Ford Commercial – Adults and Kids

Commercial Audition for Kids, Teens & Adults

Whether you are looking to start or further your acting career or are just someone who has always wanted to appear in a commercial, there is a new commercial casting call to help you on your way. A new Ford commercial audition notice is searching for actors and real people to appear in an upcoming shoot. Casting directors are searching for men and women who are in Los Angeles. Auditions will take place next week between December 19th and December 23rd. Filming will be between January 6th and January 14th. This is a SAG commercial that will appear nationally! Selected participants will be paid the SAG rates of $671.69 per day plus residuals!

About Ford

Since its founding in 1903, Ford has been a pioneer in global industry. Great vehicles are great for drivers everywhere, and that’s the foundation of their business’s strength. To meet demand, Ford is in the midst of its most ambitious manufacturing expansion in 50 years. [Ford]

What They Are Looking For

Looking for the following types of interesting, expressive, and relatable real people in the Los Angeles area:

FAMILIES (looking for ALL types of families and parents with kids ages 0-18yrs)

ADULTS, 18 – 55yrs old (looking for individuals, couples and groups of friends)

TEENAGERS, 13 – 18yrs old (looking for individuals and groups of friends)

KIDS, 6 – 12yrs old (looking for individuals and groups of friends)

REAL BOY SCOUTS, 8 – 18yrs old

REAL GYMNASTS, 8 – 18yrs old

REAL SKIERS, 8 – 55yrs old (*Please note skill level)

REAL SNOWBOARDERS- Advance Level, 18 – 55yrs old (*Please note skill level)

REAL SKATEBOARDERS- Advance Level, 18 – 25yrs old (*Please note skill level. **Must be able to Ollie a stair set and stomp the landing)

REAL BASEBALL PLAYERS, 16 – 25yrs old (*Please note skill level)

REAL CYCLISTS, 25 – 55yrs old (*Please note skill level)

REAL COLLEGE WRESTLERS, 18 – 25yrs old (*Please note skill level)

REAL KAYAKERS, 18 – 70yrs old (*Please note skill level)

REAL PARK RANGERS, 25 – 65yrs old (*Please note experience)

REAL WEIGHT-LIFTERS, 25 – 55yrs old (*Please note skill level)


How to Apply

To submit for a role in the Ford commercial, you can apply by sending an email to with the following requested info:
1. Role You Are Submitting For
2. First And Last Name
3. Email
4. Contact Number
5. Age
6. Occupation
7. BLURB *Very important. Please write a short paragraph introducing yourself and anyone else you are submitting. If you are submitting for a role that requires a special skill, please tell us how long you have been doing the activity / sport, and your skill level.
8. PHOTOS * Social media type pics are great…. anything that shows a sense of your / your group’s personality and style, or special skill (selfies, outdoor adventures, traveling, family pics, night out).

Leave a Casting Response

1 Casting Response

  1. Nathan Houser

    Hey I want to audition for the Ford project I live in Michigan and that would be great!!!
