my dream of being a actress, I just never really got around to it due to work or college. The reason I believe I should be selected is because I pour my heart and soul into whatever I am doing, I am a fast learner and am always looking for new ways to challenge myself. I have been in several school plays before so I do have some acting experience.
    I am a 5’8″ female, with brown hair and green eyes. I currently weigh 136, and have an athletic/slender body. Thank you for your time!

  13. Ryan Roylance

    Hi. my name is Ryan Roylance. I love acting and the thrill of becoming the character! Ive wanted to be an actor and work in the film industry since i was little, and am working on making that dream a reality. I love to make people laugh and enjoy laughing at people in return! Jim Carrey, Zach Galifianakis, john candy, Chris Farley, are all inspirations to me and i try to incorporate a little of them into my every day life with people i encounter. Give me a shot and I know you wont be disappointed, hope for a chance to have a great time making a movie and starting a career in film!

    Name: Ryan Roylance
    Ethnicity: Romanian/ Italian
    Age: 23
    Height: 5 10
    Weight: 155
    build: athletic
    Black hair
    Brown eyes

  14. caitlyn joseph

    im 26 female im 5’2 140 pounds i love to act i was in theater arts while in middle school and high school ive been in plays most of my life im energetic im very socialable i love kids mostly my own im a single mother who wants my kids to know if you try you will succeed i want to show kids that even if you fail you get up and try again
    i have auburn hair blue eyes glasses
    thankyou for this oppurtunity

  15. Scott Marraffa

    My name is Scott, and started acting at a very young age. Any type of preforming is in my future, and my strong point is definitely acting. Any additional questions, be sure to e-mail me
    Thank you
    Name: Scott Marraffa
    Height: 5’8″
    Ethnicity: Caucasion
    Eye Color: Hazel
    Hair Color: Brwon
    Physique: Skinny/Athletic
    Hometown: Maine


    Hello, my name is Marci Miller and im 21 years old. I am a very expericanced model/make-up artist and wanted to change up what i do, i always strive for something bigger and better. That being said, i have a very ouotgoing and dedicated personality, once i stick my mind to something i WILL achieve it with and if you give me the oppurtunity to do so i wont let you down

  17. Dennis Wright

    Am Dennis ………………………………………………………………….. Name :
    graphic/web-designer n performing Arts……………………….. profession:
    actin ………………………………………………………………………….. hobbies:
    am obsessed with the world of creation,destruction ………..Quote:
    recreation and reconstruction…. hahahaha thats acting

  18. Dennis Wright

    …… am Dennis
    20yrs old
    profession: graphic/web-designer n performing Arts
    quote: am obsessed with the world of creation,destruction
    recreation and reconstruction…. hahahaha thats acting

  19. Zach H.

    I am an aspiring actor interested in being cast for You Are Here or another movie//television opportunity you may be able to refer me to. Thanks for your help and consideration.


  20. bryan

    Name: Bryan Lomeli

    Height: 5’8

    Weight: 135

    Ethnicity: Hispanic

    Speak: English, Spanish

    Age: 15

    Eye Color: Brown

    Hair Color: Black

    Hair Type: Short

    Physique: Slim

    Gender: Male

    Talent: Actor

    Location: AZ

  21. Christopher Czarnecki

    Hello I’m Chris I’m not going to bore you with the reasons i want this great opertunity im going to tell you what i look like so you will see if im the right guy so here it is oh and i work for free
    gender male
    race caucasian
    hair length medium
    Im 15 years old
    im 5’10
    i have brown hair with hints of red hair
    im athletic in 7 sports football, soccer, track, cross country, tennis, and basket ball
    i have hazel eyes
    i weigh 140lb
    i am a black belt in taekwondow currently a red belt in karate
    i hope this catches your attention

  22. Maylee Woldetsadik

    I am Maylee I am an african american female, and I would love to work with Zach!!!

  23. Lexi Rhiannon

    Name: Lexi Rhiannon
    Gender: Female
    Age: 17
    What are you applying for: Actress, Print Modeling, Commerical Modeling, Shoot Coordinator, Voice-Overs, Singer/Songwriter, and more
    Height: 5’4″
    Weight: 135
    Eye Color: Hazel
    Hair Color and Length: Dark Brown and almost to hips.
    Do you wear weaves or extensions on a regular basis? No.
    My Name is Lexi and I am very outgoing and love to make new friends and meet people! I have a great sense of humor and am very easy going. I have been in some plays with school and done some modeling but nothing really big. But I think that I would do great because of how passionate I am about acting and singing. I act, sing, model, and give me a routine and I can be a pretty great dancer! I am homeschooled so I have plenty of time for filming, and if you give me a chance you won’t regret it. I hope you consider me to audition for any upcoming roles.

