The Choir – USA NetworkAttention music lovers of all ages. It’s time to raise your voice and sing your heart out in the all new series The Choir. USA, America’s most watched cable network along with the amazingly talented and world renowned choirmaster Gareth Malone is set to bring this one of a kind television singing experience to televisions everywhere and you can be a part of the musical magic. Casting calls and auditions for this once in a lifetime opportunity will be held soon and you can apply today to become the newest member of The Choir.Already an award winning and inspirational hit for The BBC in the UK, Malone is set to bring The Choir to the U.S.. Each week The Choir will recruit a new batch of singers from communities throughout the country and mentor them to the performance of their lives. The beauty of this sure Io be hit program is the way the Mr. Malone helps these aspiring singers not only find thier voices but the way that in doing so he touches and strengthens their communities and brings them together in a way that they never could have imagined. Viewers will get to know each chosen singing group and the people around them and the conclusion of each episode will feature a stirring performance in front of their neighbors, friends and families that will not leave a dry eye in the house. This is a reality television show like no other and if you are an up and coming singer and performer you simply have to be a part of it. Auditions and casting calls will be held soon and you can apply to be a part of this terrific new production now. If you are interested in making your voice heard and touching the lives of millions you can submit yourself and your story here More details will be available soon so leave us a comment below and tell us why you would like to be cast in this amazing musical project and keep checking back for all the up to the minute audition updates for The Choir.This is your chance to show your talent to the world and make your community stand up and cheer. apply today to be the next cast member of The USA Network’s The Choir.
OliviaI’m Liv Patko I have been singing for teen years I am thirteen I know how to read sheet music, sight sing, and use my diafram to make each note sound better I have performed in all my schools talent shows placing each time have got jobs like singing at the world taco festival in Las Vegas and would like to persue my dream further of becoming a singer I’m currently in my school choir is sing alto and soprano well in both I’ve won titles with songs like listen Beyoncé and I can only I went up to the mountain Kelly Clarkson 0 Reply May 7, 2016
AmyI’m Amy and singing is all I’ve ever wanted to do for as long as I can remember. I am never happier than when I am singing and performing. I started singing in my church youth choir then quickly began singing with the senior choir even though I was still only in middle school and the youngest member of the choir. In high school I was a member of every choral group my school had to offer: Show Choir, Chamber Singers, musicals (of which I had the leads starting in my sophomore year), as well as county, district, and state choruses. I now sing with my church’s awesome praise band and I am a member of my city’s Maennerchor chorus, which is a traditional German choir; each year we travel to compete in a Saengerfest, which is a German singing competition, where we compete against other Maennerchors from our great state of Pennsylvania. I love being a part of the Maennerchor. We are a tight-knit group of musicians who share a love of singing and we love coming together each week to share that love and to enjoy being in the company of all our choir mates. Singing, my faith, my involvement in my church’s praise team and the Maennerchor have all been a lifeline for me; in 2011 I gave birth to our first child, Norah. To our disbelief Norah was stillborn after an otherwise healthy pregnancy at 38 weeks, 5 days. After the death of our baby I fell into a deep depression and stopped singing altogether. I felt as though I died when she did and the song in my heart was extinguished for quite some time after her death. I quit the Maennerchor and disassociated myself with the people and things I had always held dear. I retreated into myself and wanted nothing to do with the world in which everyone else seemed so happy because I was so very sad. We joined our church two months after losing Norah and about a year after that I began singing again as a part of the praise band at church. Three years after having Norah I gave birth to her sister, Olivia who was perfectly healthy and gorgeous. Shortly after giving birth to Olivia I began singing with the Maennerchor again. I didn’t realize how much I missed being a part of the choir. It is something I could never see myself giving up again. The weekly camaraderie and immersion in music nourishes my soul. Without singing I would be empty. Singing has allowed me to evolve in my grief for my daughter in ways nothing else could. I need to sing. Singing is what defines me and what sustains me. I would love to participate in your show so I can experience even more of the fulfillment that singing can bring. Thank you for your consideration!! 0 Reply July 12, 2015
