The hit TV series created by Netflix titled ‘House of Cards’ is now filming its fourth season and is casting extras. The casting takes place on December 1st, 2015 in Baltimore, Maryland.RequirementsCasting directors are on the lookout for extras that can play interns, analysts, special agents, programmers, and reporters for an upcoming episode. About The ShowKevin Spacey plays a Democrat from South Carolina named Frank Underwood, and throughout the show he creates a comprehensive plan to become the president of The United States. He does this with the help of his wife, Claire Underwood. At the end of season 3, Frank Underwood makes it known that he will be running for re-election.The reviews have been very positive for this show, with each season receiving more positive reviews than the last. ‘House of Cards’ has a large following and is well liked among its viewers.AuditionsIf you wish to audition to get a role in the new season of the show, then you should look into the following details:Casting: 12/1, Tuesday, in Baltimore Area, MDTypes: interns, reporters, special agents (should have dark suits), analysts / programmers (men only)Should show availability for a potential early call time, i.e. 6am, and should have reliable transportationIt is preferable that the candidate has not worked in the last two months or has not been seen on camera at allApplicationsIf you are interested in applying for the job, then you need to send in your application with the following details:Subject line example – ’Reporter – 12/1′Name, age, cell phone number, height, sag/non union, weight, location (state and city), last worked and the role played, mention of reliable transportation and whether the candidate will be having one or not.All of these details need to be sent to case you do not fit the description of an ideal candidate, then kindly do not apply. In case you do fit the description and are encouraged to apply, then send in your application only once.