Pack Of Wolves – The Disney ChannelDisney Channel XD has picked up it’s next hit comedy show and it will be casting for its Season One episodes very soon. Disney is counting on this all new laugh fest to follow in the mega successful footsteps of their series Hannah Montana, Good Luck Charlie and A.N.T. Farm. This is your chance to be on the next Disney Channel phenomenon.Pack Of Wolves follows the Oppenhiemers, a mild mannered suburban family consisting of single dad and nerdy professor Howard and his four hilarious sons who rent out their homes spare bedroom to The Wolf a C.I.A. agent who finds himself on the run. As the opposite worlds of science and spying mix, the laughs will surely follow. This will be a half hour comedy for the ages and it needs talent just like yours to round out this already strong cast. Casting calls and auditions are just on the horizon so stay tuned for more information.This is your big chance to be the star of the next huge Disney hit! Imagine yourself as the next Victoria Justice (Victorious), Selena Gomez (Wizards of Waverly Place) or Cole Sprouse (The Suite Life on Deck). The time is now to show the world what you’ve got and to entertain millions worldwide. To be considered for a role this sure to be hit show please leave a comment below and keep checking back for more exciting details.
Crystal DaltonHi my name is crystal and I am 15 years old I love acting and I live in a small town called Aylesbury I have dark blonde hair and blue, green, brown eyes. I have done all my school play and picked performing arts for GCSE. this is my email 0 Reply November 26, 2018
RASHID MUHAMMADHi. my name is Rashid I’m 12 about to go on to 13 soon enough I’m a black male I love Disney channel so much. I was in a play before it was about history of our great leaders and I graduated in sonship I can sing, hippop dancer,actor, I want this role so bad I love to cook I’m good at other things I don’t know about yet I just to help people. 0 Reply May 2, 2017
Christopher JohnsonI am 12 years old have acting experience lookkmg foward to being on Disney Is a black male from St.Louis Missouri Is 5″2″” and have black hair and black eyebrows Look to be on disney channel acting only 0 Reply June 30, 2016
Macayla Evanshi . My name is Macayla Evans. I am a 15 year old caucasian female who is very interested . i’m not very experienced but i want this as experience. i am very smart tho and i have acted in church plays plenty of times . i wouldn’t care if was even just an extra or a main person. i promise i do not care . i just want some exposure. 0 Reply May 1, 2016
Tiana Frazierhi my name is Tiana Frazier I’m 18 years old and I’m a singer ,actress and hiphop dancer . ive been singing since middle school ,acting and dancing since i was in diapers. I would really love to have a opportunity to work on set along with and others. becoming an actress has always been a dream of mine ,to get a chance in the acting world would mean so much to me because I’m a confident teenager that just wants a chance in the world to succeed. eye color -brown height- 5’3 1/2 hair color : dark brown ethincity : hispanic,african american,cherokee indian languages spoken : english 0 Reply April 30, 2016
Yadiel FelicianoName: Yadiel Feliciano Gender: Male Height: 5’6″ Appearance: Tan (like milk chocolate), black, curly hair, slim body structure. Talents: Singing, Playing guitar, Acting Experience/ Abilities : I have been in 5 School plays and have had roles with 100+ lines. I can portray many types characters, I was the detective in Murder’s in the Heir and a few months later I was Beast in Beauty and the Beast. I can also speak both English and Spanish very fluently. 0 Reply April 23, 2016
kharis humesHi my name is kharis I am currently 16 years old and I think I would be perfect for a role on the next hit show pack of wolves. I have a personality that is out of this world. Furthermore I think I should be considered because of my listening, communication and team working skills. I have dreamed of being a Disney actor since I was 7 years old and I feel that this show will make that dream a reality. 0 Reply April 22, 2016
TheonaI would love to act in this show! I can do many accents, When I need to I can be very dramatic or sassy . I can sing, dance and would an amazing addition to your show. I have been in school productions, love animals and will do whatever it takes to achieve my hollywood dreams! I am very determined, funny and I love disney channel! I Just love acting sooooo much! I will play any Role. Hair: Gold brown, long length Eyes: Hazel Age: 11 Please consider me! 0 Reply November 2, 2015
