Disney Auditions for KidsHave you been searching for how you can audition for Disney to be the next star? There is a new Disney kids audition that you can attend! According to WAFB, the upcoming movie “Timmy Failure” is holding auditions for kids! They state the upcoming Disney movie is looking to cast its lead role along with a few supporting roles. Casting directors are looking for children who have never acted before. Auditions will be held in the coming weeks in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The team is looking for boys and girls who are 9 to 12 years old. This Disney kids audition is not for extras, it is for lead and supporting roles! If your child would be perfect for this shoot, sign up for the casting call right away!About Timmy FailureThe popular book series centers on an 11-year-old boy who believes he is the best detective in town and runs the agency Total Failure Inc. with his partner, a 1,200-pound, imaginary polar bear, and his sidekick Rollo Tookus. [Variety]What They Are Looking ForLooking to cast its lead, as well as a handful of supporting roles, specifically open to children who have never acted before. Seeking boys and girls of all ethnicitiesAges 9 to 12 years old.Local to Baton Rouge, LANo acting experience is necessary to audition.Kids with unconventional looks, incredible intelligence, and who see life through their own lens and will happily speak about whatever they believe to be true are especially desired. The department is looking to cast a kid who marches to the beat of their own drum.How to ApplyParents who would like their child to be considered for an audition should email timmyfailurecastingsouth@disneympp.com. Send in a photo of your child along with your contact information and location.
Arifah bashir jimohHi guys my name is arifah bashir jimoh I will love to join so that I can show my talent to the world I can sing and I’m very sure I have a good shot getting this role but there’s is one thing I live in Nigeria but I have an idea you guys pay the people that act film mine you won’t pay me but you will sponsor my flight I have the accent please don’t let me down I’m 12 years old I was born July 30 2006 my number is pls I will be waiting for your call because its my biggest dream ever since I was 5 1 Reply September 8, 2018
LaylaI love acting! It would be a wonderful thing if I could play in this movie. Everybody my friends and family say I’m a good actor! I’ve never acting in a movie or tvshow but at home me and my friends always make up movies and plays! My dream would be for me getting a role on Disney not for fame but because I love it! -Layla Barnes 0 Reply July 11, 2018
LaylaI love acting! It would be a wonderful thing if I could play in this movie. Everybody my friends and family say I’m a good actor! I’ve never acting in a movie or tvshow but at home me and my friends always make up movies and plays! My dream would be for me getting a role on Disney not for fame but because I love it! I really I hope I get picked for a role in this movie! -Layla Barnes 0 Reply July 11, 2018
Jessica WilliamsonHello, My names Jessica and as a kid I loved Disney Channel! It inspired me, The shows that I have seen has made me become the person I am today and wish to have the same impact on others. I work hard and dedicated and if you chose me I wouldn’t let you down, Can’t wait to see if I get the role! Gender-Female Age-13 0 Reply July 2, 2018
PiperHi my name is Piper Kozacik and my dream is to be on Disney i’ve always wanted to be a famous actor on Disney and nows my chance to addition I hope you chose me because I play all sports and I am a very funny and serois person along with very athletic I think you would want me in your playSinserly, Piper.K 2 Reply April 8, 2018
Mayra MarquezHi there, im Mayra Marquez im 11 years old and love to act, sing, and dance. I have 0 idea if the auditions are closed out. But i would love a roll. I have NEVER, EVER acted and this would be my 1st gig. I have a sincere passion and hope i can be in it. Questions: How long will the shoot take (im in school right now). Do you HAVE to live in Baton Rouge, or La (i live in CA so i could drive to La). And is there anything i should to to get a roll (anything additional, singing, dancing, extra auditions, etc.). Thank you for your time. 🙂 1 Reply April 2, 2018
Zoe GordonHello, My names Zoe Gordon and as a kid I loved Disney Channel! It inspired me, The shows that I have seen has made me become the person I am today and wish to have the same impact on others. I work hard and dedicated and if you chose me I wouldn’t let you down, Can’t wait to see if I get the role!Gender-Female Age-13 0 Reply April 1, 2018
JacqueseHi my name is Jacquese Gist , i’m a 12 year old male and ready to join this movie. i am a very enthusiastic child i love acting and drawing…..im also a contortionst..hopefully i will get to be on this movie to meet the other people… i’m really hoping that i get chosed for this movie….. but the thing is i have to ask my mother…. 0 Reply April 1, 2018
JacqueseHi my name is Jacquese Gist i am from Decatur,Georgia i’m a 12 year old male and ready to join this movie. i am a very enthusiastic child i love acting and drawing…..i’m also a contortionst..hopefully i will get to be on this movie to meet the other people… i’m really hoping that i get chose for this movie….. but the thing is i have to ask my mother…. 1 Reply April 1, 2018
