Bits & Pieces – The Disney Channel

Attention all aspiring performers and Disney Channel fans. A new pilot from the world’s favorite family network has been ordered and with it comes an amazing opportunity to be part of the next big Disney Channel hit. Casting calls and auditions for the all new family comedy Bits & Pieces will be going on soon for roles of all sizes.

Bits & Pieces is planning to take the traditional multi-camera comedy structure and turn it on it’s head. This new series will focus on a “Brady Bunch type” scenario where Pete, a jovial high school basketball coach with two children, marries the kind hearted school psychologist Jodie who has two kids of her own and a new and sometimes complicated family dynamic is born with hilarious and heartwarming results. The audience will be led each week through these new family adventures by teenage daughter Alanna as she recounts every moment in a series of fantastically funny vignettes with the help of her brother Sticky and step siblings Crystal and Brody. These vignettes will be a deconstruction of the traditional family sitcom as they use quick and hilarious scenes to spotlight the funny family experiences, the Bits & Pieces of this brand new brood. This is the most excitingly original Disney project ever and it is sure to be watched by millions each week as America and the world falls in love the Bits & Pieces clan and becomes glued to the journey of this example of the new family dynamic. Auditions and casting calls will be happening soon so be sure to leave a comment below and stay tuned for every detail as they become available.

The Disney brand is one that is trusted with out fail for it’s amazing streak of quality family programming and history of ushering in some of the biggest names in entertainment. This is your chance to make your big break in the next Disney Channel mega hit. Stay tuned and you may just be a part of Disney’s Bits & Pieces.

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3 Casting Responses

  1. Praise Adetuyi

    Hello I am Praise, popularly known as awesome I love acting and singing not just to be on tv but it my passion from the age of 6 I discovered that I had a great acting ability the people that made me more sure was the people that I preformed for said I have great acting potential.I take acting very seriously.People have said I have the gift of making them laugh I want to show the world.I am willing to travel all the way from Ireland to America.

    My age is 11 I will be 12 on the on February 15 I am from Ireland although people actually say I look l look American,i am five foot four give me a shot and I’ll show you what I have got.
    Thank you for listening yours sincerely Praise.

  2. Kateri

    Hi my name is Kateri. This show sounds so great. I love the Brady bunch. I am 11 turning 12 this year. I am 5ft 7 inches. I am I great actor who would love to be apart of this show. I can sing act and dance. Please consider me. I have always dreamed of being in Disney channel. I have blonde hair and blue eyes. I live I Houston tx right now. I watch Disney channel all the time. PLEASE CONSIDER ME

  3. Rebecca Gomez

    My name is Rebecca Gomez and I think I would be good for the role of Crystal. I am 12 13 in June and I am 4′ 11″ and I love to act. I want to show people that it doesn’t matter what background you come from, that you can still be something big in this world. I want to prove to everyone who’s ever doubted me that I can do something. Please take me under consideration for this role. Thank you.

  4. Chrslyn rodrigues

    i would be glad if i was on bits and pieces cause i could be crystal because im 11 years old and im about 12 years old in April i have brown hair and brown eyes im also a girl i just really really want to be on this show and i really want to be on Disney channel from 1 to 11 i had wacth Disney my hole life i just really hope i get in and if i did i would be so so so exsided if really really really got in when you read this let me know cause i really really really want to know know so bad bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Melody

    Hi my name is melody,
    Age: 14
    Height: 5’5
    Race: hispanic
    City: new york

    I think i deserve a chance, im a great actress.. I have taking acting classes and i have preformed for a big crowd before, more than once. I am willing to travel , just give me ONE. Chance.

  6. Nicolette

    I’m Nicolette. Since I was young it has been my dream to be a well known actress. I’m in the 6th grade and I’m not the most popular girl in school. I’m the odd ball out, but I’ve always wanted to be remembered for something. Being an actress is what I want to do for the rest of my life and for the past few weeks I’ve been applying for many auditions and castings.

    I live acting, along with music, with all of my heart. I feel like I’m not my odd ball self when I act. I love creating characters and pretending to be someone else. I write skits with my friends for this reason. I feel like this is what I was born to do. I’m 12, but people often mistake me for older.

    For my age, I’m smart. I am also well educated. I am outgoing and willing to take risks. I am also full of ideas and open minded. I am more sarcastic then most girls my age. I have a good sense of humor, but I can be serious if necessary. People have told me I appear scary or intimidating at first, but once you get to know me I am friendly and caring. I’m really athletic and love sports. I am also fit.