Neighamya FortuneAge: 12 Weight: 83lbs Height: 5’0 Hair/eye color: Brown Gender: FemaleI’ve always been told to follow your dreams even if things might not work out but the point is you should never give up. Keep trying and that’s what I am going to do everyone else might see me as an ordinary kid even a nobody, but kids are the future and I see myself as an extraordinary, fun, talented person and that’s what makes me well me. Acting well that is about passion, friends, fans, family and directors and make sure you have fun because that’s all that really counts. So give me a chance if you will. 0 Reply November 1, 2015
manuelhola me llamo manuel ruiz tengo 15 años pais peru ………. bueno me gustaria ser un gran actor pero no estudie actuación….. pero me gustaria ser un gran actor de novelas o de peliculas ……como los de mas actores ………. bueno de me numero de celular porsiacas grasias…………. 0 Reply October 30, 2015
KeAmber GrayI’m willing to put my best foot forward and try to make it! All I can do is try! 15 December 15, 1999 0 Reply October 25, 2015
Shalea Brownlove disney and all of their shows it would be an honor to be part of a disney production. Age-12 (almost 13) Height-5’5″ Eye color-dark brown Race- African American Gender- female Hair color- brown, black, and red when in sunlight. I mostly wear braids with streaks of red I love dance and commit myself to whatever I want to try. I will not give up until I am in a disney production and when I do make it, I will try absolute best and you can count on it. Thank you for reading my message and considering me I promise you wont regret it! 0 Reply September 29, 2015
tavienHi my name is Tavien Vogt and I would love to be in your new t.v. show I am 11 years old about to be 12 I have brown hair and brown eyes. I weigh 149 pounds I am 5’1′ my skin tone is a light brown I am mixed with black/white I am in 6th grade I love swimming, acting, singing, and I like to play baseball, soccer, basketball, and football thanks for the chance please put me into consideration I think this would be a really fun role and I think I would kill in it if you give me a chance 0 Reply September 27, 2015
Apryl BennettMy name is Apryl. I live in Oregon. I am 15 years old. I am around 114.6 pounds, I am around 4 1/2 to 5 feet tall. I have white skin with a darker look because I have Indian in me (Chickasaw). I have shoulder long brown hair and my bangs are the same size and color. I also have brown eyes to match my hair. I have Martial Arts, wrestling, and gun handling experience. I have grown up on a farm all my life so I know horses and farm animals, I can ride horses REALLY well. I also like snakes and I am calm around MOST animals (incase that helps with anything) . I can swim. I have danced before but I need to know the steps, I have also swam with bottle nose (dolphin). I mostly sing with a med. to large group/my school. I have been told I sing well, but I don’t know if I can or not I am kinda tone deaf. I even know some American Sign Language (ASL). I have a POWERFUL voice to talk loud and scream. Let me just say I am the ONE you have been looking for. A whole lot more were that came from. All I need is a chance, Please. Thank You!EXTRA: You can find me on Facebook (Apryl Bennett). I can make my eyes do funny things like go cross eyed but with one looking at you. I can also touch the inside of my nose with my tongue. My cousin and I were in dance class at my old school and we were the best in the group of like 10 or 15 other different aged kids. In KINDERGARDEN I memorized (Luke 2:6-14) and said it in front of the whole school + parents. In 1st grade I memorized a felt poem and said it to the whole school + parents. In 4th grade I sang a song for the talent show, there was about 20-40 people there. In 8th grade I memorized the first part of the “For score and seven years ago” speech that Abraham Lincoln said and said it at our closing program (about 50 + people were there). And if course at every program that my schools have done their is ALWAYS singing so I have LOTS of practice. This probably does not matter, but I have a lot of animals at my home and if you need any animals for any movie let me know, and I will talk to my parents. I have 2 dogs, 2 cats, 3 horses, 2 cows, 1 pig, about 10 hens, 1 roster, about 15 chicks of different ages and 2 kids (baby goats) which are about 1 or 2 years old. ALL IS 100% TRUE!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!! :);):);):):);). 0 Reply August 13, 2015
