Prank Someone – MTVHave you ever wanted to star in one of MTV’s hilarious and mega popular shows? Have you ever wanted to prank a friend or loved one while millions of people watched at home? Would you like to do both? MTV’s latest creation, Prank Someone is set top give ordinary people like you the resources to pull an elaborate televised prank on someone you know. Casting calls will be held soon and audition submissions are being accepted now for this opportunity of a pranking lifetime.In the tradition of the hit Ashton Kutcher series Punk’d comes Prank Someone, the series where you get to be in on the fun. The producers of Prank Someone are searching throughout the country for fun and personable people looking for the chance to pull an ultimate Prank on someone in their life. If you are chosen, the producers will work with you to hammer out details on an amazing and elaborate prank that will be aired on MTV station all over the globe. This is your chance to use all of the tools and powers that MTV has to offer to fake out your brother, sister, best friend, boyfriend, girlfriend, cousin – anyone in your life that could use a good Prank. But don’t feel too bad for whoever you choose to prank, they could end up winning a fantastic cash prize. If you are interested in submitting yourself for casting calls and auditions for this awesome new show you can send your name, email address, phone number and photo or video of the person that you would like to prank along with the story why to Casting updates will be coming soon so leave a comment below and stay tuned for all of the information for Prank Someone.If you are a prankster at heart and are itching to pull the rug out on someone in your life submit yourself today. You could be chosen to work with the genius network behind Boiling Point and Punk’d to star in the brand new series Prank Someone.
AliyahHey , my name is Aliyah. My girlfriend constantly jokes with me and I’m looking to get her back , this would be an awesome and memorable way to do it ! 0 Reply February 21, 2015
David GI have to prank my friend. This guy is the “Mr. Know It All” and thinks that he can handle any situation. Therefore, I’m going to have to get him BIG TIME!!!I have been a prankster my whole life but have never been able to do a professional prank on someone.This is my life’s dream. Please help me fulfill my life dream and get this on TV. I really hope you pick me.HIS PERSONALITY – CAN GET OVERLY SERIOUS AND DRAMATIC ESPECIALLY WHEN IN UNCOMFORTABLE SITUATIONSMY PERSONALITY – THE EXACT OPPOSITE – PEOPLE SAY THAT I AM THE FUNNIEST PRANKSTER EVER 0 Reply February 20, 2015
CraigI love pulling pranks on people. The best I’ve done have been on complete strangers. I would love the opportunity to try some on people while on TV. Making people laugh is one of the greatest gifts anyone could have. 0 Reply February 17, 2015
Tyree SmithHello my name is Tyree Smith and I’m looking to pull a prank on my best friend. He is about to get married soon and I would love to prank him before the big day. I have tons of ideas on how I could prank him but don’t want to put it on here for someone to sill the idea. 0 Reply February 16, 2015
Mikaylyn HBTW my moms medical issues isnt anything thatll make her have a heart attack or seizure or stroke or anything craxy like that on tv. So please dont worry lol 0 Reply February 15, 2015
Mikaylyn HHello . My name is Mikaylyn. From ct. Im a 16 year old girl turning 17 in april. I would LOVE to prank my mom. My mom is literally my best friend. Weve been through IT ALL! Were always pranking eachother, from putting fake roaches around the house creeping up on eachother, and hiding around corners waiting for eachother to pass by. Haha. My mom and i dont exactly have a mother daughter relationship. We say alot of things that most people would be shocked to hear :”) but hey thats just us. We like to embarass eachother in public. Well be in a store and she’ll shout to me from aisles over “hey mikaylyn i found the hemoroid cream its over here!” She always tries to talk with an accent in public an say the most foolish things, its so embarassing. She always tries to be the star of the show. So ide like to make her one and prank her like she always does to me. (Muah-ha-ha-haa) But a very big reason why i want to do this is because my mom has a lot of medical issues. Shes only 36 and has to take so many pills a day that it makes her stressed out. Even though shes still a lot of fun. She used to be so bright and bubbly. Lately shes letting her mmedical problems get the best of her. I just want her to find a reason to lighten up even if its on a pranking show. She would love it and be so surprised after we brought out the cameras. My mom is a 36 year old women, lightish brown wavy hair. She is very beautiful, outgoing, slim, green eyes 5-3″. And then theres me, 16 yrs old blondish redish brownish hair, i honestly dont know what color it is , blue eyes. Pail skin, slim, 5’4″ This would be an amazing oppurtunity not only to prabk my mom on tv but also to lrovide a chance for my mom to losen up. THANKYOU SO MUCH IF YOU ACTUALLY TOOK THE TIME TO READ THIS . <3 0 Reply February 15, 2015