    I am:
    12 years old
    Straight brown hair
    Hazel eyes
    Few freckles around eyes

    I hope you take me into consideration.
    Thank you

  7. Mikayla

    Hi my name is Mikayla. I am 10 years old I love Disney channel I would love to audition for Bits and Pieces
    Gender: Female
    Hair color: brown
    Eye color: blue
    Height: 4’8
    Weight: 80
    Skin: white/tan
    Race: white
    Location: Traverse City, Michigan
    Hair Length: Medium

  8. Samantha Haase

    Hello, my name is Samantha. I am 15, (16 in September), am 5’2″, white/Caucasian, weigh 90 lbs, and have long brown hair. I have also done cheer/gymnastics since age 5. I have also sang, played guitar, and piano since age 11. I would love to have this part and feel I would be good for the role.

  9. Jesse Kelly

    Hi My name is Jesse Kelly. I am an aspiring actress who has always been on the stage growing up. Acting is my passion and I put my heart and soul into my acting. I would love to audition for Bits & Pieces because it sounds like an amazing opportunity and I think the show sounds fantastic. I am willing to travel, and I am an extremely hard working girl who strives to be the best. Being a former junior Olympic acrobatic gymnast I understand the true meaning of working hard and doing everything you can to achieve your goals. I would love this opportunity!

    Gender: female

    Hair color: blonde

    Eye color: blue eyes

    Height: 5’3

    Weight: 103 lbs

    Skin color: light/fair

    Race: Caucasian

    Location: Northern California

    Hair length: medium/long

  10. Katara jones

    I am a ten year old girl in the NC area,that has always dreamed of being on TV ever since I was little. Disney channel is the only thing that I watch!!! Please contact me with location information in Georgia.
    Thank you for looking at my comment


  11. Akemi W.

    Hi my name is Akemi Webster and I want to audition for Bits and pieces. I want to audition because seeing those kids on T.V. inspire me to one day become a kid actor. I’m in plays at my school. I have 2 sisters. One of them is 5 yrs old and the other is 7 1/2 months old. I like spending time with my family and getting outside. I have really good grades and my teacher said that I am trying my best and to keep up the good work. I know I’m young but I am determined to become a great Disney actor, I love Disney Channel!!!!!!!


    Race: African American

    Weight: 76 pounds

    Hair:light brown

    City:Studio City, CA

    Skin tone: Light brown


    Height: 4’3

    P.S. Please give me this role, I know I can do it!!!!!!

  12. Taylor Croston

    I have wanted to act for a while but i haven’t gotten the chance. I am a girl, 5’7″, white, 14 years old turning 15 May 1st, blue eyes, dirty blonde hair. At first I might be a little shy but once you get to know me I am pretty funny and crazy. Once i set my mind to something I don’t give up!

  13. Abi Caporuscio

    My name is Abi. I’m 14. I live in Canada, I love the family channel soo much I watch is every day. My hair colour is brown, My eye colour is dark brown I’ve never acted before but I would love to try.

    My memory is very good so I can memorize lines pretty good. I hope you consider me to be in this series because I really love disney and acting.

  14. Georgia Atkins

    Hi my names Georgia and I’m 14years old. I love to act and dance and I have been dancing for 12 years. Please give me a chance I am a big fan of the Brady bunch and it would be great if I was able to be in a show that has a similar scenario to that. I also live in Australia and have an Australian accent but if I need to have an American accent I can work on that. My mum said if I got a part in the show she would be happy to fly me over.

    Hair – long and brown

    Eyes – hazel/green

    Height – 152cm

    Skin colour – white

    Please give me a chance it would be a dream come true.

  15. Gelen Reynoso

    Hi my name is Gelen weird name yes it is. As everyone is saying here I will say the same, my dream has always been to sing and act. I barely got support from my family and friends and they all think that singing and acting it’s just a hobby but I want to show them that’s it’s not a hobby that I can make singing and acting as MY life career! I would LOVE!! To make my dreams come true! And I would like to show them dreams can come true!

    22 years old but look like 15- 17 years old
    American/ parents are Dominican
    I speak English and Spanish
    Light brown eyes
    Tan skin
    I’m 5’2
    Long brown hair

  16. kaylie murray

    I am Kaylie Murray. I am 12 years old and i would love a shot at this. Here is just some more information about me………….

    city :ponchatoula,la

    age :12

    height :5.4

    hair color :brown

    hair length :medium

    skin tone :white

    plz give me a chance.

  17. Sierra Sutkus

    I have always wanted to be an actress/singer. I’m willing to change my look to do it. I have been the lead in a school play and have won some awards for my singing. Please give me the chance to show you my talents. I am 16 years old and can give you any information you need when you email me. Thank you very much and I look forward to meeting you.
    Sierra Sutkus

  18. Janasia Thomas Gant

    Stop ! Consider Me !!

    I Am An Aspiring Actress , Its Is My Soul . I Have A Passion For Acting And To Work On A Disney Channel Series Would Be My Dream Come True . Dont Just Skip Pass My Comment , Give Me A Chance To Show You That I Deserve This .

    City : Flint, MI

    Age : 15

    Height : 5’7

    Weight : 111 Pounds

    Race : African – American

    Hair Length : Long

    Skin Tone : Light Brown

    – I Deserve This Shot , I Am Very Smart , And I Will Be Willing To Travel . Honestly If You Give Me A Chance You Wont Regret It .