Stephenie DaileyHi, my name is Stephenie Dailey and I am 16 years old. I am a Barbizon Acting and Modeling graduate. I sing as well. Height: 5’7 Weight: 144lbs Hair Color: Natural Dark Brown Eye Color: Hazel ( changes color ) Other: I have freckles and can wear with or without glasses I would love to audition if your interested. Thank you for reading. 0 Reply August 11, 2015
chris beamanI turn 16 on August 14th I love making jokes and new friends I am a hard worker and think that this would be a great opportunity for me. I am funny, I work good with others, I am willing to do what it takes to be a part of this show. I would really like to be a part of this show. Please consider me for a part.D.O.B.: August 14, 1999 Height: 5′ 11 1/2 Eye color: green or blue Hair color: dirty blonde Gender: male Location: Ogden, Utah Grade: 11th Ethnicity: white 0 Reply August 10, 2015
Dayanna pinedaHi I’m Dayanna, I’m 14 years old. I love singing, dancing and acting. I would love to be in this series because I want to be a actress and this would be a perfect opportunity. Thank you 0 Reply August 6, 2015
RyyaI love Disney channel I watch it every day. It’s been my dream to be on TV show. I’m dark skin. I have black hair. I also have no experience. 0 Reply July 27, 2015
Colby HansenHi there! I’m Colby an I’m 13 years old from Canada. It’s been a dream of mine to have a role on Disney ever since I saw Selena Gomez rock her role as Alex Russo on wizards of waverly place. I’ve tried looking for roles in Disney movies or shows but couldn’t find any and this would be a good chance for me to get noticed. I’ve told people I want to be an actor when I’m older and they said I couldn’t and I would like to prove them wrong! If you would like, email me! 0 Reply July 6, 2015
Elise BelmarHi my name is Elise I want to be an actress not because of the fame or the money, because I want people to see my talent and inspire people. I live in Atlanta, Georgia and I will love to be apart of the new series,”Pack Of Wolfs” If I am not the right person you are looking for , I will find a TV, or a film to have my big break on Disney! Here is some more information:) Age:11 Height:4’4 Hobbies: competitive cheer and sidelines cheer Race: mixed( African American and Spanish) Hair: long black curly hair( only when straight) Eyes: brown I hope you choose me to be apart of this Disney experience 0 Reply July 6, 2015
Antigoni PapakostaHi my name is Antigoni Papakosta and I am 13 years old . I love acting and my dream is to be an actress some day . if you pick me for this part you woud give me a chnce to come closer to my dream. I was born on January 9th 2002, my hair are long and brown and my eyes blue . I am a fast learner and I can memorize easily Please make my dream come true. Thank you for your time! 0 Reply July 3, 2015
Antigoni PapakostaHi my name is Antigoni Papakosta and I really want to be a part of Disney. I always loved Disney and I imagined how would it be if I was a part of it.That is my dream. I hope you’ll give me a chance make my dream come true because I really want this .Those are some information about me:Name: Antigoni Papakosta Age:13 Date of birth: January 9th 2002 Gender: Female Hair color: between brown & blonde Eye color: blue Grades: good I speak 2-3 languages I can memorize easily I am a fast learner I believe that if you try to make your dreams come true you can and that is what i’m doing now I really love acting. My dream is not to be famous my dream is to become an actress Thank you for your time 0 Reply July 3, 2015
clara harrisonhi im clara I love wolve and please consider me I m 13 and sweet and funny thank 0 Reply July 2, 2015
clara harrisonhi im clara I I just like to be true to you.I look at TV and everything a not wont more than to act I have been in play I even had a role were I had a speaking part. not afraid to be on stage on tv or be my self. also I look at all the other people are on this audition thing and im blow away by the they organization there skills and all and I try and do my best and it may or may not work. also not to be pick me Im sad I watch the show and you inspired me to be a actor for so long and one day it will happen you can not take a chance on me or you will and not turn back. consider me im 13 brown hair and eyes 4 10 short but tough and sweet and I might be your next classic actor that you never turn back on and thank for reading this 0 Reply July 2, 2015