Cameron HolmesCammy Holmes here! I am 19 years old and just moved in with my cousin, her husband, and thieir baby. My cousin’s husband is a “macho man” of sorts. He usually, at least in his mind, is never wrong, believes nothing could be pulled over him, and of course could never be pranked. My cousin and I try to scare him or get him to fall for our pranks and jokes but nothing ever works! That is why we need help pranking him! It would be, especially for his wife of twelve years, extremely fulfilling to successfully get him back . P.S. we are an extremely funny triage of people. 0 Reply February 4, 2015
Mike MeyerI think I would be good in this because I never pranked anybody before, but have been pranked and would like to get revenge. I would have to, of course, dream up a brilliant prank top play on somebody. I’ll let you know when I have something. 0 Reply January 26, 2015
sheri umbergerHello my name is Sheri I have been married for almost 24 years. My husbands Name is Ron. He has been prancking me since we we’re 16. From clothes in the shower to powder in the hair dryer and the best was filling the medicine cabinet with gumball so when I would open it 1000 gumballs popped out at me. This is a daily routine for me I have had it and not very swift when it comes to thinking things up to try and get him back. I need help So bad.Thanks Sheri umberger 0 Reply January 21, 2015
megan luptonhey my name is megan im from ny and i love to prank people. when we went to the mall i pranked somebody. im 12 about to be 13 in august. 0 Reply January 20, 2015
Mackenzie ballHi I’m Mackenzie ball, 15 years old girl I love the pranks!!! I want to prank my friend so bad to give her a taste of her own Medicine . Im from Canada, ON Physical features Long curly auburn hair Hazel eyes Little freckles Tall 5’6 Skinny Things about me Super perky, nice always happy great smile, also a quick learner Please try to consider me -Xoxo Mac 0 Reply December 30, 2014
Cheyanne JohnsonHi my name is Cheyanne Johnson. I am 15 years old and very talented .I am from Gary,Indiana. I love to dance,act,model,sing,and play basketball. I attend plays at Family’s Christian Center in Munster, Indiana with Pastor Steve Munsey. I danced with Westside Theatre Gille for 9 years. I was a chosen candidate to present Michael Jackson a rose on stage in front of millions of people. I performed his number 1 hit , Bille Jean. I still have the picture till this day . I know I am ready to step up and inspire other young people. I believe that everyone has talents and gifts. It’s what you do with that talent that makes a difference. God has given every person a special gift to show the world. My motto : If you can dream it, you can do it . Contact :219-902-0916 0 Reply December 27, 2014
jasminehi my name is jasmine im 21 yrs old my husband is 23 and we been together for ten years n it’s so hard to pull a prank on him we have a son together i really need professional help getting him 0 Reply December 8, 2014
DavidAll my life I wanted to do a professional prank on my friends. I’ve been told that I have the perfect personality to be one of the jokers on Impractical Jokers. What do i have to do to get picked? 0 Reply December 2, 2014
Lashawnda HatcherI know I will be a great candidate. I have done acting skits for The Jerry Springer show as well as Bill cunningham. My personality is just amazing, I have an energetic spirit and I know I’m different from all of the below candidates that comment! Been acting since I’ve came out of my mom’s whom. Acting is my life. I’m a African American 19 150 5’4 long sandy red hair with brown eyes. Feel free to email me! 0 Reply November 5, 2014
Whitney PierceI’m 14 years old I’m an easy and out going person I work well with others I’m kind caring responsible respectful I always do as I’m told I’m a fast learner and I would love to prank either Ellen one of the cast members from the avengers or all of them or prank Dwayne Jonson the rock 0 Reply November 2, 2014