    EMAIL ME :

  19. Elly Boykin

    I am 10 years old I love acting I practice almost everyday when I work onstage the lights came on I am cazy and happy I put a smile on every ones face I remember easy I am funny

    Height 4 ft 1in
    Weight 71 lbs
    Age 10
    Gender woman
    Hair dirty blonde
    Eyes green
    Race white

  20. Kyley Carmany

    Hi my name is Kyley. I’ve been watching Disney ever since I was a little girl and always dreamed of being on disney channel and following my dreams. My dad has passed away and he has always told me to follow my dreams. I believe that this is the first place to start and get closer to my dreams and getting closer to what my dad thought I could be. I’m on our high school dance team and our Varisty all women’s show choir. I’m 15 years old and dancing and singing is my life. I compete in vocal competitions and get gold and went to state as well. If you could please consider me to help me make my dad proud of me and believe that I can do something and make my dreams a reality. Thank you, Kyley

  21. daisy

    hi my name is Daisy
    I have darkish brown hair and brown eyes
    I love acting i was since i was 5 years old. I am a adopted child and i am not shy when it comes to acting. im always ready to learn something new. weather it comes from acting or learning i love it,

  22. Lily Johnson

    Hi, my name is Lily and I am 12 years old. I would love to be considered for this role because I love acting. I have some experience in school plays/musicals and theatre class. People say I look and act mature for my age. I put lots of time and effort into really becoming and the character. All of my friends, family members, and teachees think I have a very unique and remarkable personality. I show great emotion and confidence in different roles. I’m also really good at improv. I think I could relate well to this role of a teenage girl in a blended family. Earning or even auditioning this role would be an honor. Thank you for your time (:

    Age: 12 (June, 2001)
    Height: 5’5
    Weight: 130 lbs.
    Gender: Female
    Race: Caucasian
    Hair: Medium brown, long
    Eyes: Light blue

  23. Christian McNeal

    Hi, My name is Christian McNeal and I love to dance and act. I loved Disney for a long time and I want to be a part of Disney. I think Bits and Pieces will be a funny show just by reading the name and reading what it’s about. I never been to acting lessons, but I will try my best to make you and other people laugh. I love to play basketball and I love to play soccer too. And if I get to be a part of Bits and Pieces it will be an honor. Thank you.

    Race: Brown
    Height: 4’7
    Eyes: Dark Brown
    Gender: Male
    Age: 10
    From: Milwaukee, WI
    Weight: 100 lbs.

  24. Rachael Henderson

    My name is Rachael Henderson and I am thirteen years old. I am 5’ 4” and 93 pounds with long blonde hair and brown eyes. I am an honor roll student, and participate in multiple school activities. For the past 3 years, I have been volunteering my weekend time at dog and cat shelter. I believe all animals should have a chance to be loved by a family. The only acting I have done has been in school plays, but I absolutely love it. I have been watching the Disney Channel all my life and it has been a dream of mine to someday be on one of your shows. I am an enthusiastic singer, and have taken gymnastics for about a year. I love how acting can take you to another world and another you. You can create the character the writer is trying to pursue, and make their dream come alive before them. I hope you consider me for this amazing opportunity and hope to hear from you soon.

  25. Emily Garrison

    Hi, My name is Emily Garrison and i’m 11 years. I live in a small town in northern Maine with my quite large family. Acting has always sort of been a big part of my life because that is like my comfort zone, I love to sometimes just start acting out a play or movie lines in front of my family, for I can be very dramatic and change my emotions very well. I don’t like to say that some day I want to be a “star” or someone famous. I act because it’s my passion and I enjoy doing it. I may seem shy when you first meet me, but once I have a script in my hand it’s like a whole different person standing up there. I really hope you consider me in this new Disney Channel T.V. show. Thanks! I’d really be interested in Bits and Pieces!

  26. Melanie grace

    My name is melanie im 13 years old.I live to sing act and dance. I love alot of disney shows. Im a big fan. My inspiration is ariana grande she is them reason I want to sing and act. I have been in alot of plays. I have been singing for 4 years im a saprano. I plar piano and a little gutiar.I wanted to be a singer and actress since I was 8. I can’t play any type of role. I can’tdo anything acrobatic. I live in erie pa. I have been looking for a chance to get a part in a tv show to get my carrer going. Im not in it for the money or fame im doing it because its my dream. I have brown hair and eyes. Im about 5 ft 1. If I was chosen this would be a dream come true. Thanks sooo much.

  27. Marina Scekic

    I’m 16 years old and I love to act , so much fun and I will work hard

  28. Shantell Mullings

    Hi, my name is Shantell Mullings and I am 12 years old. I currently live in Tallahassee Fl, but I will soon be relocating to Tampa Fl. I love acting, dancing, singing, playing my piano, and playing my cello. I can act out just about any type of emotion, but comedy is my favorite type and in this case that is exactly what you need. Please give me a chance to audition for this new show, this has been my dream since I was 6. Thanks for your time!!!!!!