MckinzieHey. I’m Mckinzie. I’m 13. I’m a laid back wolf loving girl with a heart of stone. I’m kinda a tomboy and act all big and bad until I get to know you then I show you my sweet side. I’m a major Tsundere and secretly watch romance shows and fangirl over cute couples then afterwards feel guilty and am like what the heck are you doing kinzie. I’m very funny and say random crap out of nowhere but am not derpy. I hate losing and hate when people have authority over me. I’m a big mommas girl. I’m not a fan of fashion and I hate pink. And dresses 0 Reply June 30, 2015
Alissa AshlockHi im Alissa (Alyssa) Ashlock, Age: 9, turning 10 September 14 Hair: light brown with blonde and red highlights,wavy Weight:55 pounds. Eyes:rich brown Extras:i wear glasses,i wear makeup natural! If you want to talk or interested you can email me at or you call me at 814-495-8003 please please pick me for a part! Acting has been my dream since i was in pre-school. Thank you so much!! 🙂 0 Reply June 25, 2015
Alissa AshlockHi im a Alissa (Alyssa) Ashlock, Age:9, turning ten September 14. Gender:girl Hair: light brown with blonde highlights and red highlights, wavy Eye color: dark rich brown Extras: i wear glasses, acting has been my dream since i was in pre-school, i can act and sing VERY good, i was in chours in 1st and 2nd grade,getting a role would mean the world to me, please, pick me for a role,thank you SO much!!:-) 0 Reply June 25, 2015
Mary LagneseHi I’m Mary I am seventeen years old , I have light brown hair, brown eyes around 5’9 – 510 may weight is in the 170’s . Acting is my life I have been in nine plays and I’ve been in a showcase, I can assure you that I will listen to the directors and do what I’m told. Acting is a big part of my life and I hope I can reach to Hollywood someday 0 Reply June 17, 2015
Jordan OlveraHi my name is Jordan Olvera and I aspire to be in your newest TV show comedy Pack of Wolves comedy. Being an older brother to three younger siblings is hard work and in your new show there is four sons to the father of the show and I know I have what it takes to be one of those sons. My skill settings are hard working, determined, hilarious, a mediocre actor, and experienced in the sibling matter. To be in your new show would be a dream come true, and I hope you pick me, you can contact me via email at or call/text to (352) 348-5956, thank you for taking your time to read this comment and I am crossing my fingers. Information: Name: Jordan Olvera Gender: Male Age: 14 Years Old Height: 5ft 5in Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Green Location: Lathrop, California 0 Reply June 16, 2015
Timonthy Hayeshey I wanted to be on Disney channel I love single I love making people laugh I’m 11yrs old born nov 19 2003 have black hair dark tan I want to inspiring people to follow their dream and go big I hope I get picked for this. l watched Disney channel when it first came on and I’m respectful I’ll tell the truth I act goofy buy when it comes to acting or singing I get serious and who get picked for this tell them congrats I’m pray for this cause I love making people whoever you pick I’ll know you’ll make the right choice just twitter me @timonthy or gmail me have a nice day.thank you reading. 0 Reply June 15, 2015
Destiny JacksonHi my name is Destiny Jackson and I am a 15 year old African American female who is 5’5 and 130 pounds with dark brown hair and eyes. I want to pursue an acting career and I just want someone to give me my big break. 0 Reply June 11, 2015
AlphaHey I just heard if your new show pack of wolves and I would love to be apart of it I’m an African American and ever since I was little I wanted to be on TV show its my dream to entertain millions and make them laugh and I know my parents encourage and support me on this. So please pick me u know what they sat always follow your dreams. 0 Reply June 9, 2015
Archita ShrivastavaHi my name is Archita and I am turning 12 years old in July. I live in Atlanta,GA and being a part of this show would mean the world to me because I love Disney channel so much and it would be such an honor to be a part of Pack of Wolves! I don’t have an opinion on what type of role I could get but I would be great as a main speaking role or even an extra. I am easy to work with and I love to make people smile and laugh while still taking acting very seriously. I am 4’11 and I have long black curly hair, big brown eyes, long eyelashes, and very athletic due to cheerleading competitively. Acting has always been my dream and I hope this will jumpstart an acting career for me. I am very compassionate and so very determined. I hope you’ll consider me, thanks! 0 Reply June 8, 2015
