Casting for Guardians of the Galaxy 2About the Movie:Guardians of the Galaxy is a 2014 superhero movie based on the original Marvel comics produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Disney. This movie is the sequel to the 2014 film which made $770 million at the box office with a $195 million budget. The success of the original movie came from a comedic cast starring Chris Pratt, and an intriguing story that captivated audiences. Guardians 1 was said to be one of the best superhero movies of the last decade, and the second movie will build off its success. The plot for the second movie is yet to be released, but viewers can be assured that it will be creative and exciting just like the first one. If you want to be apart of what will surely be one of the best new movies filming this year, then apply to be an extra now.CASTING HANDSOME MEN Are you a man that is handsome enough to be featured in GQ magazine?-Model types, handsome faces, good bone structure, some European looking, etc… – AGES 18 to 55, – 5’10 and over, size 36 to 44 jacket size max. – Caucasian – blonde hair especially, but all hair colors may apply – Must be clean shaven or willing to be clean shaven if selected.IMPORTANT NOTESThis will film on Feb 18th, 25th, 26th, and 27th (all of those dates) -with a few fittings/make-up tests necessary as soon as Jan 11th Pay rates – $100 for 8 hrs with OT after that, with an additional $ bump for make-up applied, etc.PLEASE SUBMIT TO: and put “GQ MEN” in the subject linePLEASE INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: (one of from shoulders up and one from the knees up) Please also include a quality selfie, looking handsome, as well as your professional/current photos. Include at least 3 or 4 photos total, or more! Thank you!Then please List the following: First and Last NAME PHONE NUMBER (s) CITY & STATE where you live (where you will be coming from!) Email address AGE Height Weight Sizes: Men: Jacket, collar, sleeve, waist, inseam, shoe