Lesly HuitronHello my kid is 11 years old and she would love to be in Timmy Failure. -1 Reply March 20, 2018
leah maskI am 10 years old love to act i am very intelligent i love to play detective games i am a female and i love Disney. I also love to sing and dance i also like to cook and play soccer. I also love to play the piano. I really hope that you chose me to audition for you. I cooperate very good and listen to 2 Reply March 10, 2018
Khushi GuptaHi I’m Khushi Gupta and m 14 yrs old and I sing Western music and learn dance so I will be very thankful to get a role -2 Reply March 8, 2018
jadainstead of me sending a picture of my child can i send her name and a discription of her -2 Reply March 2, 2018
JosieWould love to be apart of it. But unfortunately my mom said she would never move out to L.A. heart broken -2 Reply February 17, 2018
Valaysha WilliamsMy name is Valaysha Williams and I’m 11 years.I love disney channel and im good at working with people.The reason why I want to audition for this role because I know i can do it.So I know I corporate with the members and be a cool person to work with i also have great manners. 1 Reply February 13, 2018
karaHI its kara hailety bergquist again I don’t mean to ound pushy about this but if I get excepted my number is call that if I get excited thanks a lot!:D 0 Reply February 10, 2018
karaHi, my name is kara hailey bergquist. I would be honored to star in a show iv’e looked at almost 20 auditions and no one says yes. please will it be you who says yes? I am 9 years old and middle eastern. 0 Reply February 10, 2018
Madisyn HawkinsHi I’m Madisyn Hawkins! I don’t know if auditions are closed but I’m 10 years old although I’ll be turning 11 in 2 weeks and I would love to be apart of this movie. -1 Reply December 22, 2017
Madisyn HawkinsHi I’m Madisyn Hawkins! I don’t know if auditions are closed but I’m 10 years old although I’ll be turning 11 in 2 weeks and I would love to be apart of the movie. The role that I would like to play is Corrina Corrina. 0 Reply December 22, 2017
Jordan WellsHi, I’m Jordan and I’m 11-years old and I will like to be apart of this show and play the role of Rollo Tookus. -1 Reply November 21, 2017
NaomiHi I’m Naomi I’m a 11-year-old girl that will like to be part of this…please… -1 Reply November 5, 2017
Gavin WilliamsHello, my name is Gavin Williams and I would love to audition for this movie. I am twelve years old, great in front of people/cameras, i’ve read the book, and I love it. I have always wanted to be in a show or movie. I am going to LA in February, but i’m going for my birthday. i’m turning thirteen and I was wondering if I could still audition. Please email me details. Thanks. -3 Reply October 20, 2017
Brandon SouthIm a 12 year old boy who is a aspiring actor but sadly has no experience. But it seems like experience has nothing to do with this so I would really love to audition -1 Reply October 14, 2017
veronicaI want to audition but is the transportation or ticket free from Nigeria. I am 12 years old 0 Reply October 2, 2017
EgnircI’d really like to be part of this I am pretty good at acting but have places to improve on. 1 Reply September 10, 2017
Tomiah PattersonHello! My name is Tomiah Patterson and I am looking for an audition on this show. After reading it all it sounds AMAZING! I have wanted to be on a Disney Channel show since I was 4. I can really act , I have lots of talents! So if you guys would just let me know I’d love too do the show! Btw im 10 years old and I am from Jacksonville Florida! My mom would not mind flying too LA:p -2 Reply August 21, 2017
Paige SimanskiHello! I would looove to audition but I have a few questions…: Do we pay for the tickets if we have to fly down there? When are the auditions? When is the deadline for the audition? -2 Reply August 14, 2017
Savannah MullerHello, I am 12 years old, and I am incredibly short for my age. Is travel provided? -3 Reply August 11, 2017
Trinity LeesHi ! My child Trinity Lees would like to audition for this because I think she would be really good at it. She’s never had any acting experiences. She is 12 years old, and she has been watching Disney ever since she was little and it would be very very cool if she would be able to audition for this movie. -2 Reply August 11, 2017
NaciremaI live inVirgina Beach VA so Can u plz audition here in Virginia Beach or in new york plz GIVE ME A MESSAGE IN MY EMAIL AND PLZ TELL ME SO WE CAN AUDITION THERE PLZ REPLY TO THIS COMMENT I HAVE ALWAYS TRIED TO BE ON DISNEY CHANNEL Nacirema Cooke -1 Reply August 2, 2017
jania hugheyhi my name is jania i am 13 and i would love o play one of your parts any that are helpful to you please answer me even if there are no part for me i always stay hopeful -1 Reply July 30, 2017
Michael HarrisI would really like to audition for this im a 11year ood boy with curly hair and i like shows liie that so please contact me i would love to be a cast in this disney show please -1 Reply July 22, 2017
Abby CookSounds like fun! I’ve never acted on screen before but I’d like to someday and this sounds good. 0 Reply July 21, 2017
Mallory Parksi would love to know when are the auditions and where they would be and what time , because I would love to sign up for Timmy Failure. Thanks! 1 Reply June 28, 2017