Virginia Lottery Commercial

Casting Call for TV Commercial

Would you like to appear in a commercial? You are in luck! The Virginia Lottery is now casting for a new spot and there are a ton of available roles! SpangTV is searching for actors/actresses for the commercial. Auditions will be held on Friday, April 7th with callbacks being held on Tuesday, April 11th. The casting call and the shoot will be in Richmond, Virginia. Filming will be on April 19th and/ or April 20th. This is a non-union commercial. It will compensate selected models and actors $750.00 to $1000.00 depending on the role. Casting directors are looking for Virginia residents in their 20’s to 60’s for various characters. If you have always wanted to see yourself on TV this is the perfect opportunity for you! The commercial will run for 13 weeks statewide in Virginia.

About the Commercial

A small group of actors/actresses to cast as “The Not Yet Corvette Club.” These men/women meet every week in a garage to celebrate their love of Corvettes—but none of them own one. We are looking for diversity in age, gender and ethnicity. We want actors that are dynamic, quirky and whose faces can tell a story without saying a word. There is subtlety to their comedy and performances so that the characters and relationships feel genuine.

What They Are Looking For

CLUB PRESIDENT – Male or Female. Late 30s to Late 40s. Caucasian or African-American. Mentor. Type A. Easily frustrated. firm yet inspirational; buttoned up; the glue that holds the club together; a leader and sort of mentor (if only the club members would listen); particular and well organized; likes to play casual but easily frustrated; was a founding member of this club and doesn’t think anyone else could manage the club quite like he/she does; cares about the club and it’s members to the core.

STAN/STACY – Male or Female. Late 30s to Late 40s. Caucasian or African-American. Endearing, passionate, genuine. Sidekick. Doesn’t like to be the center of attention—is used to playing the understudy; reliable; does a lot for the club behind the scenes; looks at things objectively—our president’s sounding board; has just as much passion for the club as the president but doesn’t command attention the way the president does; isn’t sure what he/she would do if they needed to take control.

BILL – Male. Late 30s to mid-50s. Caucasian or African-American. Tough. Straight-Laced. Maybe ex-military. Smart and intuitive; tough but fair; he’s used to sitting back and reading people more so than being in the limelight; it’s hard to tell by his tough exterior, but Bill has a big heart; he takes pride in his new car and has mother bear instincts if people get too close; he feels deeply but it’s a side not many members have seen.

PERSON IN ALL BLACK – Male or Female, 50s, 60s. Caucasian or African-American. Opinionated/Sarcastic. Stuck in his/her way; not afraid to let their disdain show; sarcastic; teases club members in a “big brother/big sister” kind of way; seems aggressive until you get to know him/her.

AWKWARD CHARACTER – Male or Female, 20s-30s. Caucasian or African-American. Clumsy, yet lovable. Socially awkward and aware of it, but not until after he/she had said the wrong thing; vulnerable; timid; innocent.

UNCLE DAVID – Male, 50s-60s. Caucasian or African-American. Sophisticated. Silver fox; to our club, he’s an idol; he’s handsome and cool; he admires the Not Yet Corvette Club and the camaradarie they’ve built around the love for Corvettes; he appreciates the club members passion for corvettes even though they don’t own any; he’s gracious when it comes to his “fans” and is happy to talk about Corvettes with club members.

Club President – Line 1: Welcome to another “Not Yet Corvette Club” meeting. A club for those of us who love Corvettes but don’t have one yet.
Club President – Line 2: First order of business—Stan brought us new “new Corvette smell” air fresheners. Thank you, Stan.
Club President – Line 3: And… hold on to your hats. The Virginia Lottery is coming out with a new Corvette & Cash Scratcher!
Club President – Line 4: People, we’ll have time to play our Corvette and Cash Scratchers after the meeting.

Stan/Stacy – Line 1: Guys, this is my Uncle David. He’s the one who got me into Corvettes.
Stan/Stacy – Line 2: Thanks, Uncle D!
Stan/Stacy – Reaction 1: Beaming with pride. High-fiving other club members.
Bill Line 1: (choking up) I just want to say that even though I I have a Corvette now—thank you Corvette and Cash scratcher—you guys will always be family.
Bill Line 2: (referring to his new Corvette) Hey, come on now, she just got a wash!

Person In All Black – Line 1: (after the rest of the group decides to wear all white for group photos) Come on!
Person In All Black – Reaction 1: Scoffing. Shaking head “no” at other members.

Awkward Character – Line 1: (to new Corvette owner, Bill) Will you blow on my scratcher for good luck?
Awkward Character – Line 2: (as Corvette backs out of garage) I hate to see her go.
Awkward Character – Line 3: (as he shakes Uncle David’s hand) Wow, now these are the hands of a Corvette driver.

Uncle David Reaction 1: Uncomfortable pulling his hand out of a handshake with AWKWARD CHARACTER.
Uncle David Reaction 2: Stepping out of his Corvette, graciously meeting his “fans.”

In addition to the above sides, the audition will also include a mix of reactions and improvisation. We’re looking for strong facial expressions, subtle humor, and an ability to react on the fly. Submit for the role(s) you think you are best for. On the day of the audition we may read you for other roles as well.

How to Apply

If you would like to apply for the casting call follow the below instructions:

First, fill in this form at the following link. SpangTV – Virginia Lottery Commercial – Corvette – Casting Submission Form.…/1Tn03a0gaSDI5kaBr0dt3TZ…/viewform


Send your headshot and resume to Use the following SUBJECT HEADING or your submission (personalized to YOU):
Your First Name, ROLE
For example: John Smith, PRESIDENT
If you fill out the form, email your headshot & resume AND type the subject heading as instructed, your submission is considered complete!
Thank you for following our instructions. We will be holding auditions by appointment ONLY. Submitting does not guarantee you an audition, but it does put you in consideration for one. We are only able to respond to those submissions we select for auditions, but we appreciate your interest.
Note: We prefer in-person auditions, but we will also accept self-taped auditions on a case by case basis. Please only send us a self-tape after you have followed the submission instructions above, AND received an email from us asking for a self-taped audition. Unsolicited self-taped auditions will NOT be considered.

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