sarrah mcnamarahi my name is sarrah mcnamara i am 11 years im born on the 1/4/2004 im in grade 6 i have blond brown hair i love acting and singing and more 0 Reply June 6, 2015
Susana (Suzy) ChavezHello I’m Suzy 17 year old girl chasing her dreams. I’ve done some acting at school with plays/movies. I’ve also helped with the back stage crew at my schools drama department. Please give me an opportunity to show you my talent. I’ll try to impress you guys hopefully I can. If not I’ll do my best to better myself. Thank you for your time xoxox Suzy. 0 Reply June 6, 2015
Leilani FellowesHey I’m Leilani Fellowes but I prefer to be called Lani, I’m female. I live in Hamilton, New Zealand. I’m shortish with reddish brownish medium length hair. I have hazel eyes and am skinny. And female. Bit about myself: I love acting and singing. I love disney channel and have always wanted to be on it. I do drama at school and take vocal lessons through school as well as being in the school barbershop. I am weird and a bit quirky and like to think I’m funny. Thank you for considering me 🙂 0 Reply June 5, 2015
Jaslyn chungMy name is Jaslyn chung! I am a Korean but I was born in America. I am 12 yrs old! People say I have good memory and I love acting and singing(I might not be so good at singing though!:)) I have fairly tanned skin and brown eyes. My hair is dark brown in the sunlight but it might look black with no sunlight. My dream is to become an actor to express myself and prove to the world I can be something amazing. I want to be one of the couple of Koreans to be on DISNEY CHANNEL!!! But most of all by acting and getting fame I could be able to help other people too. I wish to soon be in Disney channel with my BFFLPS( best friends forever for life plus sisters) I made this up) Camille sweet carter who is currently living in Nevada. If u don’t want to chose me please look in calling my BFFLPS Camille who is one of the best people I know. She is sweet and adorable with her curly long blond hair with her blue eyes. She is very good at acting and too me very attractive. I can always seem to count on her. Camille’s phone number is 702 468 3709. And my phone number is 562 240 7537! Thank u! 0 Reply May 24, 2015
lauraHello my name is laura L and I would love to be a part of the pack of wolves. I am 16 years old, 5’0, and currently live in Florida. This would be an amazing ooportunity and hopefully I get a chance to be a part of it .Contact: 0 Reply May 22, 2015
Kohl HilpertHello my name is Kohl. I am a 15 year old white male and I weigh 225 ILBs. I am not obese but I am bigger built. I play football, wrestling, and track in Highschool. I am currently a freshmen at a school near St.loius, MO. I have brown eyes and hair. I have been in a few plays in elementary school. One play every year since 1st-6th grade and I usually had a decent role in all my plays. I won’t say that acting is my best thing I do cause I haven’t done it since 6th grade. Thank for your time. Have a great day. 0 Reply May 9, 2015
antoine drewHi, my name is Antoine free and I would love to play on the new hilarious show, pack of wolves it would boost up my acting, singing,dancing, and songwriting career…….this can be my big break if u pick me, thxs for reading this!!! My number is 443-676-4394 Hair color: Dirty brown and blonde Eye color: Ginger brown Hobbies:singing,rapping,dancing,songwriting,and cooking Race: African American Gender: Male 0 Reply May 9, 2015
Cheryl SimHi my name is Cheryl. And I’d love to be on Pack Of Wolves. I’m a 12 year old girl with light brown hair just below the shoulders and I have brown eyes and my height is about 156 cm. I Love Disney shows and joining this Comedy production would be a dream come true. I love acting and I can sing as well. My passion for drama and music Is very Large and if Im casted for a Pack Of Wolves audition, I’d definitely do my best to play the role. I love The Comedy Lab Rats and I have memorized almost every episode’s script. I love acting and this would be a great opportunity for me to showcase my talent. Thank you. 0 Reply April 30, 2015
AnaliahHi, My name is Analiah. I’m 12 years old. I was born with only one lung. It’s pretty crazy. I Grew up watching Disney Channel I love it so much! I decided that I wanted to become a Actress. I believe in myself. Here is a few details on how I look.Hair-Dark Brown (shoulder length)Eyes-Black Race-Black/Hispanic Gender-Female Nickname-Liah I think I should have a good role because I’m passionate about everything. I’m very curious. I’m very loving. Live-Auburn Alabama From-Grand rapids, Michigan I really want to become a Actress it’s my dream. 0 Reply April 21, 2015