  29. Alexandria

    My name is Alexandria and I go by Alex. I am 15 (16 in March) and I am 5 feet 8 inches tall. I have brown eyes, long brown wavyish hair and contacts. I have taken dance classes in the past and I can also ride horses and do gymnastics and play the clarinet. I consider myself smart, athletic, creative, and hard working. I know everyone is giving basic info about themselves but here’s my blurb: I love to sing and dance and act. I have never been in drama club or taken an acting class. But I have always wanted to act and be on Disney. I am very willing to learn. Are there people out there who are prettier and more experienced than me? Yes. But I just want to put forth my best efforts and learn and gain experience. No one thinks I can do it and they don’t support me. If I can get a chance I know I can be somebody and give my family something they can be proud of. I think Bits and Pieces sounds like a fun show and a great experience for me because I love having crazy adventures with my brother and sister. Thank you. If you can get me a Disney audition I will not let them down!

  30. Emilia Dyer

    I am 12 years old but look like I’m 14, tall, brown hair and Canadian.
    I love acting, singing, dancing, and reading. I would really LOVE to land ANY role in Bits and Pieces! I hope you consider me 🙂

  31. Wyatt Black

    Hello, my name is Wyatt Black and I’m ten years old. I heard about the casting for bits and pieces and I was wondering if there was a character that I could play. I have hazel eyes, light brown hair and really want to make it big. I am interested in playing any roll.

  32. Bianca

    Hi Bianca Ibarra I’m 14 years old, I have brown hair, brown eyes, I’m 5’3 and I live in California. I love disney channel I’ve always watched it and I would love to be in it. This new show with Zendaya I love her she is a great singer and I love her in shake it up and I think I’d be great on this show because I would play any character I have a very bubbly, fun and happy personality I’m a hard worker and I give 120 percent in everything I do. I can sing, dance. And I can memorize lyrics and scripts very well. And this would be the chance of a lifetime if I could be on this show or any disney.

    Hope to hear from you. 🙂

  33. Tamia Campbell

    Hi. my name is Tamia. I’m 12 years old with a great personality. I am 5ft 3 1/2, singer, actress, artist, and writer. I love to read books (including scripts). I’m also a chef and a straight A student in Honors. I heard about your opportunity to be on your new sitcom TV show “bits and pieces” and I think I would be a good role for the part of Alanna. I have enough adventures of my own at home with my family of 6. I am just a 7th grader that goes to Whiteside middle school with the dream of becoming an actress. I was once asked to do some modeling and they were even going to send me to Chicago but it didn’t work out. If I just had one chance to become a singer,actor,chef or model I would be very greatful. I just hope you can comment me back and give me this opportunity of a lifetime to work with Disney channel productions and get the part.

    Many thanks,
    Tamia Denise Campbell

  34. Natalie

    Gender: Female
    Age: 15 (April 1998)
    Height: 5`4″
    Weight: 112
    Hair Colour: Dirty Blonde/Brown
    Eye Colour: Dark Green
    Race: Caucasian

    Talents and experience:
    -Horse back riding (2 years)
    -Can play the clarinet (5 years)
    -Dance (7 years, most types)

    -Drama classes throughout school (Most recent 2013-2014, mark 94%)
    -School Christmas play 2009, role: Head Elf
    -School production of Seussical the Musical 2013, roles: Whoville citizen, nurse, hunter, and tourist

    About Me:
    -Honor roll student
    -Volunteer at local senior home (So far 90 hours)

    I would love the opportunity to be a part of any Disney channel show or movie. This show sounds like it would be a huge hit. Please email me if interested.

  35. Cara Glendenning

    Hi! I’m Cara Glendenning. I’m 14 years old. I live in Oklahoma. To be honest, I’ve never had acting lessons or anything like that. I’m trying my hardest to get on Disney Channel and others. But I missed the 2013 auditions for Disney Channel in OK. I heard in on the radio a few times but they said the phone number too fast. I’m Caucasian. I’m 5’8″. I’m always having fun and laughing with friends. I think I would be a great actress on Disney Channel since they are more of a fun TV channel! I get along with everyone. I just really need a chance. Thank you so much. Email me for more questions!

  36. Grace Larkey

    Hello I am Grace Larkey. I am 10 years of age and have blond hair and blue eyes. I am 4″11 and weigh 83 pounds me and my friends always get together and write scripts and then act them out we also get in costumes. Anyway i always act actings my hobby. My friends always think I am not acting when I really am. Anyway I love acting and acting on a tv show has always been my dream and at Disney they always say dreams come true If you believe and guesse what I believe. I’ve been in three plays and a Christmas play every year since prek. I have one dream this year please just make this dream come true.