ShaayHello,I am Patrice, yet many call me Shaay. I was born and raised in North Carolina. I’ve loved to sing since 8 years old-performing in numerous talent shows, churches, and community events. I have been in different choirs and ensembles practically all of my life and also attended University with two years of Music Industry Studies with a concentration in business. I have toured and competed in contests as a student vocalist. But true love and passion is in the rawness of it all. Just to sit in a room by myself for hours and hours of singing ugly or pretty; it’s like going to see a therapist for me. None of the fancy things, just me and the music. I linked a video of me, if you like please don’t hesitate to message me back.Thank you for considering! 0 Reply April 13, 2015
Cj PainterMy name is Cj. I am 24 years old. I live in a small town in WV. I have sang my entire life. I started singing in church at young age, then moved on to middle and high school choir. Music is a passion of mine. I am also a dedicated fan of shows like Glee. I have always dreamed of making my dreams come true one day. I wasn’t able to keep singing with my church because they had an issue when I came out as gay. Ever since I have struggled to fit in or find a home for mymusic. I would love to share my passion with you. I have met the love of my life and finally married! Now I just need to put my career in motion! 0 Reply March 27, 2015
EricaI’m 42 years old, and have performed in choirs around the world. Being in a choir is a much different skill set than being a solo performer – not everyone gets that! I think a choir show would be really interesting! And of course I’d love to be on it <3 0 Reply March 21, 2015
Jayson GipsonI am interested. I am a lead singer. I can perform all voices. 0 Reply February 23, 2015
Erica BartellI’m 14, I’ve been singing for my whole life. I sang with a professionally led choir from 2008-2010, took voice lessons from 3 different teachers, 1: 2009-2011 2: 2011-2014 3: 2014-present. I’ve always been in my school choirs. I’m currently in the advanced women’s chorus composed of 8th grade girls at my school. I have been complimented by my schoolmates, teachers, and parents on my voice. Most people describe my voice to be very strong and talented. I’m a Mezzo Soprano with a very wide vocal range. In my school choir I was originally sang with the soprano 2s but was moved to the altos to help them better project their voices. I hope to someday become a singer since it has made me who I am today, which makes me feel special and unique. Love, Erica 0 Reply February 20, 2015
SabrinaHi, my name is Sabrina Gomez, I’m a freshman at Loyola Chicago at turning 19 in about a week. I have been singing in choirs for over six years and have taken private lessons for over three. I love to sing. Its an amazing way to express yourself and I love sharing my passion of music with others. Being in a choir is such a great experience. I’ve made great friends and formed tight bonds. While it can be stressful or frustrating I think the singing as one whole and meeting new people far outweighs the negatives. I really hope to have the chance to audition for you. It would be an amazing opportunity and I would love to share my voice with you. I hope to hear from you.~Sabrina 0 Reply February 7, 2015
Jennifer AlexanderHello. I love to sing. I’ve only had a few vocal lessons throughout my life, and do understand that I’m in need of some vocal training. But, I’m confident, that with your training expertise, and my voice, together, we could create exactly what your looking for! God bless! 0 Reply January 30, 2015
Beth LackeyHere name was Beth. What more do you need from a 39 y/o, 5’0 curly red head? I have been a staff singer/cantor at Christ Church Cranbrook, Bloomfield Hills, MI for 3 years. I’ve worked under Jeffrey Smith, John Repulski, Mel Larimer, and Sir David Willcocks. I am classically trained and can also sing jazz and gospel. Musical theater is my passion. The only time I feel alive is on stage with an audience eating out of my hand. Currently, I am reprising my role as the Blessed Mother in The Cross and the Light concert series in Metro Detroit area. If you need some spice or adventure in your life, I’m your girl! And yes, I know it sounds like a dating website line. Ha! 0 Reply January 16, 2015