Amber RoarkMy name is Elizabeth Amber Roark I am 14 my birthday is 04/05/2001 I would be honored to have a chance in auditioning for the show. I would love to join you on the path in entertainment because ever since I was little I always dreamed of becoming an actress/singer im good at singing i`ve been told and i`ve only been in one play but I hope you will consider me because I would be thrilled to be apart of this adventure 0 Reply April 20, 2015
Haley AinsworthHello, my name is Haley Ainsworth. I am fifteen years old and I love to sing and act. I have been doing musicals and plays since before I can remember. My most recent performance was How to Succeed in Business where I played Miss Jones. I was the only one who could hit the high note in the end of Brotherhood of Man. I have been singing everyday of my life and it is my passion. I love acting as well and it would be an amazing opportunity to be apart of this project. I am 5’6 and 116 lbs with medium length brown hair. I have blue-green eyes and would love to be considered for a part. Please feel free to email me if you’re interested. Thank you for your time. 0 Reply April 15, 2015
Abbyhey my name is Abby I’m 13 years old and i would love to be picked for this. I’ve always dreamed of acting on a TV show since i was very young, i haven’t had any experience with drama class or any acting at all but i would like to give it a shot! i would love to get my acting and singing career startedi have blue eyes, dirty blonde hair, I’m 5ft, i speak french and English (i don’t have a french accent) and I’m from Quebec Canada. I have experience in singing and dancing. i hope i get picked! thanks for reading. 0 Reply April 13, 2015
Jessica ArmstrongName: Jessica Armstrong Age: 15 Birthday: August 2,1999 Born & Raised: WIlson. NC Height: 5’9” Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown Race: African AmericanAll my life ive been acting. I use to go to a school called Sallie B. Howard for the Arts & Education and thats where i did all my acting like Willy Wonka, Anansi and the Spider, Cinderella etc. and im doing another called the Lion King and ill be playing Pumbaa im one out of 2 high schoolers that will be in it and it will be in May. Acting is like a way to build your confidence. Its a way to express yourself without people judging you and its like a whole step forward towards that. And thats coming from a person who use to get picked on all the time. I love acting and making people laugh and every time i tried to go to websites and sign u for stuff they dont notice mean and i hope yall will change that. :)) Please give me a chance 0 Reply April 12, 2015
Chloe Mc Enteehi i am 12 13 in november . i can sadly say i have no acting experience no agent and live in ireland. i am the oldest of twelve and love to watch disney and hope to be apart of it i can sing pretty good i am tall for my age . i love to act especially very funny character love to hear from you 0 Reply April 11, 2015
ryan talukderHi my name is ryan and im 14 im short for my age I live in NY and im 5 feet 2. My ethnicity is bengali in other words im asian and in the tenth grade im also in aquilla school theatre and i like acting and singing also im always dedicated to what I do I always get As and it was just once I got a B which no one needs to know also I love literature so i might be able to come up with ideas for the show/movie. Im always dedicated to what i do and it may be hard to believe i could be the perfect villain imagine a boy who goes to school with them trying to expose the four boys secret. I love literature so i get a lot of ideas which i would love to share. 0 Reply April 9, 2015
Shauntay NewsomeI’am Shauntay Newsome I’m 12 years old and I would love to have an acting career I r e’er ally like this show it seems interesting and really like Disney channel. 0 Reply March 31, 2015
bhagyashree dangarehello my name is bhagyashree i am 14 years old and i am leaving in india i have a lot of interest in wolf so please i can sing and i can dance i know 4 languague hindi marathi and english saskrit i have dark black hair and i have dark black eyes please if my e mail is not working soo please contact me plese its my dream 0 Reply March 25, 2015