  37. Sophie

    Hey I’m Sophie and I’m 13 years old, nearly 14. I live in Germany 🙂 I have blue eyes and blonde-brown hair. I’m very interested in speaking English and I have an A. My hobbies are playing tennis, dancing, singing, acting, riding horses and playing the violin and the guitar. Since I was little I’ve dreamt about becoming an actress and this would be an amazing chance to prove everyone I can make it.

  38. Kyara

    Gender: female
    Eye color: brown
    Hair color: dark brown
    Race: African American

    Hi my name is Kyara I hope you read this because I have always wanted
    to be successful in life and I think getting a role in this show will get me there.
    Here’s a little about me I have three siblings I love to sing I can play flute very well
    And I love to act I make all a’s and b’s on my report card. So you probably want to
    know more about me but I don’t want to put out everything about me because I’m not even sure if this is real, so if you want to know more just email me please.Thank you
    for taking your time to read this message.

  39. London Thompson

    London Thompson

    Age 13

    Height 5’2

    Weight 103

    Race African American

    Sex female

    Hi My name is London Thompson I’ve been in one musical play and fine arts in my school I been wanting to do acting since I was 8 years old. I think I’m capable of being in a Disney movie this will be a good start for my acting career
    Thank you for your time

  40. asia

    hi im asia im nine years old im dark skined and i like in long beach ca with my family i have always dreamed of being an singer/actress/dancer i have an great perosnailty because thats a great thing to have and i love entertaining people and making them laugh so much i love singing and dancing around the house im the youngest so its very hard to find people to pla with because im so young but when im acting i dont be shy i stand out my mom says and i agree with her when im acting i will so free and when im watching disney channel i copy whatever the people say to pratice lol pratice makes perfect lol i will love to be in this show i hope disney sees this commet bye eveyrone good luck

  41. Danielle Salt

    I have been dancing ever since I was 2 years of age. I have done Jazz, tap, Zumba and ballet. I have been taking singing lessons for 4 years now and I love making up little jingles and getting them stuck in my head. Whenever I hear something on television that catches my eye, I walk around the house practicing it in different voices. I am a very outgoing bubbly girl who loves to learn new things and work with new people. I attend a theatre arts school and I take professional acting and singing lessons. I have just finished a pantomime as the role of jack’s best friend Joe. I love being in the spotlight and make people laugh because it makes me feel energized.
    Gender: F
    Age: 14
    Birthday: 11/12/99
    Hair: blonde
    Eyes: blue
    Weight: 8 stone
    ethnicity: white, European (UK)
    Height: 5,6
    hobbies: singing, acting, dancing, swimming, having fun, horse riding, playing tennis, writing stories, creating monologues, practicing different accents, practicing the piano.
    My parents fully support my ambitions and are able to take me to this audition

  42. Gabriel Nolan

    Hello! My name is Gabriel (pronounced Gabrielle) Nolan, I’m 14 years old, and I’m in 8th grade. I love acting, I watch Disney channel all the time, and I would love to work with you guys! I am a huge fan, and it has been my life-long dream to be an actress. I memorize lines easily, and I’ve been in church and school plays since kindergarten.

    Full Name: Gabriel Nicole Nolan
    Age + Birthday: 14; December 14, 1999
    Height: 5’2
    Weight: 78 lbs.
    Hair Color: Dark Brown Hair (usually mistaken for Black)
    Eye Color: Hazel/Brown
    Body Type: Thin
    Skin Type: Pale/White
    Additional Features: Glasses
    Nationality: Korean-American
    Grades: A’s and B’s
    Facts: I can read, write, and speak Korean almost as well as English. I play four instruments: the violin, the piano, the guitar, and the recorder. I have lived in Korea for most of my life, and I am currently living in Korea now. I am left-handed. I work really well with kids and animals.
    Hobbies: Violin, Piano, Guitar, Recorder, Writing, Reading, Electronics

    I really hope to work with you, and I hope you choose me. I have been wanting to be an actress for a long time, no matter what anyone said.

  43. Katerin Urizar

    I am 14 years old I am Hispanic I have brown eyes and I am 5’1
    I think I would be good for this part because I a hard worker and I
    Would be good fore Alanna I hope you choose me

  44. Olivia Kean

    Hi Disney Channel, producer, director, and/or casting directors!!! My name is Olivia & I am 13 years old. I think it’s really cool to have an opportunity like this to possibly work on what seems to be another Disney Channel masterpiece with such wonderful people!! I do have experience with acting and musical theater. I’ve done musicals at Apple Hill Playhouse (a children’s theater near my home) I was featured in “The Enchanted Sleeping Beauty” as a Pink Witch. I very much enjoyed working in an environment like that! I also take acting classes at a place called Stage Right. I’ve been doing this for about 7 months now! I’m a dedicated, hard worker. Aside from acting, I also LOVE to sing and play the guitar. I took singing lessons for a year by an incredibly talented young woman. I sing in my church choir and I sing in a chorus group at school. & let me tell ya, I put a lot of passion into my work or roles! Now to tell you about my appearance… I have long dark brown hair and brown eyes. I’m 5 foot 2. I weigh 102 pounds. Thank you SOSOSO much for your time. It would be an absolute honor to even consider me for a project like this. Thanks again! (:

