Bank Commercial - Actors & Kids

Kids & Adults Casting Call – Atlanta, GA

Are you looking for an acting audition? An upcoming commercial is looking for child and adult actors! A bank commercial is preparing to shoot and they are now hiring their actors. The kids casting call is looking for boys and girls ages 10 through 12 years old. Child models and actors who are Asian, Middle Eastern, Hispanic, African American, Caucasian, European and mixed-ethnicities are needed. In addition, casting directors are looking for adults of the same ethnicities. Men and women who are 18 through 70 are welcome to apply to the casting call. This project is looking for people who are experienced background performers. Models and actors will be needed for three days. Applicants must be able to work all three days even though they may not work them all. Filming will be in Atlanta, Georgia. It is scheduled for Wednesday, April 11th through Friday, April 13th. All performers will be paid $200.00 per day! View the acting audition information below.

About the Commercial

A bank commercial will be filming in Atlanta, Georgia. It is shooting on Wednesday, Thursday and/or Friday April 11-13th. The pay is 200.00 per day.

What They Are Looking For

Casting for a Bank Commercial – $200/DAY – 3 Days

Experienced background performers, models and actors only.

We are casting many types to be working in this bank scene.

$200/day (Must be available ALL three days! We do not know if you will work all three days.)

Works: Wednesday, Thursday and/or Friday April 11-13th. Atlanta, GA area

Casting for KIDS Ages 10-12 – Asians, Middle Eastern, Hispanic, Black, Caucasian, European, MIXED-ETHNICITY!
ADULTS 18 to 70’s – Asians, Middle Eastern, Hispanic, Black, Caucasian, European, Mixed-Ethnicity!

Will consider casting a family if kids are 10 or 18-20 years old. So feel free to submit as a family!

How to Apply

Please submit with your name, age, phone number, height & weight, please confirm you are available all three days, as well as 3 well lit photos (headshots, full length, etc) to
Use one of the following subject lines: Subject: KID BANK, ADULT BANK or FAMILY BANK.
(Please choose one!)

Prefer Professional Or Very Clear Photos For This Casting As It Is A Director-Select!

Leave a Casting Response

4 Casting Responses

  1. Emerie culberson

    MY name is Emerie I am 12 years old and I hope you email me

  2. Annika

    Hi my name is Annika ,I have seen bank comical and I have a mother that know a few things about banking! so I will be very excited

  3. Zeina Ahmed

    I am Zeina Ahmed. I am not 10-12 years old. I am 13 years old. I am still under 13. I am interested in this commercials. I don’t have experience in commercials. I do plays at school. I would appreciate it if I would be in your commercial.

    Hair: Light brown
    Highet: 5.5ft
    eyes: Brown/hazel

  4. Anonymous

    I am not Experienced am i still Eligible to do this commercial? I am also Older that 10-12 But younger than 18 is that okay?