Ashley BenfordName: Ashley BenfordEmail: ashley.benford@gmail.comNumber: 423-693-8123 I want to prank my little brother, Rodney, because he thinks he’s sooooo bad! Like nothing phases him. He never shows emotion lol, and he thinks he’s soooo cute! (throw up) Lol, this would be the funniest thing ever in life. Lol, my life would be complete. 0 Reply October 25, 2014
Danielle BarbaritaI’m 19 and live with my adoptive parents. My sister is always picking on me and being so mean. She’s so sarcastic. She’s my bestfriend in the whole world at the same time sometimes the things she says really hurt. I wanna scare her so much that she will never wanna be mean to me again. She’s almost 20 her birthdays in December. We live in Arkansas so not much really goes on here. She lives 30 minutes away. When I’m around her it’s like she’s always coming up with ways to have a smart comment and pick at me. She’s always saying how no one can fool her and she’s never scared. I wanna get her so good she can’t say that. And her little sister is the one that let out that fear. She won’t wanna pick on me anymore 0 Reply October 23, 2014
SabrinaHello, my name is Sabrina and I’m 35 yrs old. I have tried over and over again to try and prank my husband. He never falls for it, so I am asking for professional help. We have 2 boys and been married for 12 years. Throughout all those years, I haven’t been successful in pranking him, but he has pranked me more times then I can remember lol. For once I would love to finally get him back with a great prank he will NEVER FORGET!!!! It’s time for me to finally get my revenge. I truly hope you would be willing to help me prank him. Hope to hear from you. 0 Reply October 23, 2014
BrittanyI really wanna prank my brother. He is this strong confident army guy who is really afraid of aliens and ghost. He is always messing with me and I can never get him back. 0 Reply October 22, 2014
Jazmin ValeroHi my name is Jazmin Valero and I’m a Psychology major college student living in Skokie, IL. I would like to prank my best friend Erik. Moving from Chicago to a small suburbs I didnt expect to make any friends. Erik was a rude smartmouthed and grouchy tempered young man who in the 7 years of knowing him, is the realest most reliable personI I’ve come to know. It’s the reason I want to put him on a prank show. Erik is cocky to believe he will always know what to do in every situation with or WITHOUT me. Funny though since he calls me for help just as much. Erik and I have been confused for a married couple with our chemistry and connection, and constant debates and bets. With his 21st birthday nearing he’s feeling more brave and inviincible than ever. Don’t get me wrong, I love my friend but every good man deserves to be shown he’s not invincible and he won’t always be prepared no matter how smart he think he is. It’ll be nice to hear him admit that he would need me sometime 0 Reply October 10, 2014
Brittany adianOkay I really wanna prank my husband he loves reality shows like this and has always talked about doing this to someone well I wanna be that someone who does it to him he’s very easily fooled and is a all around great guy to be around his personality would be great for something like this and I know he would never in a million years know if he were on a tv show so it would be so unbelievably real to him for what ever prank we pull so pick us!! 0 Reply September 30, 2014
Stefanie CampSo I have a very cocky stubborn boyfriend who “never” gets scared is too smart to get pranked and just needs a funny awakening to bring him back to life. So with mtv’s help I would l love I mean love to prank my boyfriend of 4 years ! It’s a must I guarantee at the end of the prank he will say “oh I knew something weird was going on” even after being pranked. He deserves this please read this he is COCKY FOOTBALL PLAYER 0 Reply September 29, 2014
nadiaMy friend is afraid of EVERYTHING…she screamed and jumped through The Purge, did I mention she broke the chair?!…that’s not even a scary movie. Please give new the chance to prank her. Btw she lives in queens I live in Jersey city. Let’s do this!!! 0 Reply September 16, 2014
Tara BrophyHello, I would love to prank my friend Sean. We’re both 40 but act like 20 something’s. Sean and his wife are my dear friends and he’s always pranking me. He gets me with silly stupid pranks all the time and I always fall for it. I would love to pull an elaborate prank on him to get him back for the many goofy pranks he pulls on me. We’re funny as hell, out going and nothing offends us. 0 Reply September 14, 2014