  45. Lindsay Sepulveda

    Hi my name is Lindsay. I am 13 and I have always loved disney! I would love to play the role of Alanna! I have a very simuliar family because my mom married a guy with 2 sons, and I originallyhad a sistet and brother, so I can relate. I have medium brown hair and blue eyes. I am 65.5 in. I have always liked acting and I would love to be apart of this amazing opportunity. I am a little shy, nice, funny, and can be sarcastic. I would love tobe part of this show.

    Thank you for considering me for this! 🙂

  46. Josiah Herring

    Name -Josiah Herring
    Age-13 years old
    Race-African American
    Reason- I would like to be on Bits&Pieces because I would like to try new things and also because I like to act please pick me and if you don’t I understand.

  47. Liz

    Hello my name is Elizabeth I have a daughter who is 10yrs old she is caucasian and hispanic she has a beautiful outgoing personality she is loved every where she goes . I would love for her to get a chance to audition for one of your shows she has talent that cannot be wasted and would love for her to share it with the world . That is her goal for 2014 to be all that she can be . Her name is Ashley . Thanks

  48. Eileen Stewart

    Hi my name is Eileen Stewart I’m 13 years old.i absolutely love to sing and act! I was recently picked to be in the top 4 In a singing competition called Kidzstarusa “kidzbop” It’s been my dream and goal to be a performer.i would love this opportunity thanks so much!

  49. Ariah Robledo

    Hi my name is Ariah . I live in San Antonio tx. I have brownish,blackish hair.i have brown eyes my inspiration to be on disney channel is Selena Gomez. She is my Idol. I also like to make things my own to. Oh I almost forgot I am 11 years old and in sixth grade I think I weigh almost 90 pounds. I am probably abou 5,4 or 5 something but I love to sing in my room and I am not shy at all I sing in front of my family and act in front of my family. I’m looking forward to acting and singing in front of thousands of people someday. But remember to come to San Antonio tx 🙂

  50. Jada valentine

    I would really like to be apart of this movie because I am awesome funny and talented ,this movie would mean so much to me and I would be really happy/exited.

    About me
    I am 13
    I live in New York
    I have the shape of a model
    I am 5’7
    My skin color is brown my hair is medium length
    The color of my hair is brown

    I would really really like to be part of this movie all my 13 years of birth I have been watching disney channel I know every movie on their. Writing this I feel so exited and truly hope I get to be apart of this movie.

  51. Alissa Reyes

    Hi my name is Alissa Reyes and i would love to try out for this show if you would give me the chance. I always wanted to start my acting career with disney ever since i was a little girl(9yrs old). As soon as i read the story line of the show i knew that i would want to be in it! I think i would be able to play this role because i am out going, i love to act even though i only been in one play(7th grade). I believe that this would be a great opportunity for me to get started with my dreams and acting career.
    Age:16 almost 17
    Birthday(janurary 28,1997)
    race:black and mexican
    eyes:dark brown
    Hair:black with blue streaks(shoulder length)
    Hobbies:softball.drawing,writing and reading.

  52. Ashley Herren

    My name is Ashley Herren. I am 13 years old and I would like to start an acting career. It has always been one of my biggest dreams, but because I live in such a small town, I couldn’t ever find auditions. The closest I could get to acting was the school plays and church plays i have been in. Or even just little skits we would have to make up for something we were learning in class. I have always been told I am pretty good at acting and definitely good at keeping a straight face and people thinking I am serious.
    Last year, I heard on the radio about the auditions they do in Orlando. I wrote down the number and my mom called and made me an audition or appointment. I ended up not being able to make it. But , today as I was looking for auditions, this one and another stood out to me. And as I was reading what this show would be about, I felt that it kinda fit me. I just hope I can at least get the chance to audition and to be considered.Thank you for your time.

  53. vanessa

    Hi i am vanessa

    *i have long straight hair
    *i am 13years old
    *brown eyes
    *8th grade
    *at first i am a lil shy but the next tume i see you that will be gone

  54. Raegan Forster

    Hi! I love acting! And would love to act on Disney Chanel! I have 2 younger brothers so I would be able to play the role of Alanna very we’ll! This show sounds amazing and I would love to be apart of it! I’m blonde, 14, have brown eyes am 5’3 and as I said before LOVE acting! Thx! 🙂

  55. Georgia Hilleshiem

    So, new series? Count me in.
    Age – 13
    Gender – female
    Height – 5’4
    Haircolor – blonde
    Eyecolor – green/blue
    Acting History – Okay usually when someone says they’re new to acting thats a big “let down” or “turn off” but I don’t care. The only acting I’ve done is in those cheap school ays in elementary school. But I’m always told I should take drams as a class in school. I took that advice so I’m planning on taking drama next year when I start highschool.
    Reasons – I’ve watched disney channel since I was a little kid, I remember all the old shows : Hannah Montana, Thats so Raven, Suite Life of Zack and Cody. Get the picture? I still watch disney channel today, its my “boredom killer” as I call it. I even sit with my little brother and watch disney XD, if that counts as still part of disney channel.
    Choose your cast carefully, and try not to change them.