CaitlynHi, My name is Caitlyn and I really want this part. I’m a competitive gymnast and I have always wanted to be in Disney Channel. I started watching the show since I was 9 years old. Right now I’m 11 years old, but going to be 12 in a few months. I live in California and I have brown hair, brown eyes. I’m about 5 feet and I really want this opportunity. But I ever since I was 7, I wanted to become an actor. I’m in 6th grade and can speak English and Chinese. I also have some experience in acting because since Kindergarten I was in school plays and always had a solo or main part. I also do synchronized swimming and diving. I have really good grades too. I also LOVE WOLVES!!!!!!!!!!!!! 0 Reply March 21, 2015
Coco WuHey I would like to be in this act. I’m 11, I’m from Fremont, Ca. I’m pretty good at fencing, acting (I act in my church for spreading the gospel to other people. I’m in my school’s band I’m a percussionists. I play the piano too. My friends thinks I’m pretty funny. So hope you 0 Reply March 16, 2015
Arionna fellowsHi I am in the fifth grade I’m eleven I am shy but I hope to over come that I like dance acting Disney art and other things I have dark brown hair and It changes in the summer I have a good attitude I think I might be Perfect there is more to me but that all that I can put in this message Thank you for reading, 0 Reply March 7, 2015
Olivia ChanHi ! I’m Olivia Chan , I am a grade 5 girl 11 years old I have straight / slightly wavy dark brown hair, and brown eyes too! My friends consider me tall for my age. I may not be a boy but I am a jock and everyone considers me pretty boyish. I can speak english french cantonese and a little bit of mandarin, I am also good at music . I think you should consider me for the job because I have a passion for acting. Many people may think I am not the right person for this job but what they don’t see is what is on the inside of me. What they look at is the outside and I think that if I am able to get the job they can see that i am not only a shy girl but I am also determined ,quick thinking ,mysterious and smart. I really hope you can consider me because like everybody says I am not like the others, I’m different. And I know if I can prove to you that I am good at acting, I can prove to the world what I can do. THANK YOU!!!!! 0 Reply March 1, 2015
Alana LongsworthHello, my name is Alana Longsworth. I am 15 years old, and i’m an aspiring singer/actress. I know that i may not be the best singer or actress, but i’m pretty great(that wasn’t meant to be cocky btw). I am extremely unique and i think that’s what sets me apart from the rest.Age: 15 Height:5’7″ size: 18-20 DOB: 2/21/2000 Ethnicity: mixed/black Hobbies: acting, singing, songwriting, drawing, YouTube, writing 0 Reply February 23, 2015
Nayeli GarfiasHey, my name is Nayeli Garfias and I live in Yuba City, California. I don’t really have much exerience in acting like most of the people who want to audition. I hae been in a few school plays and was told I was amazing and should audition for something later on in life. I have wanted to be an actress since I could remember and have always been fascinated with the idea of being on t.v. and being able to express myself by pretending to be a whole new character. I’m a really energetic and creative. I don’t really care what part I get as long as I can do what i really want to do and get to live my dream. Now that I gave you a few reasons to consider me, here is some basic information about myself.Age: 13 D.O.B: March 1, 2001 Height: 5’3 Weight: 136lb Hair Color: Brown-Black Eye Color: Brown Extra Stuff: I have dimples! Hobbies: Reading, Drawing, Music, and Shopping.I really hope you consider me and read this. Bye! 0 Reply February 18, 2015
Lori KingI’m Lori DeVincentis King and I have acted in commercials and on stage. I can do accent and voice imitations and can play any type of ethnicity in a role from Caucasian to Hispanic and Middle Eastern. I can sing, but was never formally trained. I would love the chance to audition for a part in this series by virtue of my passion for this type of story line. I’m a Department of Defense employee for the Army and I’m COMPLETELY familiar with Military terms and acronyms as I used them in my day to day operations.Name: Lori King – Gender: Female Height: 5′3 Size: 6 Hair :Long, Black Eye Color: Light Brown Skin Tone: Olive-Age: 18-30 Race: Caucasian (with some Italian & Slovenian) Live In: North Carolina Hobbies: Running 5 & 10K races, Dancing, Acting Languages: English, Conversational Italian & French – I can imitate accents very well. 0 Reply February 18, 2015
Kylen GreenHey I’m kylen I live in Chicago and I’m 14. I’m to young explain my whole life story that’s wasting time but Im awesome, like really really awesome the awesomeness and I’m hilarious what more do you need to know ! 0 Reply February 16, 2015