MorganMy name is Morgan and it’s been my dream to get my singing talent out there. I am 20 years old and live in a little small town we like to call the Ohio Valley. Winning isn’t everything it’s just getting the opportunity to let myself shine and get myself out there 0 Reply January 11, 2015
Kristi MartinIt’s quite simple really. I love to sing and I want to make my family proud. 0 Reply December 29, 2014
Cora SheppardHello I am Cora Sheppard and I am 12 years old and I love to sing and play instruments. I have been singing for as long as I can remember and I have many different hobbies as well. If this job doesn’t turn out there is always tomorrow and the day after that! Thank you for hearing me out! 0 Reply December 27, 2014
Jenna VaughnHello to everyone reading this!My name is Jenna and I have been singing since the age of two. I have sang in church choirs from three until now, at age eighteen. Being in choirs have impacted my life so much that I am studying to become a choral educator and conductor. I think this would be an amazing opportunity for me as a performer and also a student. I think I could bennifit from this experience in so many possitive ways. Thank you for reading my short little snip-bit!Jenna Vaughn 0 Reply December 17, 2014
PriscillaHello, I am Priscilla and I love singing. I have been singing ever since I was nine. I would love to be part of this show because I want to conquer my fear of failing and too shy to sing in front of people. I want to be a star and to become this star I have a lot to learnt and I think this show will put me through my goals and aspirations. 0 Reply December 13, 2014
Juanita HartHi, I am Juanita, and I love singing. l have decided to do something I really love to do. And that is sing. My focus has changed (for some time now). It is time for me to open a new chapter in my life. I have done a job that I did not enjoy for 23 years. Now I am ready to just step out and take a chance. I have sung in choirs, and participated in workshops, laid tracks for other singers, and even taught music. A change has come. I am ready. Thanks! 0 Reply October 15, 2014
Becky GraceMy name is Becky Grace! I’m 17 years old. I play the acoustic/ electric guitar, bass and vocals. I have been singing my whole life in different choir and musical plays. I preformed at Orchestra Hall in a honor choir. Also preforming in a Heritage Choir Festival in San Fransico. Being part of your choir will break grounds for me in trying to pursue my dreams in music. Having the opportunity to sing for in a choir would impact my life greatly. Music is something that I will sacrifice my life for. It’s the only thing I know. 0 Reply September 21, 2014
Jone BosworthLinda Ronstadt knows a thing or two about singing. In her book, Simple Dreams: A Musical Memoir, she writes: “Perhaps more than birds do, humans hold a grudge. They sing to complain of how grievously they have been wronged, and how to avoid it in the future. They sing to help themselves execute a job of work. They sing so the subsequent generations won’t forget what the current generation endured, or dreamed, or delighted in.”I’m holding a grudge. Singing in public since age 3, I stopped. I’d love to say the grudge is against my dastardly high school vocal instructor who silenced my voice. She can’t take all the credit.Truth is, the grudge is against me. While I sang with a blues band in Tokyo, I stopped singing because it seemed irresponsible here in the U.S. to continue, here where “creating art” is viewed as impractical, as something that requires isolation, and perhaps a little bit of craziness as few people make a living as singers, as artists, writers or creators of something other than money or products that more assuredly lead to money. I went to law school and “cast off childish things.”This week I published an article about workplace singing, inspired by BBC’s The Choir and Gareth Malone This got me thinking about the USA Network’s The Choir and what an amazing experience it would be to join with other voices and potentially make a positive impact on millions in the U.S. and beyond.So, like they say in The Full Monty, I may not be young, I may not be pretty, and at this point, I may not be right good, but I’m ready to give Gareth and the USA Network my all, to ‘get naked’ with other choir members and sing! 0 Reply September 16, 2014