Grace SchaferHi my name is Grace Schafer, I am 15 and I would love to prank my best friend Sara. It would be hilarious to pull a huge prank on her and watch her freak out because she is usually the one to stay calm. Please help me prank her because she would never expect it and I would have the upper hand in our friendship 0 Reply August 26, 2014
Zaimy AriasHiiiiiiii;My name is Zaimy Arias and I am 29 years old… I woukd LOVE to prank my younger brother.Both my brother’s best friend. Alex Cruz, and myself would LOOOOOVE to prank him. I think his reaction would be HILARIOUS on the show and the fact that he’s a cop makes it even more funny. Ahahah!! ^_^My brother is 27 years old but has a good sense of humor. Both Alex and myself would LOVE to prank my brother on the show and hopefully you guys can help. Helppppppppppp!!!! ^_^ 0 Reply August 12, 2014
Trichelle WrightHi, my name is Trichelle (you pronounce it like: Tri-sh-elle) I am 13 years old. I live in Canada, Brampton. I would LOVE to prank my older sister Trinity (who is 14 years old.) I say that we are very close and “loving”…We ALWAYS argue about everything and I would love to get back at her for all the times she scares, pranks, harasses, makes fun and tortures me. She deserves a little thing that I like to call R E V E N G E !! This has to be perfect. Now it’s her time to be embarrassed…but only on live television!! I hope you can helpInstagram; trichelle_ Email; trichelle_beautyy@hotmail.comSisters Instagram: Trinityanello 0 Reply August 6, 2014
Priscila AbigahilMy name is Priscila Abigahil. I’m 14 years old turning 15 this October 5. I’ve been in the highest drama class for 3 years. My teacher Nancy Anaya (Drama teacher at Utterback Middle School) moved me instantly after I performed my first monologue. I’ve been in 5 plays and one short film. My friends say I’m a “Down to do Anything” type of person.My favorite actors:Ladies: Chloe Grace Moretz and Melissa McCarthy Men: Jake Abel, Logan Lerman and Will SmithDescription:Height: 5’2 Weight: 102 Hair: Medium brown, long, curly/wavy, perfered straightened Eye: Brown Race: Mexican/AmericanInfo: I can dance. My mom perfers this talent over all the ones I have ever since she first saw my performance in school about bullying, I have a video. I don’t know if you want to watch it. But dance isn’t my biggest passion. It used to be singing, but I used to be bullied in school so I got insecure. When I started acting in 6th grade it built confidence for acting and dancing, but I’m a mute when it comes to that subject. I’m not that flexible. I can do the Scorpion and the bridge, but I’m working on gymnastics. I was never popular in school, but I knew a lot of people. Though it was like they didn’t know me. Drama was always a place to be myself and imagine I’m someone else. My drama teacher says that I sometimes get carried away with my character. I prove her wrong when I’m always the favorite character in our plays. Sometime I would even have a small part like a maid, yet everyone loved me.I guess that’s it for now. I mean if you like me and want to get to know me more, I would be more than happy to tell you more about me.Contacts: Twitter: _Percy_P_ Instagram: _Percy_P_ Wattpad: PercyBieberxD (I Like writing stories)I hope you guys like me. Bye. 0 Reply August 3, 2014
Karl YoungHello my name is Karl and I’m the assistant to Dale Dees World Olympic Hair Stylist owner of Dale Dees the Salon. I would love to prank Dale by having someone come in and start removing all of his trophies, awards and plaques, tell him there was a mistake and he is no longer the hair champion, this prank would be the best ever for Dale is very proud of his accomplishment. I think this prank would be hilarious especially to be done while his clients are in the salon. 0 Reply July 20, 2014
DeAndre McCraryHello soo my BestFriend Bj is all ways prancing me and I really need to get him back his recent prank on me was when I jump of the fence assuming it was just a regular fence but really was electric Yes Very Shocking LOL he won that battle But I Need to win the WAR!! 0 Reply June 19, 2014
Bronte HallI love my big sister to pieces. She’s been in my life unconditionally only being 18 months apart.. We are so much alike, but DIFFERENT! She’s introverted and I’m extroverted meaning we can both be silly and outspoken when together and around close ones. But she can be very serious and almost to the point where she can be a bit malicious lol. Her profession as a 911 operator and mines in entertainment definitely explains our personality lol. She just have this off and on switch especially as we’re getting older, one minute she’s talkative and animated next minute her selective hearing and Galaxy Tab comes on. I feel she would be perfect because her macho girl attitude would not be nothing until she realize what happens when her little sister pull a double whammy. I hope you guys consider us and best if luck to everyone else : ) 0 Reply June 8, 2014