    Thanks for listening,
    Georgia Hilleshiem

  56. Amanda Fox

    Look no longer!

    I am Amanda Fox. I am 23 years young, and can pull off looking younger, and

    older. Whatever the need be.

    My style is no less than fab, and my presence is more fascinating than glitter.

    Listen to me acting like this is a dating site.

    Honestly, my heart is gold. Big and heavy. I am in the process of recreating my life,

    and am doing all that I can to follow my dreams. I love entertaining others to put a

    smile on their face. I am usually the first to crack a joke. And, with all that I have

    overcome I want nothing more than to inspire others. Thank you for joining me on

    this journey, and providing me with this opportunity.


  57. Kyra Robbins


    My name is Kyra Robbins, I am 14 years old and I live in England. I have seen the advertisement for your open casting call for Bits and Pieces and have absolutely fallen in love with the concept. I think I would be perfect for the role of Alanna. I am 5ft 6, blonde with brown eyes. I am of a slim and slightly athletic build. I am well spoken with a British accent although I am told that my American accent is very convincing. I have been approached by modelling agencies for photo shoots and I am also a talented singer.

    I would like to have some more information about the auditions. As I live in the UK I am not able to audition in person although I would be able to send a video if that is possible.

    This would be an opportunity of a lifetime.

    Many thanks,


  58. Snowden Farnssworth

    My name. Is Snowden Farnsworth, and I have always dreamed of being an actress/singer/dancer. I am twelve years old, but I look about fourteen and am very mature. I have dirty blonde hair, and have blue and green eyes. They change colors. I have been in many plays, and enjoy drama. I attend a private school that not only prides themselves on academics, but also fine arts. They have a great drama department that I am extremely involved in. I have taken voice lessons for two years, and enjoy singing. I have been dancing sense I was two, and have won first place overall at nationals as a soloist twice. My group dances have one first many times, as well as my duets and trios. I am extremely flexible, and can do contortions. I do all kinds of dance: jazz, contemporary, modern, lyrical, ballet, tap, fusion, hip hop, and pointe. I have taken workshops from Abby Lee Miller, Soul Escape, Hype, and many more. I have taken many acting classes, and believe that I have talent. I would be perfect for Disney. I do not care about the money or the fame. I would do it so I could pursue my dream. I know that I get a chance, I would not let you down. Please consider me. I know I would be amazing as Alanna.Thank you for your time.

  59. Robin Sorensen

    gender: girl
    age: 13
    height: 5’0
    weight: 120
    hair color: brown
    eye color: hazel
    race: Caucasian
    talents: can play clarinet, a cheerleader and acting
    phone: 4033202817

    It has always bin my dream to play a role on my favorite channel and have kids look up to me.
    I’m in grade 8 and I’ve bin taking drama in school for 2 years and I get amazing grades so I think I’m ready to take it up to the next step and fallow my dream. my experience with my brother and sister so I think I could relate to the characters. I have not had any real acting experience but I do go into my room and pretend to be someone I’m totally not.
    I hope I here from you soon thank you.
    Sincerely Robin Sorensen

  60. abby cardenas

    hi my name is abigahil cardenas,but my friends call me abby for short.i am 11 but going to be 12 in 2 months.disney channel has the best shows and i would like to be in one.i like to sing and act.i can kind of dance but i am not a pro,but i can learn.being a star is my dream.
    color hair:brown
    color eyes:brown
    i dont know how tall i am but im pretty tall

  61. Ayla

    I love too am 11 years old and would love to be disney

  62. kiah watson

    hello my name is kiah Watson Im 12 years young when I grow I would like to an actress and I think this new hit show bits and pieces will be good for me and we can make a legend out of it if we work together I have played in many play at church and school for any more information I would like for you to email me at when you get a chance thankyou.

  63. Keishara Ramgeet

    Hi, my name is Keishara Ramgeet,
    I’ve always dreamt of being in one of your Disney sitcoms since i was a little girl, when the show will go to commercial and you’ll see the stars come up and say hey i’m zenedaya or bella throne and your watching Disney channel and they’ll draw the Disney channel sign, i use too take some glow sticks and do it as well, saying hey i’m keishara and you’re watching Disney channel, i hope you’ll give me that opportunity to do so one day.