Bryan McNairThe essence of entertainment lives within me. Standing at 5.5 and a half feet of heart and passion, I should be featured in this production because I am capable of bringing screens to life. The name “Bryan McNair” is one that brings with it a desire to entertain, a desire to learn and grow in the world of theater and film, and the desire to give life to any role that might be put in front of me. Aside from being a very animated personality, I also sing and capture the attention of crowds fairly easily. I love improvisation, and there is no greater feeling than to be naturally funny and to successfully garner the attention of complete strangers. I live to be under the light of entertainment. With a huge imagination, there is no angle that I cannot play and master with personal spark and infinite charisma. If selected, my positive energy will fill any missing piece of a production’s puzzle. 0 Reply September 12, 2014
Jennifer PhillipsWell, I would absolutely love to be chosen to sing with your choir! I’ve been a musical artist since I was a child. I’m a ” play by ear” girl who loves to record, draw, create and sing about everything! Music has become a special part of my life, and has lifted my head during tough times and has definitely put a smile on my face:) I can’t live without music and I really hope to be a part of the choir 🙂 I’m so excted about such a great opportunity, and I hope to hear back from you! 0 Reply August 9, 2014
BeckyHello! My name is Becky and I would be unbelievably grateful if I were to be chosen as part of the Choir cast. I have always loved singing, but have been battling with stage fright for a while now and think this would be the best way to conquer my fear! I love singing all types of music from jazz, indie, rock, country, you name it! I have always had a strong passion for singing and if chosen I would be honored to share this passion with the rest of the world! 0 Reply July 30, 2014
Julia KincaidNAME: Julia FROM: MICHIGAN AGE: 52 DOB: 06/16/1962 HEIGHT: 5″3 WEIGHT: 160 pds RACE: African American SKIN: Light HAIR: Black EYES: Dark Brown GENDER: Female WHEN CAN I START: A.S.A.P 0 Reply July 17, 2014
Lindsey LouisiusI’m Lindsey I’m 15 years old I love in New Jersey but I was born in Haiti i speak 3 languages I love to sing and I have been told that I have a great voice I would really love to participate I’m The Choir I can assure you that I will will surprise you. I have a great personality great to be around, funny,smart. I think I am very talented and if I get a chance others can see that too 0 Reply July 6, 2014
Amy JohnsonIt would be a dream come true to somehow enhance the lives of my senior citizen residents battling dementia through music. What a blessing! 0 Reply June 29, 2014
WilliamHi, I’m a British 20 year-old male singer currently studying in Shanghai You should check out my Youtube Channel 🙂 : 0 Reply June 10, 2014
MarissaHi I’m marissa and I’m from Minnesota. I’m 14 years old and I’m just entering high school. I should be chosen because my dream job is to have something to do with singing or music. This opportuniy would be a great boost for a career, and Singing is one of my main talents and I enjoy singing everyday. 0 Reply June 6, 2014
carlaSinging is my passion and the Lord will lead me in the right direction. Please give me a chance… 0 Reply May 20, 2014
Nadeen MeltonMy name is Nadeen and choose me because I have a story that is great and I want to share it with the world. I’m 23 years old. When I sing it tell if I’m stressed or happy. I sing with passion and choose me I guarantee it will be worth it. I love every kind of music. I’m an all around girl. I want to come on this show and be a winner. 0 Reply April 11, 2014
CMDon’t forget Hawai’i! We ALL sing over here!Besides, wouldn’t USA and Gareth Malone like to write off a trip to Hawai’i? 0 Reply March 23, 2014
Jamarcus LeggAll my life it has been music and the sounds of music that has saved my life, singing for me is a passion a love that can never be broken, I would love to have this opportunity 0 Reply March 12, 2014
Raquel CampeloHi, I’m 17 and I’m brazilian, but I live in US. I really like to sing, I’m taking singing classes and I’m part of my school choir. I also play guitar, but just a little. I make covers to put on youtube, I really wanna a oportunity to sing as a professional. Here’s the link of my youtube channel: 0 Reply March 5, 2014