mikeqale Arnoldyo wats good, so i kno bout hela people already committed on this page, but ima be a real g and say, if you want the next big than, you already know what it is, my name is mikeqale im from san diego and im the future fresh prince, im a yonug 19 year old male who loves pranking and making people laugh, you should pick me because im good looking, funny outgoing and wanna prank some friends of mine also wanna make hisotry on ur show , so please hit me up to do this but if not remeber one love 0 Reply May 12, 2014
BrookeI seen an ad about this on a website and decided to check it out. I think this is ABSOLUTELY OUTSTANDING! My boyfriend is ALWAYS scaring me, because I get startled really easily and every time I try and scare or prank him, it NEVER works…… I would love to have help to prank him! 0 Reply May 5, 2014
Miriam AguilarOmg this would be the perfect opportunity for me to prank my boyfriend of almost 8yrs!!……..I dealt with him being a jerk to me at the beginning of the relationship and I think this is my chance to get him back!!…He is so short tempered and I’m guessing maybe if I go to a fake job interview he’ll be waiting outside and when I leave the boss can try to hit on me or something he would totally flip……he’s always acting tough thinking he can take on anything ….I say some UFO stuff landed near us and then government officer s or something come and scare the crap out of him or maybe some paranormal stuff ….I would die to see just one scary impression from him since to him “nothing would ever scare him”!!!!plzzzzz choose me!lol 0 Reply May 1, 2014
demetrius cottmani am 35 years old and very very into pranks i would love to be on the show…if you look at it , i have being training for something like this my whole life ,what better person to chose than one who has tons of experience 0 Reply April 29, 2014
KayHi I am a college student in Illinois. My boyfriend is almost impossible to prank and you CAN’T scare him. So I’m always on the receiving end! I can’t get him! And he lives with me so you know I have tried many times. He’s always up for pranking others, but he’s too good for anyone else to get him!!! I bet something like a paranormal deal like a werewolf, vampire, big foot or government freak experiment gone wrong would scare the crap out of him! Please help me get him!!! 0 Reply April 19, 2014
KayHi I am a college student in Illinois. My boyfriend is almost impossible to prank and you CAN’T scare him. So I’m always on the receiving end! I can’t get him! And he lives with me so you know I have tried many times. He’s always up for pranking others, but he’s too good for anyone else to get him!!! I bet something like a paranormal deal like a werewolf, vampire, big foot or government freak experiment gone wrong would scare the crap out of him! Please help me get him!!! 0 Reply April 19, 2014
Gabriela RomeroMy husband and I have been married for 20yrs. He is very serious and would have a blast seeing some emotion on his face!! We’ve watched so many prank shows and he loves to watch… Time for us to watch!! LoL. Hahoho. 0 Reply April 19, 2014
Darius WalkerI actually think this would be fun to prank not only my friends but even people I don’t know because all of they reactions would be the funniest thing on television I am a 16 year old boy I like to skateboard dance and sing want to know any other information email me 0 Reply April 8, 2014
SuruchiHello my name is Suruchi and I am in need of some serious help to prank my friends! My birthday is on April fools day and and I have been searching and hoping for a prom date. My friends staged a huge prom proposal infront of the whole school with speakers, balloons, huge banners, and prom signs. I was led to believe that I was getting asked to prom however at the end when the boy asked me to prom and I said yes, they all turned around and said April Fools! Now the entire school knows me as the girl who didnt actually get a date. This was quite possibly the worst, most humiliating prank my friends have ever pulled on me therefore, I WANT TO PRANK THEM. I am coming to you with great desperation to get my friends pranked on TV!. These guys deserve to be pranked after pranking me infront of hundreds of people and counting (videos are being circulated) PLEASE PLEASE contact me with any opportunity! 0 Reply April 1, 2014