  24. Nyasia

    Age:13 I’m new at this acting but I’m willing to play any part 8th grade and will be 14 in march played in school plays was a cheerleader in academic challenge team short brown hair brown eyes and looks younger than I am and I live in rock hill sc and there is no opportunity down her so please here me at and at least give me an audition very smart and sweet thanks

  25. Scipio Mundine

    Name: Scipio Mundine
    Height: 6’0
    Ethnicity: African American
    Eye Color: dark brown
    Hair Color: black
    Hair Type: short
    Physique: Athletic
    Gender: male
    Talent: actor
    Hometown: Los Angeles, Ca
    School: Santa Monica Community College (in the Spring

    Hello, my name is Scipio Mundine. I have some experience in acting, such as a few Theatre classes i took in High School. For the longest, I’ve been looking for some film work. Im very interested in Television and Film Acting. I had a pleasure of working in short films in acting classes i’ve taken in highschool before. I am very intelligent, personable young man who is gifted with the talent I have, in acting. My learning skills and dedication are excellent. I have the ability to move and speak in precise manner at right moment for particular impact; pacing of action. Im really good to understand the rhythm expression of the play, dictated by script, director, other actors, type of play. I catch on fast and could regulate speed of delivery and speed of action. I have good communication with other actors also. Im really glad that I heard about this castingcall through web and would love to hear back from you guys soon and also to meet with you guys.

  26. Jessica

    Hi my name is Jessica Martinez I’m 20 years old, 5’2, hispanic, thin and petite I live in el paso tx.
    I should be considered for this film because, I am very passionate and devoted in all that I do. I do not have any acting background but I am a fast good learner. I do not have the sources or money to pursue my acting career. But I do know acting is what I want to do and I will not let this film down. I am a fighter and I fight for what I want. I know I can be an amazing actress I just need a chance to prove it. I will not disappoint this film with hiring me. Thank you fr this amazing opportunity

  27. Aniya Qualls

    Name: Aniya Qualls
    Age: 22
    Height: 5’3′
    Weight: 136lb
    Eye Color: Brown


  28. daryl ramirez

    iam 34 5’9 180pds hazel eyes i been in some movies background

  29. Hannah

    Hello my fellow people
    my name is Hannah like Hannah Montana or Hannah Banana.
    I have always loved singing and acting ever since i was seven years old . I am now 13 years old and would love to be in a movie. I have very curly thick brown hair, tan skin and big brown eyes I am also 5’2. Almost everyone i know tells me how funny or crazy i am. My Grandma always tells me Hannah you’re a character! I am a very hardworking outgoing person. It would be a dream come true if i could be in this movie!!! please send me an e-mail even if you are not interested it would mean the world!

    Thank you soo much:) peace out!!!
    Hannah Applebaum

  30. Maricela Garcia

    Good evening,

    To be honest, I do not have any acting experience but have the thrive and dedication. I have experience performing in front of an audience as a dancer, choir member and played college soccer in stadiums filled with fans. I strongly believe I have what it takes to be in this movie. I am athletic, friendly, outgoing, and a great team player. I would love the opportunity of being a part of something this great!

    I am 23 years old, 5’7, and weigh 125.

    Thanks for your time,


  31. Elizabeth

    My name is Elizabeth. I like new, fun, outrageous opportunities. I can’t sit her and tell you why I want to be apart of this movie, but I assure you that you would understand if you met me. 🙂 keep it real.

  32. Daniel

    i am 21years old i am a single father of two beautiful babies and well i recently got fired and well I’m jus like everybody else trying to chase a dream, I’m tired of chasing damn it haha, i just want to live my dream, i would love to be a part of this project so please contact me asap, Thank you and God bless.