Andrea StaufferHello, my name is Andrea and I hope I can have a chance in this. Singing has been a big part of my life! I have sang in school since I was in fifth grade. There’s still so much more I can learn even after having some private lessons, and I think this could bring it to me. I’m 18, very energetic and animated, and only hope for my voice to be heard. Thank you! 0 Reply March 2, 2014
NakiaPick me! Pick me! (In my donkey voice from Shrek). Hello all. I am a happy, energetic, fun loving, forty year old mother of two. . . (well three). . . From Chicago. Woot! Woot! I can sing, love to sing, was born to sing. I enjoy all genres! I’m ready to see where my vocal abilities will lead me. I sing at church with my praise team \●/ and If the opportunity presents itself, my next move will be singing with “The Choir”. I’m excited, and eagerly waiting to hear from you! 0 Reply March 1, 2014
Briana LynnHi, i’m Briana. I love performing & singing. I want to find my voice musically so that i can become a professional singer. I’m hyper & fun-loving. Please consider me because i feel like this show would be a fun challenge for me. I’m 20 yrs old. 0 Reply February 24, 2014
Maddisen BrookeMy name is Maddisen Brooke. I an 10 years old from Long Beach,Ca. I LOVE to sing. It is my passion and would absolutely LOVE the chance to share my God-given talent with the world. 0 Reply February 15, 2014
Kaitlyn PawleyMy name is Kaitlyn Pawley, I’ve been in 2 school plays( Alice and Wonderland and The Crucible), I worked for the Michigan Renaissance festival as a cast member for 2 years. In Alice and wonderland I was the Cheshire Cat, and in the Crucible i was Tituba (beating out 2 black actresses for the part). I’ve been in choir for my entire life, I’m a soprano. Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 4’10″ Hair color: Brown/Black Eye color: Green Weight: 140 lbs Age: 18 0 Reply February 13, 2014
Deyja Martin*BIO* ★★★★★ Hello, All. My name is Deyja. I’m 16 years old and my dream is to act, sing, and model. I want this so bad. Growing up, and still to this day, I take on any opportunities I am given to live my dreams. When I was a little girl, I was so dramatic. Everything I did was acting. Everytime I was tv, I just get so envious of all the stars…I want to be up there was other them. I used to have my mom watch me while I sing and perform different scenes and songs, (some from tv, some I wrote.) I have many big dreams and I’m ready to start living them. I am a harf worker. I promise to never give less than 100%. I can assure you that if you decided to work with me, I would not make you regret it. All I want to do is entertain people all over the world. Please consider me for this. It would be an honor to work with you. Thank you so much for this wonderful opportunity.*FUN FACTS ABOUT MYSELF* ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Clumsy. Silly. I laugh at just about everything. VEGETARIAN. Animal lover. I consider myself a Hipster. I’m strange. Hate math. Believe in every mythical person and creature except Santa, Tooth Fairy, and Easter Bunny. Dyslexic. Obsessed with chocolate. Love movies. My favorite nights are full moons. Love dancing. I love dressing up and walking up and down my hall pretending like I’m on a runway. For some reason, I like doing a British accent.*INDUSTRY LEVEL* ★★★★★★★★★★★★ Intermediate*CHARACTERISTICS * ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Gender: Female Age: 16 (I can look as young as 14 and as old as 17) Ethnicity: Mixed (African American, Jamaican, Egyptian, Puerto Rican, and Italian. ) Hair: Dark Brown. Eyes: Brown. Height: 5’6″ Weight: 136 Body Type: Average Skin Type: Caramel Talents: Actress, Singer, Model, Writer, Poet, Artist, I’m pretty good at dancing.*CONTACT INFORMATION* ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ (Best Number) My number: 678-499-3796 (Best Email ) My Mom’s Number: 404-503-7993 My Mom’s Email ) My Sister’s Number: 678-596-7380 My Sister’s Email: 0 Reply February 9, 2014
Jacqueline SharpI’m not the biggest tool in the shed but i have a voice. it needs shaped but I’ve put in my effort. I’ve been in numerous shows since i was 5, from dance to show choir. I love what I do. I’m 20 and need a way out. I’m not going to blow my own horn, you have to find out for yourself if i have it or not but I add another name to your list. I would love to be a part of the arts world again. Thank you 0 Reply February 6, 2014