Muneer Al-hameedThis is perfect!!! I will be in California within the next few weeks and I was going to prank my best friend. His has always been the one to get me over the years and this is a great chance for me to finally get him back. I’m pretty sure his is probably working up something for me right now. We don’t see each other that often because I live in Minnesota and he lives in California so he wouldn’t expect it at all. Help me finally get him back!!!! 0 Reply March 31, 2014
Amber BeinHello, my name is Amber Bein and I would love nothing more then to pull the best prank on my best friend/ future sister-in-law. I have known her since the 6th grade, so I know everything there is that freaks her out. She is shy and quite if you don’t know her but when she gets freaked out it is the most funny thing ever. Please help me prank her, it will be well worth it. 0 Reply March 21, 2014 on the above link to view a vid and see other vids of the cutest, funniest and talented child actor.He LOVES pranks!!! 0 Reply March 3, 2014
KelseyHi my name is Kelsey and I am from NH. I love to prank my boyfriend, Zach who I have been dating for over a year. He is the most gullable person I know and I love to screw with his head all the time and he falls for it EACH AND EVERY TIME. Usually I like to screw with him to think I know he’s cheating on me (something he would never do) and he freaks out! He get’s so mad when he finds out I’m kidding, but it’s so funny to make him sweat. 0 Reply February 26, 2014
Devin KrajewskiWell, it’s probably too late to even be considered but I guess a try couldn’t hurt. I just really want a prank like this to happen. I want to be able to remember something in my life like that. My older brother who is 22, is the person I’d like to prank in particular. I am 19. I live in Memphis where not much happens. I just know if a person like my brother got pranked big on tv, then that right there would make one of the best memories a person could have for me. It’s sad, but he walks around with such a big ego and he is not pranked too often. He just got a job as a sherriff, so you can imagine the confidence he has. He has told me before that he can’t truly be pranked big time.(As in if he does get pranked it will only be something small, because he says he doesn’t fall for stuff) I know this comment might not even be read, but I can hope. If it is though, thanks a ton for the consideration. I’m probably also gonna end up sending a video to the email shown up top just for a better small chance, and maybe a miracle can happen and get my brother blown away with something great. 0 Reply February 10, 2014
Kaitlyn CalabriaFirst off pranking is my passion and I like to go big or go home. For me to be able to prank someone I love on tv would be the greatest thing in my life. Now I usually prank my friends… however to prank my dad, who is a jokester (aka folklore teller), would be a huge accomplishment. He once had my mom believe my gram made this pudding in the ground so she wouldn’t eat it… for the last 15 years she hasn’t touched it. He also has been able to hide biscottis and pies from my sister and me for the last 12 years, in medicine bags, in cupboards, in the garage. I think his time has come lets do this! 0 Reply January 31, 2014
Michael GarciaHEY MTV WORLD! My name is Michael Garcia and I am turning 19 on valentines day so I guess you can call me cupid! I am a really funny kid with a mind that has great expectations for itself! I would love to get the chance to be on your show and prank my best friend Ocean! Were inseparable and always together so she would never suspect a thing because she knows me!!! I think I would be a great fit for the show because I know I will be unforgettable !!! pick me please you wont regret it!!! 0 Reply January 23, 2014
Sylvanna MitrevskaI’m a 33 yr old mother who could use some excitement in her life and this would be the perfect opportunity! I would love to prank my 13 yr old son who thinks that I’m “so not cool” and is always calling me “Corny”. I have the perfect prank in mind. What if I proved him wrong and had all these connections to all these famous people? I’m already picturing this in my head.He would be in so much shock… it would be hilarious! Who’s not cool now, Son? Just a suggestion. 0 Reply January 1, 2014
Lynelle wattHi I would like to prank my boyfriend Sam lately he has watched the grudge and he is terrified of it he thinks he’s all tough but he really isn’t. He tries to scare me at times but it doesn’t really work and I would love to prank him and my mum is wanting to prank him as well because he has pranked her lately! Kind regards L Y N E L L E 🙂 thanks 0 Reply December 7, 2013