  33. Jade Fielding

    Hi my name is Jade Fielding! I’m 15, but will be 16 ! Woohoo! Honestly I just got a new smart phone and was searching Facebook when my friend posted how she got a commercial for cold stone and I was all ‘wow, the people in those things are real!’ So I decided to give real acting a try. I come from a hilarious family who have raised me to be expression, and like most dramatic teenagers, I express myself with taking theater at high school. I love the thrill of pretending to be something opposite from me and it would be a dream to be able to make money off of doing something fun. I work hard and will never give up a chance to try something new! I hope I’m considered for being in a movie, even if I’m that girl who says ‘would you like fries with that?’

  34. Nicole Marie

    Name: Nicole Marie Allen
    Age&d.o.b: 22.
    Description: red hair, 5′ 6′, one blue eye & one brown (yes 2 dif colors)
    I have a bright personality and I can make almost anyone laugh sometimes I can be a smartass but there is never a dull moment for myself or anyone around me 🙂 I don’t have much acting experience but I am far from shy and I think zach galafanikis is both funny and kinda sexy so I would love working with him and any other comedian at that fact I have been wanting to peruse a comedy carreer for some time, just not to many oppertunities where I live 🙂

  35. Kelsie Dubon

    I could tell you how much I want to be an actress, but that’s obvious otherwise I wouldn’t be sending this in. I feel that my personality can’t be described over a comment on a casting call. My whole life I have heard that I need to be in the industry since I have a tough skin, quick witted personality, and a talent for multiple things. I believe in starting at the bottom and working your way up, so being an extra instead of the main character in this great opportunity is something I would expect and would be more than happy to receive. Comedies are the movies I can relate with the most because of my personality and they are my favorite genre of movies.

    Look forward to hearing from you.

    Kelsie Dubon

  36. stephen barnes

    Location: NC
    Height:6’0 ft 1/2 inch
    Shoe:13 1/2-14
    Jacket: XL-large, 17

    one tattoo-black nautical star on inner left wrist

    Thank you Stephen Barnes

  37. Victoria Thompson

    I am 15 years old, blond hair. blue eyes, 5 foot 6, tan, moderate experience in acting, I can play any part, all emotions.

  38. isaac hernandez

    hello my name is isaac hernandez as i read this it says comedy and all about comedy im 14 years old i hispanic and i currently live in atlanta im very funnt i want to have a big break and show the world that im as funny as it can be!! im a singer dancer actor and im hilarious i want to show out please give me a roll i wont let you down thank you for reading this

  39. Austin Moore

    hey i’m Austin and i’m a white male who has seen a monsterous amount of movies and has a great deal of knowledge in the movie industry i have been in a couple school plays and did a extra job for the CW’s One Tree Hill i’m from North Carolina and i have always wanted to be an actor. I’m 16 but i can pass for younger or older and even when i was 2 i have wanted to be the best looking and the funniest kid in the room. I’m confident and outgoing and i will do anything to be one of the best actors out there. I can do comedy and drama and any other genre that u ask. i have black hair and brown eyes and im pretty good dancer and an ok singer and im 5’11 and very athletic and could do any physical tasks for a role. Please make me a star like i wanna be.

  40. peter merhi jordan

    Hello my name is peter jordan, im half Mexican and half arabic light complected blue eyes brownish blonde hair average type body I am an aspiring actor stand up comic and am also involved with Jesterz improv comedy the biggest and best improv troupe of az I am bilingual spanish and english ive been involved with the local theater opera improv and stand up scene here for a few years im only 23 studying theater and sociology at asu ready to do anything ill do grunt work behind the scenes or be an extra or do whatever im confident but will remain humble and always open to learn please consider me my agency is the young agency in phx and susie is my agent please give me any opportunity available

    I hope you find wat you are looking for!

  41. Shay Clark

    I’m a 20 year old female who atually is like most young adults; I have not the slightest direction in life and kind of feel drawn to acting in some sort of way. My height is rather average being 5’6, well I assume that’s average. I have blond hair as of now which of course isn’t natural. I actually don’t even know what to say or how to word any of this properly so hopefully you guys read these

  42. Franco Boisier

    Hi, i’m Franco i’m 14 years old and i from Argentina, i speak english and spanish, i I have always had a passion for acting,i act in every school play theather since kindergarten and I am interested on this proyect because i am very good on comedy and drama equally. I have black hair, very dark and beautiful eyes. Please, my dream was always to do what i love to do. I hope you guys consider me for this proyect. Thank you

  43. Dani Roberts

    I am 21 years old, I can pass for my age and younger. I have been acting since I was 13 in theatre productions. In high school I acted in every play from freshman year to senior year.
    I am 5’2
    Blue eyes
    Brown hair
    I am part Filipino so I do have ethic quality in my facial features.

    I am driven, active, quick learner, and I take direction well. I believe I would be a great asset to your team of actors. Zach and Amy are my favorite comedic actors. Their time is perfect. It would be an honor and privilege to work with the group of wonderful people.

  44. Danielle

    I work hard. I have a great sense of humor. I think fast. I am creative. Acting is the only thing I know how to do.
    Height 5’5
    Hair color brown
    Eye color brown
    Ethnicity Hispanic
    Gender female
    Weight 120lbs.

  45. Jeremy W

    OK I am not some great looking star. I have no story to tell you that I was born for this or that I am the next big thing because come on you have to be realistic. I watch movies and thats about it. Only thing I could say about myself is that I like to think of myself as a younger Jim Carrey or Adam Sandler. I have no degree in acting, I have never acted in anything before. I guess the only thing I can say is either you will like me or you won’t. Either way it really doesn’t matter to me. All I can say is if you want to give me a shot then well I will give my best, other wise thanks for listening.

  46. Lorissa Domenique

    Age: 17
    Height: 5’10”
    Weight: 123
    Measurements: 32″ 24″ 33″
    Eyes: Green
    Hair: Mid back length, light/medium brown
    Race: Caucasian
    Location: Fl.

    Acting has been my passion since I can remember. It is all I have ever wanted to do since I was 5, unfortunately my parents were always against this. However, now that I will be 18 in a few weeks I will do everything in my power to make my life long dream come true. You should consider me because I am extremely devoted to my dream, and am willing to do whatever it takes to make it come true.
    – Lorissa Domenique

  47. Dana Balkin

    Name: Dana Balkin
    Age: 18
    Height: 5′ 6″
    Weight: 125
    Eye Color: Hazel
    Skin: White (Caucasian)
    Hair: Brown Pixie Cut
    Clothing SIze: Four

    I am extremely passionate about acting and comedy is my wheel house. Amy Poehler has been my role model for years and I hope to follow in her footsteps. In my life I have been compared to Amy Poehler, Tina Fey, and Carol Burnett for my comedy style and demeanor. I would be flattered and honored to be a member of this incredibly gifted cast. I can pass for a wide array of ages and am very versatile in my acting abilities (which you will quickly find out if you choose to cast me). Thank you so much for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you! I would also be happy to send you a headshot. I can be reached at my email address

  48. Kellie Shianne

    Kellie Shianne
    5’8″ and 125 pounds
    Blonde hair and blue/green eyes
    18 years old but I can look younger
    Personable and bubbly personality
    I am hard to dislike and I have a wild passion for success. I have wanted to be a model and actress since as long as I can remember. I could never walk through the mall without a scout noticing me and chasing me down. I dream of being in huge feature films and on the runway at the Victorias Secret Fashion Show. I deserve to be in this show because there is not one person who will be cast that will enjoy being there more then I will. My life is centered around music and dancing and both seem to lift my spirits and make everything better. This is my absolute dream and I will make everyone smile and laugh with my personality and fire. Please consider!

  49. Alex Creamer

    Hello, my name is Alex Creamer. I am an actor currently looking for work. Currently working on theater acting and would like to act in a film. No problem playing any type of roles, small or large. I am 19 years old, ex-military, and have many hobbies.

    Age: 19
    Height: 6’1
    Weight: 160lbs athletic build
    Gender: Male
    Race: White

    If you are interested please contact me

    Best Regards,

  50. Hanna Hohenthal

    I don’t know if you are still taking auditions, I apologize tremendously if you are not!

    Name: Hanna Hohenthal
    Age: 22 ( my birthday is 22.11.1990)
    Nationality: Finnish and I live in Finland
    Height 180 cms (5 ft 10 (?))
    Weight: 150 kilos (330 lbs)
    Hair color: Brown
    Eye color: Brown

    Yes, I am overweight. Very much so. Yes, I am tall. Proud of it, even. Yes, I live in Finland. That can be worked around. I speak with an accent. SOme say it is beautiful.

    I have always loved acting, but considering my looks I have put it aside in fear of mockery. I still understand I am not beautiful in the media standards of this time, but I have come to realize that if I don’t start to reach for my dream it will be irrevacobably late and I’ll always mourn it. I honestly don’t care how small or big part you might give to me, I honestly just want a character I can start to bring into life.