Elle ChristensenHello, My name is Elle Christensen. I am an 11-year-old aspiring singer who finds music is the way to anyone’s heart. At the age of 3 I went to my mom and dad and told them I wanted to sing. They both looked at me with a blank stare, not knowing what to say since neither daddy or mommy can sing. Mommy agreed to take me to a voice studio when I turned 4 and the rest is history. I met my hero, and my current voice coach, “Miss Wendy,” when I was just 4. From age 4 to age 7 I would sit on Miss Wendy’s lap and learn each song both word and pitch by hearing it. I can learn a song in just a few times! By age 7, I was ready to dive into music, as I knew then it is my true passion, and a dream of mine to one day be in-front of millions of people! I have been taking private voice lessons since age 7 and have had many performance opportunities to share my talent and love for music. I hope I can continue to share this talent of mine with my family, friends, community and strangers. I dream of touching others lives through song, and making the world smile! 0 Reply January 31, 2014
Soulful DeliciaLook no further, I’m who you’ve been looking for. A perfect Cinderella story who’s hungry for an opportunity to make a difference in my community. I’m a mother of two wonderful young boys. Singing is my DNA. Participating in my church choir since the age of 7; I have a strong powerful passionate voice. My children and I have been through much turmoil, our pain magnifies my gift. I believe I am the voice needed to make The Choir the next best show in the USA. Best Regards, Delicia Thomas 0 Reply January 29, 2014
NaomiI love to sing and have been looking for a choir to be apart of with no luck. Would love to be on this show. I had minimal voice training while in college but I have been singing in choirs since I was 9 years old. My college degree is in music production and engineering and would love an opportunity to to use it! 0 Reply January 23, 2014
Kori MilesMy name is Kori and I am 36 years old. This show sounds great and I would love to be a part of it. I feel that GOOD music, especially choral music is dying in our culture today and this would be awesome to help put some excitement back in to it. My husband is in the Air Force band and he has been in the military for 20 years. We have been married for 18 years. I have been teaching voice for the past 12 years to very dedicated and competitive students in Georgia. My husband recently was transferred to California and we have been here for 6 months now. After years of hard work and being committed to my students, I am taking some time off from teaching to try to do some things that I want to do and I want to SING!! I enjoy all genres of music and feel comfortable singing, classical, gospel, theatre, jazz, some pop and country. My comfort range is Mezzo soprano to Soprano. I am also a high belter. I read music and I am comfortable teaching it. My dream job would be as a backup singer for Christina Aguilera or Celine Dion. I would really love to be a part of this production!! 0 Reply January 21, 2014
Myranda RenaiHi… I’m myranda and I would love to try out and be apart of something so amazing like this ..!!! I’m 17 and a senior this year and I have been so scared to show my voice to people because I’m afraid of failing and I hope that y’all can see this message and make worth of it and see how much I really want this I love singing it’s my passion and it would be my honor to be able to share my passion with you 0 Reply January 18, 2014
Kenya Walker BenionHi, ya’ll name is Kenya Talitha and I have been watching `THE Voice for a while now, but this year I decided to put away all my fears and go for my dreams. I live in Chicago, IL ( southside). I’m 24 years old married ti a wonderful man Arsenio and we have a very beautiful 8 month daughter Trinitee. Ever since I was a little girl I’ve dreamed of being a star and I knew that with my god sent gift of song I would grow up yo not only inspire others to follow there dreams but to encourage little girls like me to keep the faith never lose site of what your set out to do and reach for the STARS!!!! 0 Reply January 16, 2014
GraceHello, my name is Grace and from New Jersey. I’m a soprano and I can sing classical, soul, gospel, pop etc. I was a member of the McDonald’s New York Metro Gospel Choir and had an opportunity to back up Cissy Houston, Melba Moore and other gospel artist. I was also a cast of the Gospel Musical ” Your Arms Too Short to Box With God”… I’ve performed at different venues. My passion is not only to sing and be heard but to make other people happy and encouraged along the way. I worked in the therapeutic recreation department and my job is to provide quality of life to the elderly… I love to sing to anyone and have fun… I’m 45 yrs old. singer/songwriter. My motto: New Beginnings are not just for the young! 0 Reply January 14, 2014