Marquist Spiveymy name is Marquist Spivey, I prank people all the time and I think I’m actually good at it . 0 Reply December 2, 2013
David GindiI have a very worldly friend who’s all about traveling and exploring. He thinks he knows it all. I come from a community of over 20,000 people and none of us have ever experienced a tv prank. I think this will be a great opportunity to be the first person from my area to play a serious prank. Yes, it has definitely been my dream to play a real prank on someone and you can make it come true. 0 Reply November 28, 2013
TonyaHi my name is Tonya I would like to prank my boyfriend and his cousin they act like they so bad Nothing can’t fear them I would like to get a laugh out of that becuase they always pranking me 0 Reply November 23, 2013
elaine jacquethello my name is elaine and i would love to prank my best friend michelle she is a publicist and i think it would be hilarious because she is so stuck up and she always seems to get male clients who cant stop flirting with her and she always gets disgusted at things they say im always laughing and she hates it with a passion because they cant help but find her attractive and she just wants a serious client i think it would be so funny to prank with a client from hell i can see it now i think this would be the prank of all pranks 0 Reply November 22, 2013
Jennifer GawronskiHi My name is Jennifer. I’m a single mother of a six year old daughter. I’m at rock bottom right now. The only thing that keeps my soul in peace is laughter. I have always pranked family members and strangers. From experience when the prank is right the outcome is right. Laughter is the key to happiness. I woud be considered the typical American girl living in the ghetto. I’m as beautiful in the inside as I am on the outside. I’m a prime example that Blondes have more fun. The two things that everyone would tell you is that Im beautiful and fun. I’m even friends with the mayor and attend church. I would like to make other people laugh not just at me but with me. Please bless me with the wonderful experience and fun journey to the world of laughter. Thanks & kind regards, 0 Reply November 12, 2013
LilyHi! I’m Lily & I’m 14 I always have friends over & my mom is always very chill & extremely cool, so it’s kinda had to prank her because I also have two younger sisters that try to prank her everyday! But I don’t think she would ever expect it from me! So my friends and I were talking about this show once and we all thought my mom would be the best person to do this to! So please think about it! 0 Reply October 17, 2013
AVADHESH SHARMAHi I am avadhesh …i am a student and she is also student I am 21 years old and I really want to prank my bestfriend by the name of swati . She would be hilarious to prank, she is the kind of person that is funny but don’t try to be; just off her responses and facial expressions. We’ve been bestfriends for 6 years now.she is 20 years old. ..she is very pranky..i promise we will our performance is best to all yours candidates….please sir give us a chance… 0 Reply October 17, 2013
Erin HardemonHi, My name is Erin, Im 23 years old and I really want to prank my bestfriend by the name of Ashley cooper!!! She would be hilarious to prank, she is the kind of person that is funny but don’t try to be; just off her responses and facial expressions. We’ve been bestfriends for 13 years now (she is 23 as well), so I know her fears and what would be the best prank to get a epic reaction. I guarantee if you choose us to be on your show, the cast and everybody else watching will not be disappointed and dramatically entertained!! That is a guarantee. I will do whatever it takes to make this prank the best, and whatever it takes to make this happen even if I have to pay out my own pocket. Our relationship is full of fun and laughter hopefully this can just add to one of our memorial moments of a great friendship. Just for more information we’re both in college she’s studying to be a psychologist, she has a daughter (age 5), she is single, and works part time at menards. 0 Reply September 23, 2013
AndreaI’m Andrea and me and my friends had a sleep over. So me and my one friend (4 total) fell asleep. And the other 2 grabbed snow from out side and covered us with it. I got so mad. And then we fell asleep again and they threw a broom at us. Again I got mad ! They kept doing things the whole night. Just being jerks! Of course I got over it… I just wanna get her back (; 0 Reply September 10, 2013