    My acting ‘career’ is pretty non-existent and I have no idea how to impress you using only words, without you even seeing me. I was in Kallio’s Drama High School (I am sorry, that isn’t probably it’s real English translation name but I couldn’t find it) and I went to some school acting projects there which I loved from start to finish. I graduated from there in spring 2010.

    I am sure you hear this so often it has lost it’s meaning, but acting is my dream. Thinking of doing it, making through, fills me with so much happiness it’s so difficult to hold it back.

    I just want a chance.

    Thank you for your time.

    Hanna Hohenthal

  51. Erin McAnespie

    Hey! My name is Erin McAnespie. I’m 14 years old and I’ve always wanted to be an actress. Zach Galifanakis is an AMAZING actor and I love him! I have blonde hair and blue eyes, I’m also 4″11 and I am very outgoing! Email me for a chance to audition.

    Erin (:

  52. Jennifer McGuire

    I have over 5 years modeling experience and have been told I am a natural at acting.
    Age: 31
    Height: 5’3″
    Weight: 140
    Hair Color: Brown
    Eye Color: Brown
    Location: West Carrollton, OH
    Talent: Dancing and Acting

  53. marilou kokkori

    my name is marilou kokkori
    from : greece
    spoke: english , greek
    skin color: not black and not white
    age: (20)
    wihgt: 58kg
    hihgt: 1,71
    colour of eyes is: brown
    colour of hair is: dark brown
    my dream is to be an actress in holywood iven if it is hard cause im not from usa plus i can dancing or anything! i want it so much!

  54. Joshua Matthew Bryant

    HEY!!!!! OVER HERE!!!!! Now that I’ve got your attention: My name is Joshua Matthew Bryant. I’m 14, and I live in Australia. I’m 6-feet tall, I have Hazel eyes, I have Dark Brown hair that goes halfway down my neck that can be styled a few ways, I am very pale being of a British / German descent, I’m 60kg and not that muscular, and I have pretty good skin (barely any acne)

    The last two years I have been taking Drama (acting classes) in School, and am now achieving straight-A grades in the subject. I have been in 4 class plays as main and secondary roles, and I have done a comedy play with two other classmates at an arts and performance show for the school. I am very flexible when it comes to roles; I can improvise well with most situations, and am almost perfect with remembering my lines if given time to revise them. I have received positive comments from teachers, fellow actors, and audience members on how good my acting is. My problem is that Cairns is to small (200,000 people small) meaning that there is no way I can get recognised / or into acting where I live unless my family move to a big city, which they can’t afford.

    I have been into acting for years, and have wanted to be in movies ever since I started my drama classes – me wanting to be in a movie is what led me to finding this audition site. I really do love the sound of You Are Here (being a comedy and all), and I would absolutely love to be a supporting role alongside this amazing cast. To be a part of this movie – or any big movie – would be more than a dream to me for I can’t describe my love for acting, I am willing to give up my school life to come be a part in this movie, or any movie for that matter and my parents will support my (possible) career as an actor.

    PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE consider me for this movie, it would mean the world to get a place in a film like this, and if there isn’t a part suiting my characteristics, then do you know of any upcoming movies that need someone like me?

    Thanks for at least reading this 🙂

  55. Brian Williams

    Name: Brian Williams
    Gender: Male
    Age: 19
    Eye: Brown
    Weight: 150
    Body Type: Slim/athletic
    Height: 5’9
    Why should you guys pick me? I love acting, it’s my dream to be part of a tv show. I love to have fun and meet new people. I love making new friends. I’ve been told many of times i have the look. Sincerely, Brian Williams

  56. Julian Le

    Julian Le
    Age: 24
    5’6″ with Athletic build
    Ethnicity: Asian American

    I have no acting skills but have always dreamed of being in front of the camera and following my idol Jackie Chan. To perform for others and make people laugh. Weather it’s stupid jokes, sarcasm, physically hurt, I love to entertain others.

  57. Marquan Mcpherson

    I’m marquan McPherson I love to act I hope I get this role because since I was a baby that was my dream !

  58. lacee williams

    Hi Im lacee 5’6 dark hair hazel eyes would love to get my acting career started. would really not mind what i would be in this film as long as something comes along and i could get started in on my dream.