  64. Vanessa

    Hi, my name is Vanessa, I’m 14 years old, I have green/brown eyes, my hair is honey brown/ red. I feel that I would be great for the part of Alanna because I know what it’s like to be in a blended family, and I can definitely relate to her character. I’d love to be a part of the cast! 🙂

  65. Diamond Easter

    Hi Disney channel i am a fan of your work. It is HILARIOUS! Well first i would like to give you my age well i am 13 and i have been watching Disney channel for so long that i can remember my fav show “Life with Derrick” and “Suite life of Zack and Cody”. my two fav show i am biracial i am mixed with virgin island and African american and i am a beautiful funny sweetheart/drama queen. well that is all for my info email me because i REALLY REALLY REALLY want to show the world my talent of an actor.

  66. Calynn Coleman

    My name is Calynn but everyone calls me CJ. I have long dirty blonde hair and blue eyes and I am 12 years old. I am interested in having the part of Crystal.

  67. Kristina Pruitt

    Name: Kristina Pruitt
    Birth Date: October 13 1999
    Age: 14
    Hair Color: Black
    Height: 5″6″
    Race: African-American

    It would be an honor if I could be
    on the new hit show ” Bits and Pieces ”
    I would be perfect for it because I love my
    siblings and they love me.

  68. Victoria

    Hi, my name is Victoria. I love to sing, dance, and listen to music. My mother is a very good singer and I believe I got my singing talents from her. I take Hip-Hop, Ballet, and Jazz at my dance school. I love to listen to Pop music. The only channel I watch is Disney! I would really like to become an actress.

    Name: Victoria
    Age: 11
    Grade: 6
    Gender: Female
    Height: 5″2
    Weight: 103 pounds
    I have dark brown hair and brown eyes
    I’m African American
    I’m in my school muical
    My inspiration is Selena Gomez

  69. Rebekah Brehan

    Hi, I’m Rebekah
    I am 17 and a junior in high school.
    I have dark brown hair and green/hazel eyes.
    I am 5’5 and weigh 115
    I am Caucasian.

  70. Ashley Neckar

    Boring comments are easy to skip over. So I’m gonna try to not make this boring 🙂
    First off I am 12 years old I have curly dirty-blonde hair
    I love to sing and act. I am currently in theater arts. I am in 7th grade. Well I know this seems boring so let’s cut to it. Everyone wants to be famous, I don’t blame them I do too. Well you probobly are gonna skip this one but if you don’t I would be intrested in one of the lead roles
    Thank You,

  71. Sierra Thomas

    Name:Sierra Thomas
    Age:15 almost 16
    Height:5″5 1/2 ft
    Ethnicity/Race: African American
    Eye color:Dark Brown
    Hair color:Dark brown
    Hi my name is Sierra and I love disney channel. Its always has been my dream to be on disney channel. For me acting and singing are my hobbies.Its not about being a huge star,its about following my dreams.Im a very hard worker,friendly,and I will bring by fun and out going personality to the set.I really hope you consider me to pursue my dreams.

  72. Natalie Johnson

    Hi, my name is Natalie Johnson and I am 14 years old look around 16 though . I’ve been acting forever and open for landing any roll .
    Height -5’6
    Weight -113
    blonde hair
    Blue eyes

  73. jenifer Pelayo

    Hi My Name Is Jennifer Pelayo I Am 14 Years Old I Sing, AcT,and Dance i LOve What I Do And I Am GOod At It I HOpe You Will Give Me A Chance I Love Entertaining Its A Major Part Of My Life
    I Cant Imagine My Life With Out It I Love What The Show Is AboUt I Have Step Sibl4ngs And I Know What Its Like So I Wanna Be A Part Of This Show Im Energetic And EaSy Going Yet Im A Little Shy But A Little EdgY And Im Fun To Be Around And Im Just A Chill Person I Live In Tucson, Az It Would Be Nibe If You Came To Arizona And Checked Out All The Other Amazin Kids That Are Here Hope You Take My Words To Heart And Come I Promise You Wont Be Disapointed By What You See . . . .
    Thanks For Your Time Bye

  74. Hannah Johnson

    HELLO! I’m apparently Hannah Johnson, a 12 year old african American girl with (glorious) Brown Eyes and Black Hair. I’m not experienced when it comes to acting, but I love to do it. I have always wanted to work for Disney Channel and hopefully my fream will come true! Please consider me for the role. I can be contacted at 404-284-6743. Until then! ;P

  75. Samantha

    Hi, my name is Samantha. I am 14 years old, and have a passion for acting, singing, and dancing. I have been in a couple community theatres, and a bunch of plays for my church. I am also a drama student and am planning to start up singing lessons. I am very talented musically, and play the piano and the clarinet. I absolutely love to sing and act and have been dancing since I was 5 years old, mainly hip hop. I would love to be a part of this T.V. show, because it is my dream to act. Thank you(: