Movie Searching for Neverland- Child Actors

Lifetime Movie Now Casting Kids for Lead Roles

There is a kids acting audition that could launch your child’s career! The Lifetime movie “Searching for Neverland” has a casting call that is searching for child actors for starring roles. The film will tell the story of King of Pop’s last few years. Casting directors are searching for a boy and a girl to portray Michael Jackson’s kids Paris and Prince. Producers are looking for kids with acting experience to take on these roles. Applicants must be SAG or SAG Eligible to be considered. Filming will begin on February 1st in Los Angeles, California. UMMI is looking for children who are local to the Atlanta, Georgia area to submit. Look no further for an opportunity that could launch your child into stardom and apply today!

About “Searching for Neverland”

The upcoming movie will tell the story of the king of pop, Michael Jackson’s last few years of his life. It will be through the point of view of his two devoted security guards Bill Whitfield and Javon Beard.

What They Are Looking For

UMMI is submitting child actors for the upcoming movie. They are looking for SAG or SAG eligible boys and girls. The company is submitting talent from Atlanta, Georgia although shooting will take place in Los Angeles, California on Feburary 1st.

Talent must favor the people they are portraying. Google the children’s names to see photos of what they look like if you are unsure.

[PARIS] – 8 years old, female, Paris is Michael Jackson’s daughter. A sweet little girl who’s very nice to his new head of security, Paris, like her two brothers, is accustomed to living an isolated life as the daughter of a paranoid and uber-famous music icon. Though Paris plays and romps with her dad and brothers, she makes it clear that the one thing she really wants is to go home, to their Neverland ranch. SUPPORTING ROLE.

[PRINCE] – 9 years old, male, Prince is Michael Jackson’s eldest child, a serious, responsible little boy. Prince is overjoyed when Michael gets him a puppy for Christmas, and he takes his job as puppy owner very seriously, coming in to clean up a mess the dog makes in the security trailer. Like his sister and brother, Prince is accustomed to living an isolated life as the son of a music icon. SUPPORTING ROLE.

How to Apply

Parents who would like to submit their children can go to to apply online, stop by the agency’s office to drop off your child’s headshot and resume located at 3348 Peachtree Rd NE, Tower Place 200 Suite #700, Atlanta GA 30326, Monday thru Friday from 9 am – 5 pm, or attend an open casting call which you can find the upcoming dates and times on their website.

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4 Casting Responses

  1. cheyenne evans

    I would love to play as paris

  2. Samantha Hampton

    My name is Samantha Hampton.
    I LOVED (& still do) Michael Jackson!
    Lately I’ve been thinking about what I want to do, & the only thing I can think of/want to do is act; I don’t have much experience other than this school play I was in, my friends & family told me how good I did!
    I would like love to know if the casting calls are still open. Let me know!

    Height: 4’11
    Weight: 95 lbs
    Age: 18
    Experience: none

  3. josephlivingstone

    Is there going to be any roles for a young Michael Jackson,I have a friend who looks exactly like young Michael,his name is Dominic please please if yes,check his pictures on

  4. Sean argimon

    I would love to do a 6 foot 9 father role for finding Neverland.