Open Auditions for Upcoming Ed Helm & Tracy Morgan Movie in Los AngelesCasting directors are holding an open casting call for a few upcoming movies including “The Clapper” starring Ed Helms and Tracy Morgan as well as “The Hero” starring Sam Elliott. The films will be shooting in Los Angeles and Jeff Olan casting director as well as key members of the production teams are holding auditions for background, featured and stand-in roles.About The Clapper The movie that is starring Ed Helms (The Hangover) and Tracy Morgan (SNL) is set to follow a professional clapper for infomercials who gets plucked by a late-night talk show host to be on his TV show.What They Are Looking ForThe casting team is looking for paid up SAG members who are ages 18 and older to audition for the projects. You must be legal to work in the United States.Ages 18 and upSAG MembersThere will be several specific roles, but they are open to seeing anyone who can make it down. All types are sought especially, shorter Latino males, very heavy set males and females, extremely tall males and females, homeless types, Hollywood Blvd Character Types (having your own costume) is a plus, Marilyn Monroe look alikes, Darth Vador, and Spiderman types, if you have a crazy skill, Extremely Older males and females. Very skinny people, and very, very old white males.How to ApplyAuditions will be held this Saturday, May 14th from 10:30 am to 2:00 pm.This Saturday, May 14th from 10:30 am to 2:00 pmThey are seeking paid up SAG members whom have a headshot, or a current photo of yourself, plus write your sizes, telephone number, email, and name clearly on your photo as it must represent what you look like now.For anyone who is SAG & not registered with Jeff Olan Casting, you are welcome to come and will get the opportunity at a later date to register, but this is just to drop off a picture and if you have a resume, and a quick meet and greet CD’s and Production.This is an opportunity like no other- take a few minutes out of your Saturday.We are located at 14044 Ventura Blvd, Suite 209, Sherman Oaks, 91423 – NO PARKING IN THEIR OFFICE LOT, you could get towed. For more information visit