  59. Brian Cherry

    Age: 27

    If you’re looking for someone who is driven, loves the spotlight and can go toe to toe with any of the big names in Hollywood look no further I’m your guy. Have a great sense of humor an excellent sense of timing and delivery and the ability to easily become the character presented. I’ve always been told I would be perfect as an actor as I am consistently the center of any get together, whether it be playing guitar and singing, doing an impromptu stand up routine or just keeping people on their toes with my entertaining story telling. I would be an excellent addition to any cast as I know I can take on any role.

    If you’re looking for a true professional, look no further.

  60. Katherine Martin

    Hello there,
    My name is Katherine Martin but everyone calls me Cathy. I am 21 years old. I am lots of fun but I can be serious when the time calls for it. I am very outgoing, friendly, compassionate, and sweet. I have never acted before but I enjoy new opportunities. I always push myself when it comes to challenges because I’m great under pressure. I take directions very well. I am a black belt in tae kwon do. I am looking forward to experiencing the world of acting.

  61. Candace Adkins

    Name: Candace Adkins
    Gender: Female
    Age: 13
    Race: Caucasian
    Height: about 5′ 3″
    Weight: about 100lbs
    Eyes: Blue
    Hair: long (all the way down back) , blonde
    Location: NC
    Education: 8th grade algebra 1 advanced class
    Talents: Singing, acting, modeling, guitar, violin, piano
    I started acting at the age of 7 and went to acting/scouting camp. I participate in singing competitions and plays and musicals in my area. i participated in 5th grade honors chorus but switched to orchestra in 6th grade. I am easy to work with and
    try to do my best at everything. thank you for considering my entry

  62. Orlando Flores

    My name is Orlando Flores and I’m from Texas and I would love be part of this film. The actors and actresses set to play parts in the film all have very serious but extremely funny characteristics to their style of acting. They can be quite witty and subtle with jokes and play off dark humor, qualities I believe to possess. I’m 5’9″ 140lbs in athletic shape, but not bulky. I’m a hard worker and willing to help the entire crew of the movie make this film the best I can. Thank you.
    – Orlando

  63. Maddie McCann

    I guess this would be the appropriate time to leave a cheesy, long-winded comment, right? I won’t waste your time so let’s get to the point.

    My name is Maddie McCann and I am an actress. From live plays in which I have a main role, to a small-town movie in which I was an extra, I have been acting since I knew what the word was. I listen to directions, learn from those with more experience, pick up new skills quickly, and I’m willing to work hard. Not to mention I believe I have the talent needed to break into “the business.”

    Age: 14, but easily mistaken for 16 or 17.
    Height: 5’5
    Hair: brown
    Eye color: brown
    Weight: 125lb.
    Shoe size ( why not?): 7 1/2
    Music taste: SUPERB

    I’d like to think my comment stood out! Please email me if your interested, it would be an honor to have any role, no matter the size.

    Thank you for your time,
    Maddie McCann

  64. Robert "Tyler" Jones

    I’m Robert “Tyler” Jones
    I am very interested in this Audition, Available to play most positions, I have a Resume and contact information if needed. From Oklahoma and travel in not an issue! Acting is what I want to do, Love it!!! Thanks Tyler Jones

  65. Porshia Eubanks

    To whom it my concern, My name is Porshia Eubanks. I’m 20 years old with a cheerful personality that loves to make people laugh all the time. I’m always energetic with a smile on my face and very easy to work with. Acting has been one of my dreams since I was a little kid. I’m dedicated and determined to make my dreams come true. I don’t mind putting in hardwork because I know that it will eventually pay off. I don’t mind taking on new tasks or taking criticism because it’s going to make me a better person and actress. If I’m given the opportunity I will be truly grateful and I will not be a disappointment. Thanks for your time and patience. Have a blessed day.

  66. Caitie Jordan

    hello, my name is caitie jordan and i am 14 years old.
    name: Caitie E Jordan
    age: 14
    height: 5’6″
    weight: 95 – 103
    eyes: milk chocolate brown
    hair: caramel/brown
    why you should choose me: i am a small town girl who, long story short, is now being homeschooled. it has always been my dream to be a famous actress and be on the big screen, and tv, etc. one of my ‘friends’ told everyone at school a whole bunch of lies like i tried to kill her and i did illegal drugs (i do not do any of those things!) and turned all of my friends except one against me. that was in october. now some are coming back but that will not stop me. im trying to find all the tv/movie auditions i can because this is my dream, i love acting, im very attractive, and people tell me they could see me in movies. i love comedies and i love making people smile. this is my goal.
    if you need a picture- email me.

  67. Megan

    I would love to be in a comedy! All I do is make people laugh. I’ve been in choir and theater most if my life. My name is Megan Lynette I’m 23 years old I have long brown hair and bright green eyes. I’m part Indian and German! I put 100% into everything I do. I lm always working hard for what I want. I think I would be a good asset the this movie. Believe in me and take a chance! My goal in life is to become an actress! Thank you 🙂

  68. Casey P Gibbs

    You Are Here~

    Hello, my name is Casey Gibbs. I live in Southern California. I am Currently 19 years of age . I am the baby of 3 siblings, I have two brothers and a sister, whom are 22, 23, and 25, sister being the oldest. Not only is Zach Galifianakis one of my favorite Actors/Comedians let alone the other famous actors/actresses in this feature film. I would absolutely love to be a extra or maybe even a stand out roll for this film. I feel I fit the part because I am very unique, not afraid to be myself, and my style is different.

  69. Ben Cooper

    I should be considered for this opportunity because, simply put, I’m fat with a beard and a great hairline. Who doesn’t love fat people on screen? Zach Galifianakis embraces his body and pulls it off better than anyone currently in films. I’m an ironically funny, witty teenage boy with the face of a 22 year old. Hope to hear back!

  70. Basilos Desta

    Hey, I’m Basilos Desta and I’m 14. I have great recommendations and work well with others. I’m actually a jokester myself. I can play all different kinds of roles. Thank you

  71. Sydney Warsaski

    I am Sydney, I am 5’6″, brown hair, brown eyes, thin and have been modeling since age 2, singing since I could talk, and acting and dancing since age 4, I have been in about 30 shows since! And I would be extreamly excited to step up my game to the next level!

  72. Alexander Cabrera

    Oh my this guy is so feakin funny lol would probably pass out if I ever got to work with him.!! GO AHEAD ZACK.!! Would love to be I. Anything possible, working with Zack would be an honor.

  73. Rémi Gauthier

    Hello, my name is Rémi Gauthier, I’m 17 years old and I’m from France!
    I speak fluently english, however I have a french accent, this is why I would be an unique character in the movie !
    About acting : I’ve done many casts in France, and I might play in movies soon.
    I’m 5″7 tall, I have blue eyes, brown mid-long hair. I’m athletic, I love all kinds of sports, I love hanging out with my friends, and being an actor is my dream !
    My only problem is that I live in Paris. However I plan on going to live in the US (I’ve been living there for a year).

    Thank you for considering me and I hope to be part of the Casting Calls for this movie !!

  74. Randi petersen

    Hey! Im Randi! Im a female from Michigan. Just your average pretty face, cute figure, crazy teen living life to the fullest!
    Age? Just turned 16 ( i do look younger )
    Im about 5’2 and 94lbs. Slim, peite, and beatiful inside and out!
    I may be tiny, but inside is the biggest heart! Its probablly 92lbs of me!
    Im a singer, actress, dancer!, preformer! And modeling 🙂
    I am also homeschooled, i use my time wisely and balence it out between being the strong person i know i am and the dancer i dream of…
    Point is… I have lost soo many friends(passed away) and let options slip through my fingers. I just need a little push to help me out and i’ll promise i wont turn down anything that i love doing. I have lost enough stuff and time to gain the fame, and the self-confidence i need!
    Thanks for spending your time reading all about me. Maybe i’ll hear all about you!? 😉
    ( email for pictures and phone number! )

  75. Jesse Bissen

    M name is Jesse Bissen and I would love to be apart of this wonderful movie. I am a 13 year old male with an overjoyed love for acting! Ever since I was ver young m entire family have been striding me towards acting and honestly I have been pushing my self as well! This movie sounds so great because coincidentally it contains all of my favorite actors. I have starred in many plays and have had many acting jobs previously. I am also a lead captin on my high school speech team and won state with a humorous piece last winter as a novice, so I am an excellent speaker! I am in 8 th grade, I enjoy acting and spending time with friends/ family. I am blond with blue eyes and I am 5’3. I would so very much appreciate it if you would consider me for this spectacular movie! Please e-mail me if you have any questions!

    I appreciate it,

    Jesse ray Bissen