Jane RiveraHi My name is Jane I am 17 and I would love to prank my mother. She is a New Jersey loud mouth! She is always talking about someone putting in her opinion when its not needed. I am the prankster of the family and want to prank my Mother ! Its PAY BACK TIME. 0 Reply September 10, 2013
Iman williamsHi im 15, ive been acting for 7 years on stage and i hope to take that experence further. I love to explore and try out new roles. Im a very fun outgoing, well rounded, funny person. Meeting new people is never a problem for me because i love talking. Im African American Height: 5’6 Im from Philadelphia, PA 0 Reply August 30, 2013
Monique JohnsonHi I’m Monique Johnson, I’m 23 years old and I’ve always wanted to prank my mom, she’s 46 and she’s always laughing at other people pranking people and she say if I ever pranked he she would be mad at me, but she will get over it, plus she’s very laid back so she wouldn’t no what’s going on. And it would be amazing if I could be on prank, and show the world. 0 Reply August 27, 2013
Le'Roya Murchisonhi i am 15 and i always wanted to prank my sister so always try to prank me so i think it would be really funny to prank her 0 Reply August 22, 2013
canela MarronHi my name is canela marron , I would like to prank my mom because she is so easy to scare , she so caution of everything., she would make the.most funniest faces every , sometime she.think she can scare everybody and that she untouchable 0 Reply August 20, 2013
Tammie NorwoodI would LOVE to prank my SON! he is 18yrs old. He picks fun at me ALL the time, he sneaks up on me when Im in the kitchen cooking, when Im on the computer he stands behind the door until I get up for a glass of water or to go to the bathroom and then jumps out, he comes in my room outta nowhere while Im sleeping hoping to startle me out of my sleep. The list goes on. Him and his sister know Im gittery so they thrive off trying to scare me. *(One thing about it he has Aracnaphobia *(however you spell the word for AFRAID OF BUGS) He will stand at the back door and stare at the mosquitos or flies hoovering around the porch light scared to go thru the door …smh..He is LONG OVERDUE for a good pranken..cuz he is too big for a spankin LoL! 0 Reply August 11, 2013
Haley HurstHi! I’m going to keep it short and simple. My names Haley Hurst I’m 16 years old and I’m always pranking my mom and my brother. Being able to prank someone in my family on television would be amazing! I should be considered because I’m outgoing and a goof ball and I think me being on the show would be hilarious. Thank you for reading and I’m hoping for an email! xoxo 0 Reply August 9, 2013
aminnaHey would I love to prank my hubby he is sooo dramatic when it comes to dolls haha! He would dookie his pants if he seen a talking one>:) 0 Reply August 7, 2013
EmilyHey! My name is Emily and I’m 17 years old from New York City. I’ve always wanted to prank my mom because she is always so serious and uptight like she’s mad at the world and I’d love to see her reaction so I can laugh at her possibly forever. I would be down for whatever prank! Height: 4’10 Weight: 100lbs, slim figure Race: Hispanic Hair: Long dark brown Eyes: Light brown 0 Reply July 28, 2013
Krystal CampbellHey, I am a 31 yr old mom of four, living in the Toronto area. I would love to prank my oldest son Devonte, he is 13 yrs old and he always makes fun of me saying how old I am and I come from the ancient times. He is having the time of his life be young and all. So I would love to prank him and get him good, he does watch some prank shows but I know I could catch him off guard because he would never think I would sign up for this type of show or even be on it!! Please let me get him good!! 0 Reply July 26, 2013
shannonEver since i was little my sister has been pranking me. It think its time for some revenge she’ll never be expecting. please help 0 Reply July 24, 2013
Veronica KI would like to prank my father. I am an only child and as long as i can remember my father has been pranking me. I kid you not. He used to saran wrap toilet seats, leave bobbie traps, come into my work telling my boss he is my parole officer… and so much more. If there is a show that can help me pull off the best prank ever, i am your girl. thanks. 0 Reply July 23, 2013
Tim StineI would like to prank my girlfriend. We are both comically picking on each other and she usually gets the upper hand. She is in Florida and I want to give her an unforgettable experience with my prank. We love pranking each other and just doing things to one another because we love laughing together. Let’s make this happen! 0 Reply July 20, 2013