Atlanta TV Commercial Actors and Models

TV Commercial Casting Call

Are you looking for a commercial job in Atlanta? You have the opportunity to appear in a new spot! Casting directors are searching for models and actors in the Atlanta area for the upcoming TV commercial. They are looking for a wide range of looks to portray clean cut, wealthy homeowners. The roles being cast are speaking parts so this is a great way to gain experience, exposure and footage for your reel!

About the Commercial

The commercial shoot is for a local Atlanta company. Models and actors are now being sought for small speaking parts. Each actor will deliver short one-liners to camera in the style of a testimonial. The commercial will be filming in the Atlanta area on Saturday, December 17th.

What They Are Looking For

Casting directors are searching for men and women who are in their mid-30’s through mid-60’s.

Seeking variety of looks to play clean-cut, wealthy homeowners for local TV spot. These are small speaking parts: each actor will deliver short one-liners to camera in the style of a testimonial. Homogenous, non-regional accents desired.

Looking for men and women from mid-30’s to mid-60’s. Attire will be upscale casual. Must be comfortable memorizing short lines; previous speaking experience preferred.

Must be available December 17.

Local to Atlanta, Georgia

How to Apply

If you want to apply for a role in the commercial, please submit resume, headshot and video reel/samples to You may also send them a video reading the following lines “We were able to get everything in one place, they finished the project in just ten days, and we love our new kitchen! Plus, they serve all of North Atlanta! You’ve gotta give them a call.” Be sure to get your submissions in ASAP in order to be considered!

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