Diane TrimbleHi! I’m Diane Trimble and I live In Chicago. I’m 15 years old and I love reading about Werewolves on wattpad. Also I love to take part In a disney show. 0 Reply February 9, 2015
Lexi Mae Granthi I’m Lexi Grant I’m an outgoing person and I’m really funny too and i the only style i really have is skater kinda look to and i play softball and football and i love to listen to music and watch tv also(: age:17 height: 5’3 weight: 220 Ethnicity: mixed eye- dark brown hair-curly light brown hair thank you and have a nice day! 0 Reply February 8, 2015
Katie MosesHi! My name is Katie and I am 12 years old and I turn 13 in May. My dream is to act and I would absolutely love any part at all. It would be a dream come true if I could have the honors to audition for you, and a miracle if I were to get a part! I have medium, dirty blonde hair. I am very outgoing, funny, and friendly to everyone I meet. I live in Littleton, Colorado and I absolutely love Disney XD! I would be so grateful and it would mean the world to me if I could act and entertain other people. I really hope that you can consider me for a job!Thanks, Katie 0 Reply February 7, 2015
MeganHi! I’m Megan and I am 14 years old! I would love to be on Pack of Wolves because wolves are my favorite animal. I am can sneak up on people well and have always dreamed of being a spy. While I am a girl I am pretty skilled in hand to hand combat. My hair is a mix of dark and light brown. I am 5’0 and around 92 lbs. Please let me be chosen. Thank you so much for reading this. Bye! 0 Reply February 5, 2015
Lauren LaffertyHi I’m 13 years old about to turn 14. I have had acting classes in the past and would Love to join the Disney magic. I am 5’3″ with blonde hair and hazel eyes. 0 Reply February 2, 2015
HeatherHi, I’m heather my daughter Sydney would like to be in this show. Yes, she is a girl but that doesn’t mean that theirs only boys in the show right? So I thought that maybe there would be parts of the show that a girl or girls could be in. Also information about my daughter is :Shes 10 Shes mixed or black Shes 5 feet Shes weights about 104 Shes in the 5th grade and Shes obsessed with actingHer experience on TV is none but she did a play and she had average of lines. If you would like to talk about this more email me please and if she doesn’t get the part that’s OK ,but can you send me a list of other websites of people looking for kids for TV or movies 0 Reply February 2, 2015
Nalani MillerMy name is Nalani Miller. I have brown hair and brown eyes. I am 13 years old and almost 14. I have always loved acting. My favorite shows have always been on Disney Chanel and I have always dreamed of being on one of them. The reason that I feel that I should be cast for this show is because I am huge Disney fan and I love all of Disney’s shows and movies. I also know what it is like to have a big family that is really close to each other but still get into many fights. Hope you consider for a role. Thanks for reading. 0 Reply February 1, 2015
JulissaMy name is julissa but most people call me julie. Im 13 about to be 14 in october. I love to sing and dance and act i think disney would be lucky and honered to have me in their family.please think of considering me for a part in one of your orginal disney channel movies or tv shows 0 Reply February 1, 2015
Ineta EglynaiteHi my name is Ineta Eglynaite I am 13 years old i have blueish eyes i am 5″8. I love to draw,listen to music and play basketball also I am a sarcastic and positive person. I would love to get this part because i just want to make my dreams come true and also I am fluent in English and Lithuanian. Thank You in advance. 🙂 0 Reply January 31, 2015
Brady KovacevichHi my name is Brady im 13 years old i live in Ohio i think i would be perfect for this show because im a middle child i have a younger brother who’s 12 and an older brother who’s 17 i always fight and get along with them i would like to be one of the sons im a very good actor and i know i am destined to be in this show and i know u want me to be in this show because one day im gonna be the greatest actor in the world one day and when i am i will be thanking u for getting me on a show sooo u better pick me or you’ll miss the best actor in the world. 0 Reply January 29, 2015
Susie WoffordI have 4 boys. The three oldest ones will be perfect for this show. They are 9, 8 and soon to be 6 years old. 0 Reply January 25, 2015